October 2022¶
October 25 - Genie v22.10¶
Module |
Version |
22.10 |
22.10 |
22.10 |
22.10 |
22.10 |
22.10 |
22.10 |
22.10 |
22.10 |
22.10 |
22.10 |
Upgrade Instructions¶
pip install --upgrade ats[full] # For internal user
pip install --upgrade pyats[full] # For DevNet user
If you have pyATS installed, you can use:
pyats version update
- iosxe
- Added configure_ip_dhcp_snooping_information_option API
Api to configure dhcp snooping information option
- Added unconfigure_ip_dhcp_snooping_information_option API
Api to unconfigure dhcp snooping information option
- Added configure_ip_dhcp_pool API
Api to configure dhcp pool
- Added unconfigure_ip_dhcp_pool API
Api to unconfigure dhcp pool
- Added configure_dhcp_channel_group_mode API
Api to configure Ethernet port to an EtherChannel group
- Added unconfigure_dhcp_channel_group_mode API
Api to unconfigure Ethernet port from an EtherChannel group
- Added configure_cts_manual API
Api to configure cts manual on the interface
- Added verify_number_of_interfaces API
API to check number of interfaces in teh device
- Added configure_interface_network_policy
API for configure interface network policy
- Added unconfigure_interface_network_policy
API for unconfigure interface network policy
- Added configure_nat64_nd_ra_prefix API
API for configure nat64 nd ra prefix
- Added unconfigure_nat64_nd_ra_prefix API
API for unconfigure nat64 nd ra prefix
- Added configure_interface_span_vlan_priority
API for configure interface spanning-tree vlan priority
- Added unconfigure_interface_span_vlan_priority
API for unconfigure interface spanning-tree vlan priority
- Added configure_interface_span_cost
API for configure interface spanning-tree cost
- Added unconfigure_interface_span_cost
API for unconfigure interface spanning-tree cost
- Added configure_monitor_capture and start_monitor_capture API
API for configuring monitor capture and start the monitor capture cli
- Added configure_mac_acl api
API for configuring mac acl
- Added configure_switch_provision api
Api to configure switch provision
- Added unconfigure_switch_provision api
Api to unconfigure switch provision
- Added configure_cdp_timer
API for configure cdp timer
- Added unconfigure_cdp_timer
API for unconfigure cdp timer
- Added configure_cdp_holdtime
API for configure cdp holdtime
- Added unconfigure_cdp_holdtime
API for unconfigure cdp holdtime
- Added configure_lldp_holdtime
API for configure lldp holdtime
- Added unconfigure_lldp_holdtime
API for unconfigure lldp holdtime
- Added configure_lldp_timer
API for configure lldp timer
- Added unconfigure_lldp_timer
API for unconfigure lldp timer
- Added configure_lldp_reinit
API for configure lldp reinit
- Added unconfigure_lldp_reinit
API for unconfigure lldp reinit
- Added clear_lldp_counters
API to clear lldp counters
- Added clear_lldp_table
API to clear lldp table
- Added configure_lldp_tlv_select
API for configure lldp tlv select
- Added unconfigure_lldp_tlv_select
API for unconfigure lldp tlv select
- Added configure_ipv6_mld_snooping
API to configure ipv6 mld snooping
- Added unconfigure_ipv6_mld_snooping
API to unconfigure ipv6 mld snooping
- Added configure_ipv6_mld_vlan_immediate_leave(number)
API to configure ipv6 mld snooping immediate-leave
- Added unconfigure_ipv6_mld_vlan_immediate_leave(number)
API to unconfigure ipv6 mld snooping immediate-leave
- Added unconfigure_ipv6_mld_vlan(number)
API to configure ipv6 mld snooping on a specific vlan
- Added ununconfigure_ipv6_mld_vlan(number)
API to unconfigure ipv6 mld snooping on a specific vlan
- Added unconfigure_ipv6_pim_rp_address(number)
API to configure ipv6 pim rp-address
- Added ununconfigure_ipv6_pim_rp_address(number)
API to unconfigure ipv6 pim rp-address
- Added configure_ipv6_mld_join_group(address, interface_id)
Api to configure ipv6 mld join group
- Added unconfigure_ipv6_mld_join_group(address, interface_id)
Api to unconfigure ipv6 mld join group
- Added configure_ipv6_mld_snooping_vlan_static_interface(device, vlan_id, address, interface_id)
Api to configure ipv6 mld snooping vlan static interface
- Added unconfigure_ipv6_mld_snooping_vlan_static_interface(device, vlan_id, address, interface_id)
Api to unconfigure ipv6 mld snooping vlan static interface
- Added configure_cts_enforcement_logging
API for configure cts enforcement logging
- Added unconfigure_cts_enforcement_logging
API for unconfigure cts enforcement logging
- Added clear_cts_counters_ipv6
API for clearing cts counters ipv6
- Added configure_ip_dhcp_client_vendor_class
API for “Configure IP DHCP Client Vendor-class on interface”
- Added unconfigure_ip_dhcp_client_vendor_class
API for “Unconfigure IP DHCP Client Vendor-class on interface”
- Added configure_ipv6_dhcp_client_vendor_class
API for “Configure IPV6 DHCP Client Vendor-class on interface”
- Added unconfigure_ipv6_dhcp_client_vendor_class
API for “Unconfigure IPV6 DHCP Client Vendor-class on interface”
- Added configure_system_ignore_startupconfig_switch_all API
Api to configure the system ignore startup configuration on the switch
- Added unconfigure_system_ignore_startupconfig_switch_all API
Api to unconfigure the system ignore startup configuration on the switch
- Added configure_system_disable_password_recovery_switch_all API
Api to disable password recovery on the switch
- Added unconfigure_system_disable_password_recovery_switch_all API
Api to enable password recovery on the switch
- Added verify_portfast_state
API to check port fast enabled on the interface or not
- Added get_device_classifier_profile_names
API to get device classifier profile names
- Added configure_snmp_server_contact api
API for configuring snmp-server contact
- Added unconfigure_snmp_server_contact api
API for unconfiguring snmp-server contact
- Added show_switch_redirect api
API for storing output in a file
- Added clear_logging_onboard_switch api
Api to clear logging onboard switch
- Added configure_boot_system_switch_all_flash api
Api to configure boot variable
- Added unconfigure_boot_system api
Api to unconfigure boot variable
- Added configure_ip_access_group_in_out
API to add the ip access-group in an interface using the command
- Added unconfigure_ip_access_group_in_out
API to remove the ip access-group in an interface using the command
- Added configure_icmp_ip_reachables api
Api to configure sending of ICMP unreachable messages
- Added unconfigure_icmp_ip_reachables api
Api to unconfigure sending of ICMP unreachable messages
- Added configure_isis_keychain_key API
API for configuring authentication string for a key
- Added unconfigure_isis_keychain_key API
API for unconfiguring the isis key chain
- Added configure_isis_authentication_mode API
API for configuring the ISIS authentication mode
- Added unconfigure_isis_authentication_mode API
API for unconfiguring the ISIS authentication mode
- Added configure_isis_authentication_key_chain API
API for configuring the ISIS authentication Key-chain
- Added unconfigure_isis_authentication_key_chain API
API for unconfiguring the ISIS authentication Key-chain
- Added configure_isis_circuit_type API
API for configuring the ISIS ciruit type
- Added unconfigure_isis_circuit_type API
API for unconfiguring the ISIS ciruit type
- Added configure_isis_password API
API for configuring the ISIS password
- Added unconfigure_isis_password API
API for unconfiguring the ISIS password
- Added configure_enable_http_server API
Added new API for enabling http server
- Added configure_set_clock_calendar API
Added new API for setting clock calender
- Added configure_clock_timezone API
Added new API for configuring clock timezone
- Added configure_router_bgp_maximum_paths api
Api to configure the maximum paths on router bgp
- Added unconfigure_router_bgp_maximum_paths api
Api to unconfigure the maximum paths on router bgp
- Added configure_router_bgp_synchronization api
Api to configure the synchronization on router bgp
- Added unconfigure_router_bgp_synchronization api
Api to unconfigure the synchronization on router bgp
- Added unconfigure_bgp_log_neighbor_changes api
Api to unconfigure the log neighbor changes on router bgp
- Added configure_bgp_auto_summary api
Api to configure the auto-summary on router bgp
- Added unconfigure_bgp_auto_summary api
Api to unconfigure the auto-summary on router bgp
- Added unconfigure_interface_switchport_mode_access
API for unconfigure switchport mode access
- Added configure_interface_macro_auto_port_sticky
API for configure interface macro auto port sticky
- Added unconfigure_interface_macro_auto_port_sticky
API for unconfigure interface macro auto port sticky
- Added configure_interface_template_sticky
API for configure interface template sticky
- Added unconfigure_interface_template_sticky
API for unconfigure interface template sticky
- Added configure_interface_inherit_disable
API for configure interface inherit disable
- Added unconfigure_interface_inherit_disable
API for unconfigure interface inherit disable
- Added unconfigure_control_policies
API for unconfigure control policies
- Added configure_macro_auto_sticky
API for configure macro auto sticky
- Added unconfigure_macro_auto_sticky
API for unconfigure macro auto sticky
- Added configure_device_classifier
API for configure device classifier
- Added unconfigure_device_classifier
API for unconfigure device classifier
- Added configure_snmp_server_location api
Api to configure snmp-server location
- Added unconfigure_snmp_server_location api
Api to unconfigure snmp-server location
- Added configure_hw_switch_logging_onboard api
Api to configure OBFL on a switch
- Added unconfigure_hw_switch_logging_onboard api
Api to unconfigure OBFL on a switch
- Added configure_network_policy_profile_voice_vlan
API for configure network policy profile voice vlan
- Added unconfigure_network_policy_profile_voice_vlan
API for unconfigure network policy profile voice vlan
- sdk/powercycler
Added SNMPv3 support for Raritan PDU
- added configure_ip_tftp_blocksize api
Api to specify tftp blocksize
- added unconfigure_ip_tftp_blocksize api
Api to reset tftp blocksize
- iosxe
- Modified config_ip_on_interface
When there are warnings in the output, it returns a
of them line by line instead ofNone
- Modified configure_hsrp_interface API
Modified API for configure hsrp interface to support priority and preempt configuration in HSRP
- Modified configure_mdns_sd_service_peer, unconfigure_controller_service_policy_service_export and unconfigure_controller_policy_service_export API
Modified configure_mdns_sd_service_peer API to change the cli from active-response-timer to active-response timer, the cli is hardcoded incorrectly so it is not backwards compatible.
Modified unconfigure_controller_service_policy_service_export and unconfigure_controller_policy_service_export api by removing policy_name from the cli which was there incorrectly.
- Modified verify_platform_details API
API to check platform details in the device
- blitz
Fix timeout when yang subscribe action type is on_change
Fix for format of rpc building for leaf level nodes(Single/Multiple leaf nodes) as per gnmi specification section 2.3.1
Unit tests were not following the gnmi_specification format. Fixed unit_tests for gnmi rpc build.
Modify gnmi operations to pass credentials for clear-channel mode.
Stream Subscribe for Invalid Path infinitely logs “Waiting for notification…”
Prune list nodes if already in other nodes xpath logic breaks for leafs with common names.
Current logic of this function breaks for the testcase where multiple leafs are having common name.
Eg 1. Sys/Cont/vni, 2. Sys/Cont/vni-state
Since Leaf 1 is a substring of Leaf 2, _trim_nodes function removes the Leaf_1 node.
Netconf Sequence Validation Fix for Multiple Lists
Added GNMI Sequence Validation
- yangexec.py
Fix to handle GNMI AUTO VALIDATION of edit-config operation.
Response will show GNMI get operation of edit-config values if AUTO VALIDATE is set to True.
- sdk
Modified genie.libs.sdk.genie_yamls datafile function to support
- hvrp
- Added DisplayBgpPeer
display bgp {address_family} vpn-instance {vrf} peer
display bgp {address_family} all peer
display bgp {address_family} peer
display bgp peer
- Added DisplayBgpPeerSummary
display bgp all summary
- Added DisplayBgpPeerVerbose
display bgp {address_family} peer {peer_address} verbose
display bgp {address_family} peer verbose
display bgp {address_family} all peer {peer_address} verbose
display bgp {address_family} all peer verbose
display bgp {address_family} vpn-instance {vrf} peer {peer_address} verbose
display bgp {address_family} vpn-instance {vrf} peer verbose
display bgp peer {peer_address} verbose
display bgp peer verbose
- iosxe
- Added ShowTelemetryIETFSubscriptionAllReceivers
show telemetry ietf subscription all receivers
- Added ShowCallHomeVersion
show call-home version
- Added ShowCallHomeSmartLicensing
show call-home smart-licensing
- Added ShowCallHomeMailServerStatus
show call-home mail-server status
- Added ShowCallHomeProfileAll
show call-home profile all
- Added ShowPlatformHardwareRegisterReadAsic
show platform hardware fed active fwd-asic register read register-name xyz asic n core m
show platform hardware fed switch x fwd-asic register read register-name xyz asic n core m
- Added ShowInterfaces
Added is_deleted key to schema to identify deleted interfaces.
- Added ShowPlatformSoftwareMemorySwitchAllocCallsite
‘show platform software memory fed switch {switch_num} alloc callsite brief’
‘show platform software memory fed {switch_type} alloc callsite brief’
- Added ShowPlatformSoftwareMemorySwitchAllocBacktrace
‘show platform software memory fed switch {switch_num} alloc backtrace’
‘show platform software memory fed {switch_type} alloc backtrace’
- Added ShowPlatformHardwareFedSwitchQosDscpcosCounters
‘show platform hardware fed switch {switch_num} qos dscp-cos counters interface {interface}’
‘show platform hardware fed switch {switch_type} qos dscp-cos counters interface {interface}’
- Added ShowPlatformSoftwareFedSwitchActivEAclUsage
added new parser for cli “show paltform software fed switch active acl usage”
- Added ShowPlatformSwitchActiveTcamUtilization
added new parser for cli “show platform hardware fed switch active fwd-asic resource tcam utilization”
- Added ShowPlatformHardwareIomdQosPortIngressQueueStats
- added new parser for clis
‘show platform hardware iomd <slot> qos port <no> ingress queue stats’
‘show platform hardware iomd switch <switch_no> <slot> qos port <no> ingress queue stats’
- Added ShowPlatformHardwareIomdPortgroups
- added new parser for clis
‘show platform hardware iomd <slot> portgroups’
‘show platform hardware iomd switch <switch_no> <slot> portgroups’
- Added ShowPlatformHardwareFedActiveQosQueueConfigInterface
- added new parser for clis
‘show platform hardware fed active qos queue config interface’
‘show platform hardware fed switch <no> qos queue config interface’
- Added ShowPlatformHardwareQfpActiveInfrastructureExmemStatistics
show platform hardware qfp active infrastructure exmem statistics
Added ShowCryptoKeyMypubkeyMasterSchema
- Added ShowCryptoKeyMypubkeyAll
show crypto key mypubkey all
- Added ShowCryptoKeyMypubkeyRsa
show crypto key mypubkey rsa
- Added ShowCryptoKeyMypubkeyEc
show crypto key mypubkey ec
- Added ShowCryptoKeyMypubkeyRsaKeyName
show crypto key mypubkey rsa {key_name}
- Added ShowCryptoKeyMypubkeyEcKeyName
show crypto key mypubkey ec {key_name}
- Modified ShowLicenseTechSupport
Updated to parse new keys added in show license tech support. i.e. telemetry_report_summary
- Added ShowCryptoIkev2Performance
show crypto ikev2 performance
- Added ShowIpOspfDatabaseSummaryDetail
show ip ospf database database-summary detail
show ip ospf {process_id} database database-summary detail
- Added ShowMonitorCaptureBuffer
show monitor capture {capture_name} buffer
- Added ShowFQDNDatabase
added new parser for cli “show fqdn database”
- Added ShowIpv6NdRaPrefix
added new parser for cli “show ipv6 nd ra nat64-prefix”
- iosxe
- Modified ShowCtsInterface
Updated regex pattern <p2> to support Tunnel and Ethernet subinterfaces
- Modified ShowIpInterface
Fixed bug where first line of the command is the output and the hostname contains an IP.
Improved Multicast reserved groups parsing when the IPs span multiple lines
- Modified ShowModule
Added regex to match switches to support svl devices”
- Modified ShowIsisNode
Changed the schema to match the 9500-X output”
- Modified ShowL2vpnEvpnEthernetSegmentDetail
Fix bug in parser where CLI was being invoked twice
Change type of the ‘interface’ key in schema to ‘list’ (NOT BACKWARDS COMPATIBLE)
Change type of the ‘ordinal’ key to also allow ‘str’
Fix bug when RD takes multiple lines in raw output
- Modified ShowArp
Allow ‘type’ key to include ‘.’ in regex pattern. E.g. ‘802.1Q’
- Modified ShowPlatformFedActiveIfmMapping
Modified “group[‘ifgId’] is not None,
Created cat9k test symbolic link
- Modified ShowPlatformSoftwareFedActiveAclSgacl
Fixed format for missing variable”
- c9400
- Modified ShowModule
Updated regex pattern <p2> to accommodate various outputs
- Modified MonitorCaptureStopSchema
changed the parameter bytes_dropped_in_asic in MonitorCaptureStopSchema as optional, since it is not collected in silicon devices
- nxos
- Modified ShowBgpL2vpnEvpnRouteType
Modified ShowBgpL2vpnEvpnRouteType to include VRF option in cli command.
Added Optional keys “pathtype”, “as_path”, “imported_from”, and “gateway_ip” to schema.
Added path_type, which was matched in <p8> but unused previously, to dictionary output.
Added as_path, which was matched in <p9> but unused previously, to dictionary output.
Updated <p9> to accommodate AS-Paths that are not ‘NONE’.
Added <p20> to parse the optional line with the format “Imported from[5][0][0][32][]/224”.
Added <p21> to parse the optional line with the format “Gateway IP”.
- iosxr
- Modified ShowMplsLdpBindings
Modified Local bindings options to schema as Optional.