May 2023¶
May 30 - Genie v23.5¶
Module |
Version |
23.5 |
23.5 |
23.5 |
23.5 |
23.5 |
23.5 |
23.5 |
23.5 |
23.5 |
23.5 |
23.5 |
Upgrade Instructions¶
pip install --upgrade ats[full] # For internal user
pip install --upgrade pyats[full] # For DevNet user
If you have pyATS installed, you can use:
pyats version update
- generic
Added configure_management clean stage
- clean
Updated VerifyRunningImage clean stage to allow user to ignore flash directories
Added clean stage for cat9k to ignore flash directories by default
- iosxe
Modified the logic to pick the golden_image if the clean fails with a crash image.
- filetransferutils.server
Modified fileserver to log IP, port and path
- filetransferutils.fileserver.http
Modified HTTP fileserver to log sending/receiving files at debug level¶
- iosxe
Modified Interface class, using CLI commands for parsers instead of hardcoded classes
- iosxe
- Added configure_monitor_erspan_source_interface
API to configure monitor erspan source on interface
- Added unconfigure_monitor_erspan_source_interface
API to unconfigure monitor erspan source on interface
- Added execute_install_application_bootflash
added api to install application from bootflash
- Added
- Added clear_ipv6_rip
API for to clear ipv6 rip process on device
- Added configure_sdm_prefer
added api to configure sdm prefer
- Added configure_default_spanning_tree_mode
added api to configure default spanning-tree mode
- Added unconfigure_logging_monitor_debugging
added api to unconfigure logging monitor debugging
- Added unconfigure_ip_on_interface
New API to unconfigure IP on an interface
- Added configure_extended_acl
API to configure extended acl on device
- Added configure_eigrp_redistribute_bgp
API to configure redistribute bgp routes into eigrp
- Added configure_router_isis
API to configure router isis with parameters on device
- modified configure_sks_client API
Modification for sks-client as skip-client as per IOS behavior change.
- modified unconfigure_sks_client API
Modification for sks-client as skip-client as per IOS behavior change.
- Added unconfigure_interface_switchport_port_security
added api to unconfigure interface switchport port-security
- Added configure_switchport_protected
added api to configure interface switchport protected
- Added unconfigure_switchport_protected
added api to unconfigure interface switchport protected
- Added configure_interface_keepalive
added api to configure interface keepalive
- Added configure_interface_l2protocol_tunnel
added api to configure interface l2protocol tunnel
- Added unconfigure_interface_l2protocol_tunnel
added api to unconfigure interface l2protocol tunnel
- Added configure_app_hosting_appid_trunk_port
API to configure app-hosting appid
- Added configure_app_hosting_appid_docker
API to configure app-hosting appid resource docker
- Added configure_app_hosting_resource_profile
API to configure app-hosting appid resource custom profile
- Added execute_guestshell_enable
API to enable guestshell
Added execute_test_platform_hardware_fantray
- Added execute_app_hosting_appid
API to configure app-hosting appid
- Added unconfigure_app_hosting_appid
API to unconfigure app-hosting appid
- Added configure_interface_ip_wccp
API to configure interface ip wccp
- Added configure_static_nat_route_map_no_alias_rule and unconfigure_static_nat_route_map_no_alias_rule
API to configure and unconfigure static NAT route-map rule
- Added configure_access_session_macmove_deny
New API to configure access-session mac-move deny
- Added unconfigure_access_session_macmove_deny
New API to unconfigure access-session mac-move deny
- Added configure_access_session_macmove_deny_uncontrolled
New API to configure access-session mac-move deny uncontrolled
- Added unconfigure_access_session_macmove_deny_uncontrolled
New API to unconfigure access-session mac-move deny uncontolled
- Added configure_mac_address_table_aging
API to configure mac address table aging
- Added unconfigure_mac_address_table_aging
API to unconfigure mac address table aging
- Added unconfigure_interface_duplex_mode
API to unconfigure interface duplex mode
- Added configure_boot_system_image_file
API to configure boot system image file
- Added unconfig_cns_agent_password
New un configure cns agent password
- Added config_ip_domain_lookup
New API to configure ip domain lookup
- Added unconfig_ip_domain_lookup
New API to configure ip domain lookup
- Added configure_default_vtp_version
API to configure default vtp version
- Added def configure_vlan_name
API to configure vlan name
- Added configure_flow_monitor_sampler_fnf_sampler
API to configure {protocol_type} flow monitor {name} sampler fnf_sampler {flow}
- Added unconfigure_mac_access_group_mac_acl_in_out
API for unconfigure the mac access group acl name on interface
- Added configure_ip_acl
API for configre the ip acl details
- Added delete_configure_ip_acl
API for delete the ip acl details
- Added delete_configure_ipv6_acl
API for delete the ipv6 acl details
- Added configure_spanning_tree_portfast_on_interface
API for configure spanning tree portfast on interface
- Added unconfigure_access_map_match_ip_address_action_forward
API for unconfigure access map for vacl
- Added unconfigure_filter_vlan_list
API for delete the filter vlan list
- Added unconfigure_interface_switchport_trunk_allowed_vlan API
API to unconfigure switchport mode trunk allowed vlan to the interface
- Added configure_access_session_acl_default_passthrough api
Api to configure access-session acl default passthrough
- Added unconfigure_access_session_acl_default_passthrough api
Api to unconfigure access-session acl default passthrough
- Added configure_ipv6_flow_monitor
New API to configure ipv6 flow monitor
- Added unconfigure_ipv6_flow_monitor
New API to unconfigure ipv6 flow monitor
- Added configure_bgp_vpn_import
API to configure vpn import under router bgp
- Added configure_isis_metric_style
API to configure IS-IS metric-style and passive-interface
- Added configure_mdt_auto_discovery_inter_as
API to configure mdt auto-discovery inter-as
- Added clear_lne_ftpse_all
API to clear lne ftpse all
- Added configure_route_map_match_length
API to configure route-map match length on device
- Added unconfigure_snmp_server_engineid
API to unconfigure the snmp server engineID
- Added unconfigure_license_smart_usage_interval
API to unconfigure license smart usage interval
- Added unconfigure_smart_transport_url
API to unconfigure smart transport url
- Added config_smart_transport_url
API to configure smart transport url
- Added configure_snmp_if_index_on_ospfv3_process_id
API to configure snmp if index on ospf process
- Added configure_interface_ospfv3_ipsec_ah API
API to configure ospfv3 ipsec authentication on interface
- Added configure_interface_ospfv3_ipsec_esp API
API to configure ospfv3 ipsec encryption on interface
- Added configure_ospfv3_ipsec_esp API
API to configure ospfv3 ipsec authentencryption
- Added configure_ospfv3_ipsec_ah
API to configure ospfv3 ipsec authentication
- Added configure_arp_access_list_permit_ip_host
API to configure arp access-list with ip host
- Delete API configure_ip_igmp_static_group
Deleted API configure_ip_igmp_static_group from /iosxe/multicast/ file
The same API is present under /iosxe/interface/ file
- Added shutdown_ipv6_eigrp_instance
API to shutdown EIGRP IPv6 router
- Added unshutdown_ipv6_eigrp_instance
API to unshutdown EIGRP IPv6 router
- Added configure_ip_multicast_routing_distributed
API to configure distributed multicast routing
- Added unconfigure_ip_multicast_routing_distributed
API to unconfigure distributed multicast routing
- Added configure_ospfv3_address_family
API to configure address-framily on OSPFv3 router
- Added clear_policy_map_counters
API to clear counters of policy-map
- Added configure_ip_forward_protocol_nd
API for configure_ip_forward_protocol_nd
- Added unconfigure_ip_forward_protocol_nd
API for unconfigure_ip_forward_protocol_nd
- Added clear_ipv6_traffic
API to clear ipv6 traffic
- modified configure_isis_network_type API
Added nsf and metric-style for isis router.
- modified configure_isis_with_router_name_network_entity API
Added bfd,adjacency,nsf and metric-style for isis router name.
- Added execute_set_platform_hardware_fed_qos
API to set platform hardware feq qos
- Added configure_flow_exporter
API to configure flow exporter parameters
- Added unconfigure_outside_static_nat_rule
API to unconfigure static NAT rule
- Added unconfigure_nat_pool_address
API to unconfigure NAT pool address
- Added configure_mac_address_change_interval
API to configure_mac_address_change_interval
- Added unconfigure_mac_address_change_interval
API to unconfigure_mac_address_change_interval
- Added unconfigure_mac_address_table_aging_time_vlan
API to unconfigure_mac_address_table_aging_time_vlan
- Added configure_interface_default_snmp
API to configure_interface_default_snmp
- Added configure_license_smart_transport_callhome
added API for configure smart transport callhome
- Added configure_netconf_yang
added API for configure_netconf_yang
- Added unconfigure_netconf_yang
added API for unconfigure_netconf_yang
- Added configure_telemetry_ietf_subscription
added API for configure_telemetry_ietf_subscription
- Added unconfigure_telemetry_ietf_subscription
added API for unconfigure_telemetry_ietf_subscription
- Added verify_flood_suppress
API to verify the flood suppress for the given evi
- Added clear_controllers_ethernet_controller
API to clear controllers ethernet-controller
- Added configure_logging
added api to configures logging {mode}
- Added unconfigure_logging
added api to unconfigures logging {mode}
- Added configure_interface_authentication_violation
added api to configures authentication violation
- Added unconfigure_interface_authentication_violation
added api to unconfigures authentication violation
- Added configure_thousandEyes_application
API to configure thousandEyes application on device
api to execute test platform hardware chassis fantray
- added unconfigure_interface_ospfv3_ipsec_ah api
API to unconfigure ospfv3 ipsec authentication on interface
- added unconfigure_interface_ospfv3_ipsec_esp api
API to unconfigure ospfv3 ipsec encryption on interface
- added unconfigure_ospfv3_ipsec_esp api
API to unconfigure ospfv3 ipsec authentencryption
- added unconfigure_ospfv3_ipsec_ah
API to unconfigure ospfv3 ipsec authentication
- added clear_ospfv3_process_all api
API to clear ospv3 process for all process
- added unconfigure_ospfv3_authentication_null
API to unconfigure ospfv3 authentication null command from interface
- nxos
- Updated _prepare_issu
Added use_kstack option to filetransfer for ISSU image copy
- Updated _perform_issu
- Updated ISSU impact only check to prevent disruptive ISSU when non-disruptive is set
Improved upgrade_will_be_disruptive regex
- Updated TriggerIssu
Added step validation to testcases in TriggerIssu
- blitz
Fix rpcverify to handle key values with forward slash.
Set GNMI autovalidate to False by default.
Fixed ntp_server verification for GNMI STREAM
- iosxe
- Modified unconfigure_crypto_key
Fixed the pattern in Dialog section of the API
- Modify unconfigure_logging_buffered
added log_type optional variable
- Modify configure_datalink_flow_monitor
added flow_name, direction variables
- Modified configure_nat_pool and unconfigure_nat_pool
API to configure extended acl on device
- Added configure_ptp_priority
made ‘priority1’ and ‘priority2’ as optional variables
- Modified get_neighbor_count
API for get the neighbor count value
- Fixed get_firmware_version API
Replaced ‘fw’ with ‘fw_version’ for key in output from ‘show firmware version all’
- Modify configure_policy_map_on_device
Add if condition for set {match_mode} {match_packets_precedence}
- Modify clear_flow_monitor_statistics API
Modified the API by adding monitor_name as argument and switch as optional
- Modified execute_clear_ip_nat_translation
Added conditional statements to cover more commands
- Modified configure_dhcpv6_guard_policy
Added device_role more options to condition statement
- Fix configure_hqos_policer_map
Add if condition for police cir percent {policer_percent_val} conform-action transmit
- Modified configure_control_policies
Fixed the API configure_control_policies to configure only event and match options and only action and action number
APIsAdded option to configure hostname for
API- Modify configure_system_disable_password_recovery_switch_all API
Modified the API by adding switch and switch_number as an optional argument
- Modify unconfigure_system_disable_password_recovery_switch_all API
Modified the API by adding switch and switch_number as an optional argument
- Modify configure_system_ignore_startupconfig_switch_all API
Modified the API by adding switch and switch_number as an optional argument
- Modify uconfigure_system_ignore_startupconfig_switch_all API
Modified the API by adding switch and switch_number as an optional argument
- Modified configure_eigrp_networks
Added option to configure passive interfaces
- Modified enable_ipv6_eigrp_router
Added option to configure router ID
- Modified configure_ip_unnumbered_on_interface
Added support for IPv6
- Modified configure_bandwidth_remaining_policy_map
Added option to configure percentage of bandwidth
- Modified config_interface_ospfv3_network_type
Added support for ip_version ‘both’
- Modified unconfig_interface_ospfv3_network_type
Added support for ip_version ‘both’
- Modified configure_physical_interface_vmi
Made ‘mode_op’ argument optional
- Fix restore_running_config
Add handling for delete_after parameter and fix behavior change
- Modify configure_nat_overload_rule
added overload optional variable
- Modify configure_static_nat_outside_rule
added more optional variables to support l4 configuration
- configure_nat_pool
added more optional variables to support netmask, prefix-length
- Modified unconfigure_mac_global_address_table_notification_change
API modified to execute command based on size and interval input
- Modified configure_default_mac_global_address_table_notification_change
API modified to execute command based on size and interval input
- Updated configure_license_smart_transport_smart
updated API for configure smart transport smart
- Modified configure_shape_map
Fixed the API by making “queue_name” argument optional and add new optional argument as “policy_name”
- Modified configure_interface_interfaces_on_port_channel
Fixed the API configure_interface_interfaces_on_port_channel for if condition where list lenght was against 2 for index 3
- modify unconfigure_datalink_flow_monitor
added flow_name, direction variables
- genric
Updated verify_current_image with new argument to ignore flash directories
- iosxe/cat9k
Added verify_current_image API, ignoring flash directories by default
- nxos
- Modified ShowIpIgmpSnooping
Added ‘ip_address’ and ‘state’ as Optional parameter to schema
Modified pattern <p10> to match ‘Switch-querier enabled, address XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX, currently running’
- Modified ShowEnvironment
Updated regex pattern <p6> to accommodate various outputs.
- Modified ShowModule
Updated p4 regex pattern to handle slot in case the serial number doesnt start with letters.
- iosxe
- Modified ShowAAACacheGroup
fixed username regex pattern to handle special characters
- Modified ShowCispInterface
Added support for parsing Auth State
- Modified ShowFipsStatus
made sesa_ready as optional and added reg ex pattern to match switch and stack fips status
- Modified ShowRunInterface
added switchport_trunk_native_vlan optional key
- Modified ShowVersion
- Update schema for show version to support older IOS devices
‘gigabit_ethernet’ interfaces is now an optional key
- Modified ShowCtsRoleBasedSgtMapAll
Added optional parameters ‘total_l3if’ and ‘total_vlan’.
- Enhanced ShowDeviceTrackingDatabaseDetails
Updated optional keys ‘creating’ and ‘tentative’ in schema
- Added ShowLispServiceDatabase
Fix for “UnboundLocalError local variable ‘lisp_id_dict’ referenced before assignment”
- Added ShowClnsTraffic
Fix for “UnboundLocalError local variable ‘isis_dict’ referenced before assignment”
- Modified ShowPlatformSoftwareFedSwitchActivePtpDomain
Added few schema kesy to grep optional information.
- Modified ShowPlatformSoftwareAuditSummary
Modified schema to support standalone output
- Modified ShowStandbyBrief
Modified this PARSER to capture all the ipv6 entry from the output of command “show standby brief”
Saparate the ipv4 and ipv6 dictionary by “interface” and “ipv6_interface” name
change the schema for interface as “Any()”
- Modified ShowOspfv3vrfNeighbor
changed vrf ID to be string instead of integer
change regexp pattern
vrf_id was not sent as argument
- Modified ShowBgpDetailSuperParser
Fix regex pattern for Extended Community to match dot
- Modified ShowCdpInterface
Fix p0 regex pattern
- Modified ShowInventoryRaw
Updated regex pattern <p1> to accommodate plus sign
- Modified ShowOspfv3Neighbor
Updated regex pattern p2 to accommodate various outputs
- Modified ShowOspfv3InterfaceSchema
Changed state, transmit_delay, retransmit, state, dead, hello, priority to optional
Added optional keys cost_hysteresis and neighbor_cost
- Modified ShowOspfv3Interface
Modified regex patterns p1_1, p1_3, p1_4 and p1_15 to accommodate various outputs
Added parsing for cost_hysteresis and neighbor_cost
- Modified ShowDlepNeighborsSchema
Made dlep_server, sid optional
Added dlep_local optional key
- Modified ShowDlepNeighbors
Modified regex patterns to accommodate various inputs
- Modified ShowDlepClientsSchema
Made dlep_server key optional
Modified dlep_client key
- Modified ShowDlepClients
Updated regex patterns to accommodate various inputs
- Modified ShowCispSummary
modified parser to handle cisp enabled, running state
- Modified ShowL2vpnEvpnDefaultGatewayDetailSchema
Made eth_tag as optional parameter to support ShowL2vpnEvpnDefaultGateway
- Modified ShowPlatformSoftwareFedQosInterfaceSuperParser
Modified parser to match sub interfaces and unit test added
- Modified ShowL2vpnEvpnEviDetail
Made ‘mac_routes’ and ‘mac_ip_routes’ as optional. Added unit test.
- Modified ShowTemplateBindingTarget
Fixed regular expression and unit test added
- Modified ShowIdpromInterface
parsing more information from the output
- Modified ShowL2fibBridgeDomainDetail Parser
Fixed p10 regex pattern
- Modified ShowDerivedConfigInterface
Added some more parsing capabilities
- Modified ShowIpNatTranslations
Fixed parser to hadle sigle table entry for show ip nat translations
- Modified ShowIpHttpServerAll
Fix p21_3, p21_5, p21_9 regex
- Modified ShowPlatformSudiCertificateNonce
Updated pattren <p5> to accommodate other outputs
- Modified ShowPolicyMap
Added rate key under policy and added unit test.
- Modified ShowPlatformSoftwareFedQosInterfaceSuperParser
Fix regex pattern to match sub interface
- Modified ShowPlatformHardwareFedSwitchQosQueueStatsInterface
Fix regex pattern to match sub interface
- Modified ShowBgp
Added support for parser show bgp {address_family} evi {evi}
- Modified ShowDeviceSensor
Fixed Regex patterns p1 and p2
- Modified ShowDeviceTrackingCountersInterface
Added optional key “reason”
- Modified ShowDeviceTrackingCountersVlan
Added optional key “reason”
- Modified ShowPlatformSoftwareFedActiveAclInfoSummary
added ‘feature’ key as Optional and added unit test. New change in 17.12
- Modified ShowControllerEthernetController
Modified cli as show controllers ethernet-controller {interface} previously it is like show controller ethernet-controller {interface}. Due to controller getting error as ambiguous command.
- Modified ShowIpDhcpSnoopingBinding
added ‘show ip dhcp snooping binding interface {interface}’
added ‘show ip dhcp snooping binding {mac}’
added ‘total_bindings’ key to parser total number of bindings
Modified ShowPlatformSoftwareWiredClientSwitchR0.
modified the parser file
Modified ShowAccessSession.
modified the parser file
- Modified ShowPlatformSoftwareFedSwitchActiveMatmAdjacenciesAdjkey
Added “show platform software fed active matm adjacencies adjkey {adj_key}”
- Modified ShowPlatformSoftwareFedSwitchActiveMatmAdjacenciesVlan
Added “show platform software fed active matm adjacencies vlan {vlan_id}”
- Modified ShowIdpromTanSchema and ShowIdpromTanParser
Modified schema class to change revision_num type from int to str
Modified parser class to store revision_num as str
Modified parser class p3 regex pattern for revision_num to accept hex values with ‘w+’.
- common
- Modified interface conversion method
option to match interface name case insensitive
- iosxr
- Modified ShowIsisInterface
Added <r63> pattern to match ‘Measured Delay Min- Avg- Max- usec’
Added <r63> pattern to match ‘Normalized Delay Min- Avg- Max- usec’
Added ‘measured_delay’ parameter as optional parameter to schema
Added ‘normalized_delay’ parameter as optional parameter to schema
- Modified ShowIsisDatabaseDetail
Added ‘mt_srv6_locator’ as Optional parameter to schema
Added ‘locator_prefix’, ‘locator_prefix_length’, ‘d_flag’, ‘metric’, and ‘algorithm’ parameters inside ‘mt_srv6_locator’ in schema
Added <r25> pattern to match ‘SRv6 Locator MT (IPv6 Unicast) fc00c0001001/48 D0 Metric 0 Algorithm 0’
- Added ShowMkaPolicy
Added parser for show mka policy
- Modified ShowRouteIpv6
Added behaviour as Optional parameter to schema.
Modified pattern <p2> to match ‘L fc00c0001001/64, SRv6 Endpoint uN (PSP/USD)’
Modified pattern <p3> to match ‘[0/0] via ffff0.0.0.0 (nexthop in vrf SRV6_L3VPN_BE), 230919’
modified the showplatformsoftwarewiredclientswitchr0 regex pattern to proper output.
modified the showaccesssession to match when there is no session exist.
- iosxe
- Added ShowPerformanceMeasurementResponderCounters
show performance-measurement responder counters interface
show performance-measurement responder counters interfaces name {name}
- Added ShowPerformanceMeasurementResponderInterfaces
show performance-measurement responder interfaces
show performance-measurement responder interfaces name {name}
- Added ShowPerformanceMeasurementResponderSummary
show performance-measurement responder summary
- Added ShowInterfacesCapabilities
parser for show interfaces {interface} capabilities
- Added ShowPlatformSoftwareIgmpSnoopingGroupsCount
parser for ShowPlatformSoftwareIgmpSnoopingGroupsCount
- Added ShowPlatformSoftwareMldSnoopingGroupsCount
parser for ShowPlatformSoftwareMldSnoopingGroupsCount
- Added ShowVlanBrief
show vlan brief
- Added ShowCryptoMap
parser for show crypto map
- Added ShowAccessSessionMacDetails
parser for show access-session mac {mac} details
show access-session mac {mac} details switch {mode} {rp_slot}
show access-session interface {interface} details switch {mode} {rp_slot}
- Added ShowIpHttpServerAll
parser for show ip http server all
- Added ShowIpHttpServerSecureStatus
parser for show ip http server secure status
- Modified ShPlatformSoftwareFedActiveVpSummaryInterfaceIf_id
Added ‘switch’ and ‘mode’ input variables to support switch command
- Modified ShowFlowMonitorCache
Added ‘ip_tos’ optional key to grep ip tos
- Added ShowPlatformSoftwareBpCrimsonStatistics Parser
Parser for “show platform software bp crimson statistics”
- Added ShowPlatformSoftwareNodeClusterManagerSwitchB0Local Parser
Parser for “show platform software node cluster-manager switch {mode} B0 local”
- Added ShowSdwanServiceChainDatabase parser
Parser for “show platform software sdwan service-chain database”
Added ShowIdpromTan for 9500X
- Added ShowIpv6NdRoutingProxy parser
Parser for “show ipv6 nd routing-proxy”
- Added ShowBgpL2vpnEvpnSummary
parser for show bgp l2vpn evpn summary
- Added ShowIpVerifySource for c9300
parser for show ip verify source
- Added ShowVersionMode
parser for show version {mode}
parser for show version {switch} {sw_number} {route_processor} {mode}
- Added ShowPlatformSoftwareFedQosInterfaceIngressNpiDetailed Parser
Parser for show platform software fed {switch} {mode} qos interface {interface} ingress npi detailed
- Added ShowPlatformSoftwareFedSecurityFedIpsgIfId
show platform software fed {switch} {mode} security-fed ipsg if-id {if_id}
show platform software fed {mode} security-fed ipsg if-id {if_id}
- Added ShowIpv6EigrpTopologyEntrySchema
show ipv6 eigrp topology {ipv6_subnet}
- Added ShowPlatformHardwareQfpStatisticsDropClear
show platform hardware qfp {status} statistics drop clear
- Added ShowPlatformSoftwareAuditSummary
added parser for show platform software audit summary
- Added ShowL2vpnEvpnDefaultGateway
parser for show l2vpn evpn default-gateway
- Added ShowHardwareLedPortMode Parser
Parser for show hardware led port {port} {mode}
- Added ShowCispRegistrations Parser
Parser for “show cisp registrations”
- Added ShowLldpNeighborsInterfaceDetail
show lldp neighbors {interface} detail
- Added ShowAdjacencyInterfaceDetail
show adjacency interface detail
show adjacency interface <interface> id <id> detail
show adjacency interface <interface> id <id> prefix <prefix> detail
- Added ShowAdjacencyVlanLinkDetail
show adjacency vlan <id> detail
show adjacency vlan <id> prefix <prefix> detail’
show adjacency vlan <id> prefix <prefix> link protocol <protocol> detail
- Added ShowAppHostingDetailAppid
parser for show app-hosting detail appid {appid}
- Added ShowMplsTrafficEngTopology
parser for show mpls traffic-eng topology
- Added ShowIpIgmpSnoopingVlan Parser
Parser for “show ip igmp snooping vlan {vlan}”
- Added ShowPlatHardFedActiveQosQueueStatsOqMulticastAttach
show platform hardware fed active qos queue stats oq multicast attach
- Modified ShowCryptoIkev2SaDetail parser
IOS Change in output syntax “Quantum-Safe Encryption using PPK is enabled” insted “Quantum Resistance Enabled”
- Added ShowPost
9300 parser for ‘show post’
- Added ShowXfsuStatus
parser for show xfsu status
- Added ShowGracefulReload
parser for show graceful-reload
- Added ShowFlowMonitorCheck
show flow monitor
- Added ShowCryptoIpsecSaInterface Parser
Parser for show crypto ipsec sa interface {interface}
Added new parser ‘show device-sensor details’
- Added ShowBeaconAll
Parser for show beacon all to check the beacon status.
- Added ShowAppHostingResource
parser for show app-hosting resource
- Added ShowSpanningTreeSummaryTotals
parser for show spanning-tree summary totals
- iosxr
- Added ShowFrequencySynchronizationInterfaces
Added new parser for cli show frequency synchronization interfaces
Added new parser for cli show frequency synchronization interfaces {interface}
- Added ShowRunSectionMacAddress
Parser for cli ‘show running-config | section mac address’
- Added ShowBgpVrfAfPrefix Parser
Parser for “show bgp vrf {vrf_name} {address_family} {prefix}”
Parser for “show bgp {address_family} vrf {vrf_name} {prefix}”
- Added ShowBgpVrfAfPrefixDetail Parser
Parser for “show bgp vrf {vrf_name} {address_family} {prefix} detail”
- iosxe
- Modified ShowIpMfib
- show ip mfib vrf {vrf}
Add if condition to handle the ‘NA’ as output
- Modified ShowPlatformSoftwareFedSwitchMatmStats
added support for ‘show platform software fed active matm stats’
- iosxe
- Added ShowDiagnosticPost parser
added parser for show diagnostic post