May 2022¶
May 30 - Genie v22.5¶
Module |
Version |
22.5 |
22.5 |
22.5 |
22.5 |
22.5 |
22.5 |
22.5 |
22.5 |
22.5 |
22.5 |
22.5 |
Upgrade Instructions¶
pip install --upgrade ats[full] # For internal user
pip install --upgrade pyats[full] # For DevNet user
If you have pyATS installed, you can use:
pyats version update
- metaparser
- Modified parse
Added logic to collect the raw output of a device.execute call
- device object
- Modified device.parse()
Added logic to store the raw output of show commands by calling device.parse(command, raw_data=True)
- ops
- Modified base
Added argument to allow ops models to access the raw output of a parser call
- Modified maker
Added argument to allow ops models to access the raw output of a parser call
- harness
- Modified GenieScriptDiscover
Enabled Triggers to be extended via local packages and
Added helper function _get_external_triggers()
- device object
- Updated logic in device.parse()
Fixed handling timeout for device.parse()
- iosxe
- tftp boot stage
check the length of image befor trying to boot the device. add ether_port
- iosxe
- Modified tftp boot stage
edit ecovery_en_password name and add it to docstring.
Modified device recovery to fix grub menu logic
Modify image hander, upload reload service arguments with image_to_boot
- Modified install_image stage
check the current image and skip the stage if the image for instalation is the
- common
Updated power_cycle stage, added sleep_after_connect.
- Modified copy_to_device stage
to fix a bug when retrieving the running image in order to protect it from deletion
- Modified copy_to_linux stage
to fix a bug for renaming the file.
Added prompt_recovery to copy_to_device and set the default value to False,
- clean/iosxe
- Modified install_image stage
to fix the issue when packages.conf does not exist
- generic
Modify recovery processor, only recover device if it has been connected
- iosxe
- Added configure_interface_switchport API
API for configure interfaces on switchport
- Added configure_ip_unnumbered_loopback API
API for configure ip unnumbered loopback
- Added configure_span_monitor_session API
API for configure span monitor session
- Added unconfigure_span_monitor_session API
API for unconfigure span monitor session
- Added configure_stack_mac_persistent_timer API
API for stack_mac-persistent timer {mac_timer}
- Added configure_stack_mac_persistent_timer API
API for stack_mac-persistent timer {mac_timer}
- Added execute_diagnostic_start_switch_module_test API
API for diagnostic start switch {switch_num} module {mod_num} test {include}
- Added verify_Software_Fed_Active_Ipv6_Mld_Snooping_Vlan
Added new api to verify value parallel to provided key in dict from the mentioned command in API
- Added verify_Software_Fed_Igmp_Snooping
Added new api to verify value parallel to provided key in dict from the mentioned command in API
- Added verify_Software_Fed_Ipv6_Mld_Snooping_Groups
Added new api to verify value parallel to provided key in dict from the mentioned command in API
- Added verify_software_fed_ip_igmp_snooping_groups
Added new api to verify value parallel to provided key in dict from the mentioned command in API
Modified configure_ipsec_tunnel to add vrf option
Modified configure_ikev2_profile_pre_share to add vrf option
- Added configure_mdns_active_response_timer API
API for configuring mDNS(Multicast Domain Name System) active response timer
- Added unconfigure_mdns_active_response_timer API
API for unconfiguring mDNS(Multicast Domain Name System) active response timer
- Added configure_mdns_service_query_timer_periodicity API
API for unconfiguring mDNS(Multicast Domain Name System) service query timer periodicity
- Added clear_mdns_controller_statistics API
API for configuring mDNS(Multicast Domain Name System) controller statistics
- Added configure_mdns_service_policy API
API for unconfiguring mDNS(Multicast Domain Name System) service policy
- Added configure_default_mdns_controller API
API for configuring mDNS(Multicast Domain Name System) default mdns controller
- Added configure_controller_policy API
API for configuring mDNS(Multicast Domain Name System) controller policy
- Added unconfigure_controller_policy_service_export API
API for unconfiguring mDNS(Multicast Domain Name System) controller policy service export
- Added unconfigure_mdns_service_policy API
API for unconfiguring mDNS(Multicast Domain Name System) service policy
- Added unconfigure_mdns_service_policy_vlan API
API for unconfiguring mDNS(Multicast Domain Name System) service policy vlan
- Added unconfigure_mdns_gateway_globally API
API for unconfiguring mDNS(Multicast Domain Name System) gateway globally
- Added unconfigure_mdns_trust API
API for unconfiguring mDNS(Multicast Domain Name System) trust
- Added force_unconfigure_static_nat_route_map_rule API
API for force unconfiguring static nat route-map rule
- Added configure_dhcp_relay_short_lease API
configure configure dhcp relay short lease on router
- Added unconfigure_dhcp_relay_short_lease API
unconfigure dhcp relay short lease on router
- Added configure_ethernet_vlan_unlimited API
configure ethernet vlan unlimited on subslot
- Added unconfigure_ethernet_vlan_unlimited API
unconfigure ethernet vlan unlimited on subslot
- Added configure_ip_vrf_forwarding_interface API
configure ip vrf forwarding on interface
- Added unconfigure_ip_vrf_forwarding_interface API
unconfigure ip vrf forwarding on interface
- Added create_ip_vrf API
create ip vrf on router
- Added delete_ip_vrf API
delete ip vrf on router
- Added enable_dhcp_relay_information_option API
configure dhcp relay information option on router
- Added disable_dhcp_relay_information_option API
unconfigure dhcp relay information option on router
Added API ‘execute_diagnostic_start_module_test’
- Added configure_hw_module_breakout API
configuring hw_module breakout
- Added unconfigure_hw_module_breakout API
unconfiguring hw_module breakout
Added configure_vpdn_group API
Added unconfigure_vpdn_group API
- Added configure_ip_ospf_mtu_ignore
Added new API for configuring ip ospf mtu-ignore
- Added unconfigure_ip_ospf_mtu_ignore
Added new API for unconfiguring ip ospf mtu-ignore
- Added Verify_ospf_icmp_ping
Verifying “ping <ip> df size <size>”
- Added configure_dope_wrsp API
Added new API to configure WRSP parameters in dope shell
- Added get_show_derived_interface_dict API
get_show_derived_interface_dict to get the IPv4 and IPv6 ACLs
- Added clear_ip_traffic API
clear_ip_traffic to clear ip traffic counters
- modified API ‘configure_nve_interface’
Added l3vni option for nve interface
- Added configure_switchport_trunk_vlan API
Configure switchport trunk vlan on Device
- Added configure_switchport_trunk_vlan_with_speed_and_duplex API
Configure switchport trunk vlan on interface with speed and duplex type on Device
- Added get_switch_qos_queue_config_on_interface API
Get platform hardware fed on switch and qos queue config on Interface
- Added config_policy_map_on_device API
Configure policy-map type on Device
- Added perform_telnet API
API to perform telnet
- Updated execute_card_OIR API
API for Card OIR powercycle
- Updated execute_card_OIR_remove API
API for Card OIR remove
- Updated execute_card_OIR_insert API
API for Card OIR insert
Added verify_matm_mactable API
- Added API for configure ipv6 static route
- Added API for un-configure ipv6 static route
- iosxe
- Added API configure_local_span_source
added api to configure local span for source interface
- Added API configure_local_span_destination
added api to configure local span to specficy destination interface
- Added API remove_all_span
added api to unconfigure all span session
API to verify the configured ptp profile using “show run | include ptp” command- Modified api ‘transceiver_info’
changed the comments according to the function args
API, added dialog to handle confirm prompt- Modified configure_enable_nat_scale API
Added dialog to configure_enable_nat_scale
- Modified configure_fnf_exporter API
Made few arguments as optional
- Modified configure_fnf_record API
Made collect interface as Optional
- Modified api ‘verify_file_exists’
Api returns False if folder and/or file does not exist
- Modified API for configure/unconfigure ipsec tunnel
- Modified API for configure ikev2 profile pre share
- generic
Fix copy_to_device API filename path
Add support for sshtunnel host as proxy for copy_to_device and copy_from_device APIs
- all
- Modified
Ignore unconnected devices in learn_system_defaults setup subsection
- ios
API, added dialog to handle confirm prompt- Modified api ‘verify_file_exists’
Api returns False if folder and/or file does not exist
- blitz
- gNMI subscibe ONCE and POLL not working
Fix thread handling for action, add poll message, fix verification.
- Fix for gNMI subscibe and get returns validation not working for Boolean “False” and 0 values
Fix for xpath appending an extra ‘/’ at the start, causing error in validation.
- loop action
fixed the markup issue with range
- iosxe
- Modified clear_crypto_session API
clear_crypto_session to clear crypto sessions
- Modified perform_ssh API
API to perform ssh
- iosxe
- Added ShowNhrpStats
show nhrp stats
- Added ShowNhrpStatsDetail
show nhrp stats detail
- Added ShowMatmMacTable
show platform software fed {state} matm macTable vlan {vlan}
- Added ShowIgmpSnooping
show platform software fed {state} ip igmp snooping vlan {vlan}
- Added ShowIgmpSnoopingGroups
show platform software fed {state} ip igmp snooping groups vlan {vlan}
- Added ShowIpv6MldSnoopingGroups
show platform software fed {state} ipv6 mld snooping groups vlan {vlan}
- Added ShowFedActiveIpv6MldSnoopingVlan
show platform software fed {state} ipv6 mld snooping vlan {vlan}
- Added ShowBfdSummaryHost
Added new parser for cli “show bfd summary host”
- Added ShowCryptoGdoiGm
Added new parser for cli “show crypto gdoi gm”
- Added ShowCryptoIkev2SaRemoteDetail parser
show crypto ikev2 sa remote {ip_address} detail
- Added ShowCryptoIkev2SaRemote parser
show crypto ikev2 sa remote {ip_address}
- Added ShowCryptoSocketsInternal
show crypto sockets internal
- Added ShowDmvpnCountStatus
added new parser for cli “show dmvpn | count Status {service}”
- Added ShowIpNhrp
show ip nhrp
- Added ShowIpNhrpDetail
show ip nhrp detail
- Added ShowIpNhrpNhs
show ip nhrp nhs
show ip nhrp nhs {tunnel}
- Added ShowIpNhrpNhsDetail
show ip nhrp nhs detail
show ip nhrp nhs {tunnel} detail
- Adding new schema and parser in
Added schema and parser for ShowPlatformSoftwareFedIpsecCounter
- Added ShowU2MSR
show plshow platform hardware qfp active feature uni-sr
- Added ShowPowerInlineDetail
show power inline {interface} detail
- Added ShowPowerInlinePolice
show power inline police
show power inline police {interface}
- Added ‘ShowRunIncludePtp’ schema and parser
show run | include ptp
- Added ShowSdwanAppHostingOperData
for ‘show sdwan app-hosting oper-data’
- Added ShowUtdEngineStandardStatistics
show utd engine standard statistics
- Added ShowUtdEngineStandardStatisticsDaqAll
show utd engine standard statistics daq all
- Added ShowModule
show module
- Added ShowRedundancyRpr
show redundancy rpr
Added subclass ShowLispInstanceIdEthernetMapCacheRAR and ShowLispInstanceIdEthernetMapCachePrefixRAR for parsing Map-Cache RAR and Map-Cache RAR prefix inheriting from Superparsers
Modified superparser ShowLispMapCacheSuperParser and ShowLispIpMapCachePrefixSuperParser
- Added ShowPlatformHardwareVoltageMarginSwitch
show platform hardware voltage margin switch {mode} rp active
- Modified the ShowLogging
Fix for local variable referenced before assignment
- Added ShowIpv6NhrpSummary
added new parser for cli “show ipv6 nhrp summary”
- Added parsers for the following show commands
- ShowLispInstanceServerRAR
show lisp {lisp_id} instance-id {instance_id} ethernet server reverse-address-resolution parser
show lisp instance-id {instance_id} ethernet server reverse-address-resolution
- ShowLispInstanceServerRARDetail
show lisp {lisp_id} instance-id {instance_id} ethernet server reverse-address-resolution detail
show lisp {lisp_id} instance-id {instance_id} ethernet server reverse-address-resolution {mac}
show lisp instance-id {instance_id} ethernet server reverse-address-resolution detail
show lisp instance-id {instance_id} ethernet server reverse-address-resolution detail {mac}
- Added ShowDerivedConfigInterface
Added show derived-config interface <> parser
- Added ShowMemoryDebugLeaksChunks parser
Parser for ‘show memory debug leaks chunks’ command
- Added ShowIpNhrpStats
show ip nhrp stats
show ip nhrp stats {tunnel}
- Added ShowIpNhrpStatsDetail
show ip nhrp stats detail
show ip nhrp stats {tunnel} detail
- iosxr
- Added show vrrp commads
Show vrrp detail
show vrrp statistics
show vrrp summary
- Adding new schema and parser in
Added schema and parser for ShowLldpNeighborsInterfaceIdDetail
- Added Showhsrpbfd
show hsrp bfd
show hsrp bfd {interface}
show hsrp bfd {interface} {destination_ip}
- Modified ShowHsrpDetail
show hsrp {address_family} {interface} {group_number} detail
- Added ShowHsrpStatistics
show hsrp statistics
show hsrp {interface} statistics
show hsrp {interface} {group_number} statistics
- Added ShowHsrpStatus
show hsrp status
- iosxe
- Modified ShowIpOspfInterface
Changed regex pattern <p2> to cover the case where Interface is unnumbered
- Modified ShowIpOspfInterface2
Changed regex pattern <p2> to cover the case where Interface is unnumbered
Change <cmd> to <cli_command> so that the class ShowIpOspfInterface2 is reached
Update json file for the class ShowIpOspfInterface2
Create folder-based testing files
- Modified ShowPowerInlinePriority
Added optional power_inline_auto_shutdown for 9400 Platform.
Updated regex pattern <p1a> <p2> for 9400 Platform.
Converted the interface name to use long name to align with other POE parsers.
- Modified ShowPowerInlineUpoePlus
Updated regex pattern <p1> to match ‘n/a’ for type.
- Modified ShowPowerInlineUpoePlusModule
Changed ieee_mode to optional.
Added regex pattern <p1a> for 9400 Platform.
Converted the interface name to use long name to align with other POE parsers.
- Modified ShowVersion
Updated regex to parse build information
Fixed an error in show lisp instance-id <> ethernet server reverse-address-resolution mac <> command.
- Modified ShowCryptoIkev2StatsExchange
Added key Any to schema, to take into account variations in output.
Updated regex to take into consideration, spaces in output.
Updated ShowCryptoIkev2StatsExchange class with respect to change in schema.
- Modified ShowDmvpnCountStatus
Updated parser class to incorporate IPv6 variant.
- Modified ShowIpMroute
Changed the code to handle multiple interface of different name to escape suffix appending
- Modified ShowIpNhrpStats
Added code for “show nhrp stats”,’show ipv6 nhrp stats’,’show nhrp stats {tunnel}’,’show ipv6 nhrp stats {tunnel}’ CLI commands
Updated ShowIpNhrpStats class with respect to addition of commands included.
- Modified ShowMdnsSdSummary
Updated regex to verify entire output
Modified ShowLispEidWatch
Modified ShowLispIpMapCachePrefixSuperParser
Modified ShowLispDatabaseEid
Modified ShowLispSiteDetailSuperParser
Modified ShowLispMapCacheSuperParser
Modified ShowLispIpv4PublisherRloc
Modified ShowLispIpv4PublisherRlocSchema
Modified ShowLispService
Modified ShowLispPublicationPrefixSchema
No backward compatible
Modified ShowLispEthernetMapCachePrefix
Modified ShowLispSiteDetailSuperParser
No backward compatible
- Modified ShowLispMapCacheSuperParser
Changed “metric” in Schema to accept int and None
Changed regex for “metric” to accept ‘-‘ along with integers
- Modified ShowTelemetryIETFSubscription/ShowTelemetryIETFSubscriptionDetail
added keywords “all”, “configured”, “dynamic”, “permanent”, “brief” to list of supported CLIs
- Modified ShowMdnsSdSummary
Updated regex to verify latest release output
- Modified ShowPlatformNatTranslations
Modify the regular expression to accept any number of digits
- Modified ShowIsisDatabaseVerbose
Non-backwards compatible change Removed the segment routing key from the flex algo sub dictionary as it does not belong in that location
- Modified ShowIsisDatabaseVerbose
Added new keys for uni link loss and appl spec uni link loss in the show isis database parser
- Modified ShowRunInterface
Updated in schema “cdp enable” optional in the output
- Modified ShowIpNhrpTrafficDetail
Added new argument to support ipv6.
- Modified ShowIpNhrpTraffic
Added new argument to support ipv6
- Modified ShowPost
Modified ShowPost parser and schema to fetch details of two devices.
- Modified ShowPlatformIfmMapping
Removed the int data type from optional variables ifg_id, first_serdes, last_serdes
- Modified ShowInventory
Added two more interfaces in if condition.
- Modified ShowLicenseTechSupport
Added optional key <smartagenttelemetryrumreportmax> to schema.
Added optional key <smartagentrumtelemetryrumstoremin> to schema.
- Modified ShowTcpProxyStatistics
Added optional key dre_bypass_received_from_peer to schema
Added optional key dre_bypass_hints_sent to schema
Added optional key dre_smb_bypass_success_received to schema
Added optional key dre_http_bypass_success_received to schema
- Modified ShowIpMroute
Added keys iif_lisp_rloc, iif_lisp_group under incoming_interface_list
Added keys extranet_vrf and {e_src,e_grp,e_uptime,e_expire,e_oif_count,e_flags} under newly created extranet_rx_vrf_list
Modified incoming_interface_list regex to include parsing of the two above mentioned additional keys
- Modified ShowSystemIntegrityAllMeasurementNonce
Modified the regex pattern of p5 to support smu package
- Modified ShowPlatformTcamPbrNat
Modified ShowPlatformTcamPbrNat cli_command to run on SVL and HA setup
- nxos
- Modified RunBashTop
Modified regex pattern in Cpu, Mib mem and swap for fixing missing key error.
For <p4_1>, <p5_1> and <p6> added conversion to support k to Mib and m to Mib
- utils
- common
Removed duplicated key Two
- common
Added new keys Fif, Fifty, Two, TwoH
updated argument.json class to include changes for ipv6.
added golden_output_arguments.json file
- iosxr
- modified ShowPimVrfInterfaceDetail
Updated regex pattern p9 and p10 to accommodate for optional output “(config xx)” for Propagation delay and Override Interval
- Modified ShowLldpTrafficInterfaceId
Added last_clear in a schema.
- Modified ShowVrrpDetail
Updated regex pattern <p20> to accommodate master_name and number_of_slave.
Updated regex pattern <p21> to accommodate slave_to
Updated regex pattern <p22> to accommodate authentication_string
Updated regex pattern <p23> to accommodate master_router_ip and master_router_priority
- iosxe
- Updated ShowCryptoIkev2Session
Modified show crypto ikev2 session parser for the latest output change in 17.9