January 2023¶
January 31 - Genie v23.1¶
Module |
Version |
23.1 |
23.1 |
23.1 |
23.1 |
23.1 |
23.1 |
23.1 |
23.1 |
23.1 |
23.1 |
23.1 |
Upgrade Instructions¶
pip install --upgrade ats[full] # For internal user
pip install --upgrade pyats[full] # For DevNet user
If you have pyATS installed, you can use:
pyats version update
- genie.harness
Allow Trigger data order to specify trigger data using dictionary
- genie.json
Removed the ignore directory from MAkeApi
- iosxe
- Added configure_switch_provision_model
API unset switch provision
- Added configure_snmp_server_manager
API set snmp server manager
- Added unconfigure_event_manager_applet
API to unset event manager applet
- Added configure_event_manager_applet
API to set event manager applet
- Added configure_power_inline_auto_max
API to power inline auto max
- Added
New clean stage Verify HA state under c9800
- common
in NOT_A_STAGE- Updated ‘apply_configuration’ clean stage
argument to pass it to device.configure()
- cheetah
- Modified
Increase sleep timeout in EraseApConfiguration since certain AP MODELS take extra time to reload.
- iosxe
- Modified
Changed trustpoint name to device.hostname since sometimes hostname differs from name.
- nxos
- Added to trigger required data settings (Which key to exclude for Platform Ops comparison)
Added <disk_total_space> and <installed_packages> to excluded keys
- Updated _prepare_issu
Increased the timeout_seconds for filetransfer to 900 seconds
- Updated _perform_issu
Added parameters <allow_disruptive> and <config_ver_exclude>
- Added ISSU impact only check to prevent disruptive ISSU when non-disruptive is set
If <disrupt_flag> is False, checks if ISSU will be disruptive and fails if <allow_disruptive> is False
- Added argument <config_ver_exclude> to compare_config_dicts
<config_ver_exclude> is a list of regex item to exclude from step Compare post-trigger config with pre trigger config snapshot
Resolved pre/post ISSU snapshot timeout when cfg_transfer is not set, using the cfg_timeout parameter.
Increased timer for <show install all time-stats detail>
- iosxe
- Added unconfigure_profile_on_tunnel_interface API
API to unconfig profile alone under Tunnel interface.
- Added terminal_no_monitor
API to execute terminal no monitor
- Added license_smart_sync_all
API to license smart sync all
- Added request_platform_software_cflow_copy
API to request platform software cflow copy
Added configure_stack_power_switch
Added configure_default_spanning_tree
Added configure_service_template
- Added configure_interface_flow_control
API for configuring flow control on a interface
- Added unconfigure_interface_flow_control
API for unconfiguring flow control on a interface
- Added configure_replace
API forperforming configure replace on a switch
- Added configure_udld_aggressive
API to configure udld aggressive
- Added configure_udld_message_time
API to configure udld message time
- Added unconfigure_interface_vlan
API to unconfigure interface vlan
- Added configure_udld_port_aggressive
API to configure udld port aggressive on an interface
- Added unconfigure_interface_port_channel
API to unconfigure interface port-channel number
- Added configure_ipv6_pim_bsr_candidate_bsr api
Api to configure ipv6 pim candidate bsr
- Added configure_ipv6_pim_bsr_candidate_rp api
Api to configure ipv6 pim candidate rp
- Added configure_hsrp_version_on_interface
API for configure the hsrp version on interface
- Added configure_ipv6_address_on_hsrp_interface
API for configure the ipv6 address on hdrp interface with timers
- Modified configure_hsrp_interface
API for configure the ipv4 address on interface with timers
- Added command to configure spanning-tree portfast default
spanning-tree portfast default
- Added configure_policy_map_control api
Api to configure policy-map type control
- Added clear_bgp_l2vpn_evpn
API for to clear bgp l2vpn evpn sessions from the device
- Added clear_isis
API for clearing the isis sessions from the device
- Added var check in configure_ipsec_transform_set
API to config ah value to ‘’.
- Added configure_system_disable_password_recovery_switch_all
API to configure system disable password recovery switch all
- Added unconfigure_system_disable_password_recovery_switch_all
API to unconfigure system disable password recovery switch all
- Added configure_system_ignore_startupconfig_switch_all
API to onfigure system ignore startupconfig switch all
- Added unconfigure_system_ignore_startupconfig_switch_all
API to unonfigure system ignore startupconfig switch all
- Added configure_service_template_with_absolute_timer
API for configure service template with absolute timer
- Added configure_service_template_with_description
API for configure service template with description
- Added configure_service_template_with_inactivity_timer
API for configure service template with inactive timer
- Added configure_service_template_with_redirect_url
API for configure service template with url redirect
- Added configure_service_template_with_sgt
API for configure service template with sgt revision number
- Added configure_service_template_with_tag
API for configure service template with tag
- Added configure_mac_address_table_learning
API for configure mac address-table learning
- Added unconfigure_mac_address_table_learning
API for unconfigure mac address-table learning
- Added configure_mac_address_table_aging_default
API for configure default mac address-table aging
- Modified unconfigure_routing_static_route
API for unconfigure static routes
- Modified configure_local_span_source
API for configure span source
- Added unconfigure_local_span_source
API for unconfigure span source
- Added unconfigure_local_span_destination_interface
API for configure span destination interface
- Added configure_spanning_tree_bpdufilter_disable
API for configure spanning-tree bpdufilter disable
- Added configure_spanning_tree_bpdugaurd
API for configure spanning-tree bpdugaurd enable/disable
- Added configure_spanning_tree_mst_configuration_name
API for configure mst configuration name
- Added configure_spanning_tree_mst_configuration_revision
API for configure mst configuration revision number
- Added configure_ospf_network_non_broadcast
API to configure ip ospf network non broadcast
- Added unconfigure_ospf_network_non_broadcast
API to unconfigure ip ospf network non broadcast
- Added configure_neighbor_under_ospf
API to configure neighbor ip address under ospf process id
- Added unconfigure_neighbor_under_ospf
API to unconfigure neighbor ip address under ospf process id
- Added configure_ip_igmp_snooping_vlan_vlanid API
API for ip igmp snooping vlan {vlan_id} cli
- Added unconfigure_ip_igmp_snooping_vlan_vlanid API
API for no ip igmp snooping vlan {vlan_id} cli
- Added configure_service_performance
API for configure service performance on device
- Added unconfigure_interface_switchport_block_address
API for unconfigure service performance on device
- Added configure_key_config_key_password_encrypt
API for configure key config key password encrypt
- Added unconfigure_key_config_key_password_encrypt
API for unconfigure key config key password encrypt
- Added enable_ip_igmp_snooping_report_suppression api
Api to enable report-suppression
- Added disable_ip_igmp_snooping_report_suppression api
Api to disable the report-suppression
- Added unconfigure_global_source_template api
Api to unconfigure source template globally
- Added configure_policy_map_type_service api
Api to configure policy map for pppoe service
- Modified configure_ikev2_keyring
modified API to have Optional args
- Added unconfigure_ppk_on_keyring
API to unconfigure unconfigure_ppk_on_keyring
- Added configure_modify_ikev2_profile
API to Configure and Modify configure_modify_ikev2_profile
- Added unconfigure_modify_ikev2_profile
API to unonfigure and Modify configure_modify_ikev2_profile
- Added configure_interface_lacp_fast_switchover
API for configure interface port channel lacp fast switchover
- Added unconfigure_interface_lacp_fast_switchover
API for unconfigure interface port channel lacp fast switchover
- Added configure_interface_lacp_max_bundle
API for configure interface port channel lacp max bundle
- Added unconfigure_interface_lacp_max_bundle
API for unconfigure interface port channel lacp max bundle
- Added configure_interface_snmp_trap_mac_notification_change
API for configure interface snmp trap mac-notification change
- Added unconfigure_interface_snmp_trap_mac_notification_change
API for unconfigure interface snmp trap mac-notification change
- Added configure_interface_default_snmp_trap_mac_notification_change
API for configure interface default snmp trap mac-notification change
- Added configure_port_channel_persistent
API for configure port-channel persistent
- Added configure_eigrp_router_configs
API for configure eigrp router configurations
- Added unconfigure_eigrp_router_configs
API for unconfigure eigrp router configurations
- Added configure_isis_router_configs
API for configure isis router configs
- Added unconfigure_isis_router_configs
API for unconfigure isis router configs
- Modified configure_eigrp_named_networks
API modified to handle eigrp router-id configuration
- Added clear_ip_ospf_process
API to clear ip ospf process
- Added configure_archive_default
API for configure archive default
- Added configure_archive_path
API for configure archive path
- Added unconfigure_archive_path
API for unconfigure archive path
- Added configure_archive_maximum
API for configure archive maximum
- Added unconfigure_archive_maximum
API for unconfigure archive maximum
- Added configure_archive_rollback
API for configure archive rollback
- Added unconfigure_archive_rollback
API for unconfigure archive rollback
- Added configure_archive_time_period
API for configure archive time period
- Added unconfigure_archive_time_period
API for unconfigure archive time period
- Added configure_archive_write_memory
API for configure archive write memory
- Added unconfigure_archive_write_memory
API for unconfigure archive write memory
- Added API configure_ipv6_eigrp_named_networks
API to configure eigrp in address family ipv6
- Added API configure_udld_aggressive_port
API to Configure udld port aggressive
- Added configure_udld_enable
API to enable udle global configs
- Added configure_vrf_ipv6_eigrp_named_networks
API to configure ipv6 eigrp with vrf
- Added unconfigure_udld_enable
API to disable udle global configs
- Added unconfigure_udld_port_aggressive API
API to unconfigure udld aggressive on interface
- Added clear_macro_auto_configs
API for configuring clear macro auto configuration
- Added configure_software_auto_upgrade
API for configure software auto-upgrade
- Added unconfigure_software_auto_upgrade
API for unconfigure software auto-upgrade
- Added power_supply_on_off
API for performing on/off on power supply slot on as switch
- Added configure_bgp_redistribute_internal
API for configure bgp redistribute internal
- Added unconfigure_bgp_redistribute_internal
API for unconfigure bgp redistribute internal
- Added configure_redestribute_ospf_metric_in_bgp
API for configure bgp redistribute ospf metric
- Added unconfigure_redestribute_ospf_metric_in_bgp
API for unconfigure bgp redistribute ospf metric
- Added configure_interface_ip_tcp_adjust_mss
API for configure interface ip tcp adjust mss
- Added unconfigure_interface_ip_tcp_adjust_mss
API for unconfigure interface ip tcp adjust mss
- Added configure_interface_ipv6_tcp_adjust_mss
API for configure interface ipv6 tcp adjust mss
- Added unconfigure_interface_ipv6_tcp_adjust_mss
API for unconfigure interface ipv6 tcp adjust mss
- Modified configure_routing_static_route
Added check to configure dhcp default gateway for a route
- Added configure_switch_priority
API to configure priority for a switch on stack
- Added get_dir_byte_total
API to get the total and free bytes for directory
- Added configure_logging_monitor_debugging
New API to configure logging monitor debugging
- Added configure_logging_buffered_debugging
New API to configure logging buffered debugging
- Added enable_debug_ilpower_event
New API to enabling the debug ilpower event
- Added configure_ospfv3_max_lsa_limit
API for configure the ospfv3 max lsa limit
- Added configure_ospf_max_lsa_limit
API for configure the ospf max lsa limit
- configure_bgp_neighbor_remote_as_fall_over_as_with_peergroup
API for configure the bgp neighbor remote value with peergroup and fallover
- Added
- Added configure_policy_map_with_pps
API for configure policymap and classname and policerate with pps
- Added configure_igmp_snooping_tcn_flood API
API to configure ip igmp snooping tcn flood
- Added unconfigure_igmp_snooping_tcn_flood API
API to unconfigure ip igmp snoopint tcn flood
- Added configure_ipv6_mld_snooping_tcn_flood API
API to configure ipv6 mld snooping tcn flood
- Added unconfigure_ipv6_mld_snooping_tcn_flood API
API to unconfigure ipv6 mld snooping tcn flood
Added configure_switchport_trunk_allowed_vlan_remove
Added configure_switchport_trunk_allowed_vlan_except
- Added configure_tunnel_with_ipsec
Api to configure tunnel_protection under tunnel interface
- Added verify_tunnel_protection
API to verify if tunnel is configured with tunnel protection
- Added verify_ipsec_tunnel_status
API to verify ipsec tunnel status
- Added get_crypto_ipsec_tunnel_counter
API returns counters for show crypto interface tunnel details
- Modified configure_ospf_networks
API for configure the ospf network with bfd details
- Added configure_ospfv3_redistributed_connected
API for ospfv3 redistribute connected interfaces
- Added unconfigure_router_bgp api
Api to unconfigure router bgp
- Added unconfigure_udld_agressive api
Api to unconfigure udld aggressive
- Added unconfigure_udld_message_time api
Api to unconfigure udld message time
- Added unconfigure_router_ospf api
Api to unconfigure router ospf
- Added configure_ip_igmp_ssm_map_query_dns api
Api to configure ip igmp ssm map query dns
- Added unconfigure_ip_igmp_ssm_map_query_dns api
Api to unconfigure ip igmp ssm map query dns
- Added API for configure_acl_with_src_dsc_net
API to config source and destination networks
- Added API for unconfigure_acl_with_src_dsc_net
API to unconfig source and destination networks
- Modified config_interface_isis
API for configure the isis interface with mtu value
- Added configure_isis_network_type
API for configure the isis network type
- Added configure_isis_redistributed_connected
API for isis redistribute the connected interfaces
- Added configure_lisp_enhanced_forwarding
API for configuring enhanced forwarding under lisp
- Added unconfigure_lisp_enhanced_forwarding
API for unconfiguring enhanced forwarding under lisp
- Added configure_lisp_l2_flooding
API for configuring l2 flooding under lisp
- Added uconfigure_lisp_l2_flooding
API for unconfiguring l2 flooding under lisp
- dhcp
- multicast
Added configure_ip_igmp_ssmmap_static
- Added configure_boot_level_licence api
Api to configure boot level license
- Added configure_ipv6_nd_raguard_on_interface API
API for configuring ipv6 nd raguard on interface
- Added unconfigure_ipv6_nd_raguard_on_interface API
API for unconfiguring ipv6 nd raguard on interface
- Added configure_device_tracking_on_interface API
API for configuring device-tracking on interface
- Added unconfigure_device_tracking_on_interface API
API for unconfiguring device-tracking on interface
- Added configure_ipv6_dhcp_guard_on_interface API
API for configuring ipv6 dhcp guard on interface
- Added unconfigure_ipv6_dhcp_guard_on_interface API
API for unconfiguring ipv6 dhcp guard on interface
- Added configure_interface_template_with_default_ipv6_nd_raguard_policy API
API for configuring ipv6 nd raguard on template
- Added configure_interface_template_with_default_device_tracking_policy API
API for configuring device-tracking on template
- Added verify_show_template API
API for verifying template name and bound interface
- Added verify_show_template_empty API
API for verifying template is empty
- Added enable_license_smart_authorization_return
API to enable license smart authorization return
- Added enable_license_smart_clear_eventlog
API to enable license smart clear eventlog
- Added execute_stack_power
APIs execute_stack_power to enable stack power
- Added execute_diagnostic_start_switch_test
APIs execute_diagnostic_start_switch_test to nable diagnositc start
- Added configure_enable_secret_password and unconfigure_enable_secret_password
APIs to enable and disable the enable mode login
- Added configure_line_vty and unconfigure_line_vty
APIs to enable and disable line vty specific to vty modes
- Added configure_diagnostic_monitor_switch and unconfigure_diagnostic_monitor_switch
APIs to configure diagnostic monitor sessions in switch
- Added configure_diagnostic_schedule_switch and unconfigure_diagnostic_schedule_switch
APIs to configure the scheduled diagnostic enablement
- Added configure_pae
API for configure product analytics
- Added unconfigure_pae
API for unconfigure product analytics
- Added configure_license_smart_transport_smart
API for configure smart transport smart
- Added unconfigure_license_smart_transport
API for unconfigure smart transport
- Added execute_test_platform_sw_product_analytics_report
API for generating product analytics report
- Added execute_test_platform_sw_product_analytics_send
API for pushing product analytics report to smart agent for generating rum report
- Added execute_test_license_smart_telemetry_show
API for show rum report which contains analytics report
- Added execute_license_smart_sync_all
API for sending rum report to cloud server
- Added execute_test_telemetry_show_logging
API for show logging output without parsing
- Added execute_test_license_smart_dev_cert_enable
API for enable dev certification
- Added execute_show_license_boot_level_config
API for show license boot level config
- Added execute_show_license_dev_cert
API for show license certification if dev is enabled
- Added execute_show_license_rum_id_telemetry
API for show telemetry entries only in show license rum id all
- Added get_actv_switch
API for getting the current active switch
- Added get_system_redundancy_states
API for getting the system redundancy state
- Added get_the_number_of_telemetry_report_in_system
API for getting the number of telemetry report and report list
- Added get_kpi_value_in_show_kpi_report_id
API for getting kpi value given report id and kpi name
- Added verify_telemetry_enabled
API to verify if telemetry/pae is enabled
- Added verify_telemetry_report_in_show_summary
API to verify telemetry report id is in show summary
- Added verify_telemetry_report_kpi_in_show_kpi_summary
API to verify telemetry report and kpi name are in show kpi summary
- Added verify_smart_account_is_activated
API to verify smart account is activated
- Added verify_license_usage
API to verify at least 1 license is in use
- Added verify_license_boot_level_configured
API to verify license boot level is configured
- Added verify_license_smart_transport_configured
API to verify license smart transport smart is configured
- Added verify_mpls_summary_label
API to check stack label id value and label value
- Added verify_mpls_summary_lspa
API to check mpls lspa value and bgp value
- Clear crypto ikev2 stats
API for “clear crypto ikev2 stats”
- Added configure_vrrp_version_on_device
API for configure the vrrp version
- Added configure_vrrp_on_interface
API for configure the vrrp configuration on interface
- Added config_link_local_ip_on_interface
API for config the link local ipv6 address
- Added unconfigure_ipv6_acl api
Removes complete ACL config for the acl specified
- Added mopdify_pbr_route_map
Modifies existing route-map by removing ACL or action sepcified.
- Added configure_ip_prefix_list_deny_permit
API for configure ip prefix list permit/deny
- Added unconfigure_ip_prefix_list_deny_permit
API for unconfigure ip prefix list permit/deny
- Added configure_ip_prefix_list_description
API for configure ip prefix list description
- Added unconfigure_ip_prefix_list_description
API for unconfigure ip prefix list description
- Added configure_ip_prefix_list_seq
API for configure ip prefix list sequence
- Added unconfigure_ip_prefix_list_seq
API for unconfigure ip prefix list sequence
- Added configure_distribute_prefix_list_under_ospf
API for configure distribute prefix list under ospf
- Added unconfigure_distribute_prefix_list_under_ospf
API for unconfigure distribute prefix list under ospf
- Added redistribute_bgp_metric_route_map_under_ospf
API for redistribute bgp metric route-map under ospf
Added API configure_parameter_map_subscriber
Added API ‘configure_nve_interface_group_based_policy’ in evpn
Added API ‘unconfigure_nve_interface_group_based_policy’ in evpn
- Modified configure_eigrp_networks
API for configure the eigrp network with bfd value
- Added configure_eigrp_redistributed_connected
API for eigrp redistributed the connected interfaces
- Added configure_eigrp_named_networks_with_af_interface
API for configure the eigrp named network with af interface
- Added configure_mac_global_address_table_static
API for configure global mac address-table static
- Added unconfigure_mac_global_address_table_static
API for unconfigure globle mac address-table static
- Added configure_mac_global_address_table_notification_change
API for configure mac global address-table notification change
- Added unconfigure_mac_global_address_table_notification_change
API for unconfigure mac global address-table notification change
- Added configure_mac_address_table_notification_change
API for configure mac address-table notification change
- Added unconfigure_mac_address_table_notification_change
API for unconfigure mac address-table notification change
- Added configure_default_mac_global_address_table_notification_change
API for configure default mac global address-table notification change
- Added configure_sdm_prefer_custom_fib and configure_sdm_prefer_core API
API for configuring sdm prefer custom fib and sdm prefer core cli
- Added unconfigure_bfd_value_on_interface
API for unconfigure the bfd value on interface
- Added enable_bfd_on_isis_ipv6_address
API for enable the bfd for isis ipv6 address
- Added disable_bfd_on_isis_ipv6_address
API for disable the bfd for isis ipv6 address
- Added configure_pim_ssm_default
API to configure pim ssm default
- Added unconfigure_pim_ssm_default API
API to unconfigure pim ssm default
- Added unconfigure_license_smart_reservation
API to unconfigure license smart reservation
- Added configure_license_smart_transport_off
API to configure license smart transport off
- Added configure_ip_domain_timeout
API to configure ip domain timeout
- Added configure_platform_shell
API to platform shell
- Added configure_ip_http_authentication_local
API to ip http authentication local
- Added configure_ip_domain_name
API to ip domain name
- Added configure_ip_domain_name_vrf_mgmt_vrf
API to ip domain name vrf mgmt-vrf
- Added configure_ip_name_server_vrf_mgmt_vrf
API to ip name-server vrf mgmt-vrf
- Added configure_ip_http_client_source_interface_vlan_domain_lookup
API to ip http client source-interface vlan domain lookup
- Added unconfigure_service_internal
API to unonfigure service imternal
- Added configure_ip_http_client_source_interface
API to ip http client source-interface
- Added configure_ip_http_client_source_interface_vlan_domain_lookup_name_server_vrf_mgmt_vrf
API to ip http client source-interface vlan domain lookup
- Added configure_subscriber_template
added to configure subscriber template
- Added configure_call_home_reporting
API to configure call home reporting
Added API verify_ipv6_intf_ip_address_notexist to verify if given IPv6 address not exist on given interface
- Added configure_monitor_capture_without_match API
API for configuring monitor capture {capture_name} interface {interface} {direction} cli
- Added configure_monitor_capture_buffer_size API
API for configuring monitor capture {capture_name} buffer size {size} cli
- Added configure_monitor_capture_limit_packet_len API
API for configuring monitor capture {capture_name} limit packet-len {length} pps {pps} cli
- Added unconfigure_monitor_capture_without_match API
API for unconfiguring monitor capture {capture_name} interface {interface} {direction} cli
- Added unconfigure_monitor_capture_buffer_size API
API for unconfiguring monitor capture {capture_name} buffer size cli
- Added unconfigure_monitor_capture_limit_packet_len API
API for unconfiguring monitor capture {capture_name} limit packet-len cli
- Added configure_monitor_capture_match API
API for configuring monitor capture {capture_name} ipv4 any any cli
- Added configure_event_manager_applet_event_none api
Api to configure event none to specific event manager applet
- Added configure_action_syslog_msg api
Api to configure action syslog message on event manager applet
- Added configure_action_force_switchover api
Api to configure action force-switchover on event manager applet
- Added configure_label_mode_all_explicit_null
API to configure label mode all explicit null
- added execute_switch_priority
API to execute the switch priority
- blitz
- Class GnmiNotification has been broken down into 3 classes with each class being responsible for 1 of the 3 modes (ONCE, POLL, STREAM). So now we have
GnmiSubscribe - base class for main 3
Added transaction_time option that can be passed via format. Option specifies required time in seconds between sending request and getting response. If not set, check will not be performed.
- Added GNMI POLL request implementation
Added polls_number option that indicates number of POLL requests to send. Default to (stream_max // sample_interval) - 1. Only used in POLL mode.
Added updates_only option to Gnmi, which is a boolean that causes the server to send only updates to the current state in sbuscrbition.
- sdk/powercycler
Added cli powercycler to support custom cli powercycle commands.
Modified raritan-px2_v3 to raritan-px2 and changed the connection_type to snmpv3.
- sdk/terminal_server
Fixed the terminal_server port values to allow to use either str, int or a list.
- iosxe
- Modify configure_ip_igmp_static_group API
Modify the interface and vlan argument
- Modify configure_ip_igmp_join_group API
Modify the interface and vlan argument
- Modified API fix_verify_ipv6_intf_ip_address
Fixed verification when ipv6 is not configured to address traceback that was raised in such scenario
- Modified configure_bba_group API
Modified configure_bba_group API to configure service profile for virtual template
- Updated the power inline API
Added four-pair power inline mode in the existed API by passing that in an if-condition
- Added check condition in configure_ipsec_transform_set
API to config transform_auth is none and when auth bit is not None.
- Added reverse route to ip sec profile
Added check to config reverse route command.
- Modified configure_ospfv3 api
Modified configure_ospfv3 API to configure additional address family changes
- Fix broken tests
Modified tests for
- Modified configure_bgp_address_advertisement
Updated address_family to suppport ipv6
- Modified configure_router_bgp_maximum_paths
updated api to support address_family
Fixed iosxe switchover function
- Modified verification api verify_tunnel_protection
Added check for tunnel status
Modified configure interface monitor session to include ipv4, vlan, origin ipv6 and ipv6 address.
- Fixed configure_ospfv3 api
Fixed address family command to configure ospfv3 configuration
- Modified configure_pbr_route_map api
Introduced support for configuring ipv6 parameters for route-map
Modified configure_lldp_interface to make lldp transmit and lld receive as optional configurations.
Modified unconfigure_lldp_interface to make lldp transmit and lld receive as optional unconfigurations.
- Modified API verify_ipv6_intf_ip_address
Added functionality to retry verification in a given time interval and given frequency
- blitz
ON_CHANGE Subscription support for multiple paths.
- Added
In order to fix the issue that some left over containers and/or list instances are not removed after a test case, two new Blitz actions, ‘yang_snapshot’ and ‘yang_snapshot_restore’ are added.
STREAM Subscribe fix.
Poll Subscribe Infinite Loop fix.
Returns Handling optimised.
- Modified device name detection
Failed ON_CHANGE active subscriptions not being reported.
Make returns optional for GNMI Subscribe and Get operation
- iosxe/platfrom
Added unconfigure_system_ignore_startupconfig_switch_all
Added configure_virtual_service_vnic_gateway_guest_ip_address
Added configure_snmp_mib_bulkstat
Added configure_bulkstat_profile
Added unconfigure_bulkstat_profile
- iosxe/acl
Added configure_mac_access_group_mac_acl_in_out
- sdk
Added missing init file
- api
- Fixed UT for below APIs relating to config error pattern update
- iosxe
- Modified configure_identity_ibns API
Added template_name and other few parameters
- Modified configure_service_policy API
Modified the name to configure_dot1x_service_policy as it was overlapping with another API
- iosxe
- Added ShowCableRpd
show cable rpd
show cable rpd {rpd_mac_or_ip}
- Added ShowControllersEthernetControllerPortAsicStatisticsExceptionsSwitchAsicInRpf parser
for ‘show controllers ethernet-controller port-asic statistics exceptions switch 1 asic 1 | in RPF’
- Added ShowIpArpInspectionInterfaces
show ip arp inspection interfaces {interface}
- Added Parser as below
- Modified parser
ShowDeviceSensor to include 2 more commands with same output
- Added ShowIsisMicroloopAvoidance
show isis microloop-avoidance flex-algo
- Added ShowCdp Parser
Parser for “show cdp”
- Added ShowMacAddressTableNotificationChange parser
show mac address-table notification change
- Added ShowMacAddressTableNotificationChangeInterface parser
show mac address-table notification change interface {interface}
- Added ShowPlatformPmInterfaceNumbers
‘show platform pm interface-numbers’
- Added ShowLoggingOnboardSwitchDetail parser
for ‘Show logging onboard switch {switch_num} {feature} detail’
- Added ShowLoggingOnboardSwitchMessageDetail parser
for ‘Show logging onboard switch {switch_num} Message detail’
- Added ShowIpIgmpSnoopingDetail
show ip igmp snooping detail
- Added ShPlatformSoftwareFedActiveVpSummaryInterfaceIf_id
show platform software fed active vp summary interface if_id {interface_id}
- Added ShSoftwareFed
‘show platform software fed switch active ifm if-id’
- Added parser ShowDeviceClassifierAttachedInterfaceDetail
show device classifier attached interface {interface} detail
- Added ShowEtherChannelDetail Parser
Parser for “show etherchannel {channel_group} detail”
- Added ShowIpIgmpVrfSnoopingGroups Parser
Parser for “show ip igmp vrf {vrf} snooping groups”
- Added PingIpv6 Parser
Parser for “ping ipv6 {addr}”
- Added ShowCallHome
show call-home parser
- Added ShowInstallUncommitted
show install uncommitted
- Added ShowVtemplate parser
Parser for “show vtemplate”
- Added ShowProductAnalyticsKpiSummary
show product-analytics kpi summary
- Added ShowProductAnalyticsReportSummary
show product-analytics report summary
- Added ShowProductAnalyticsKpiReportId
show product-analytics kpi report {report}
- Added ShowL2fibOlist
show l2fib output-list {id}
- Added ShowLoggingOnboardSwitchEnvironmentContinuous Parser
Parser for “show logging onboard switch {switch_num} environment continuous”
- Added ShowIpDhcpExcludedAddresses Parser
show ip dhcp excluded-addresses all
show ip dhcp excluded-addresses vrf {vrf}
show ip dhcp excluded-addresses pool {pool}
- Added ShowLoggingOnboardSwitch Parser
Parser for “show logging onboard switch {switch_num} {feature}”
- Added ShowLicenseAuthorization Parser
Parser for “ShowLicenseAuthorization”
Parser for “ShowDiagnosticStatus”
Parser for “ShowPlatformHardwareFedSwitchActiveFwdAsicResourceAsicAllCppVbinAll”
- Added ShowPlatformUsbStatus Parser
Parser for “show platform usb status”
- Added ShowHwModuleUsbflash1Security Parser
Parser for “show hw-module usbflash1 security status”
- Added ShowVmiNeighborsDetail parser
Parser for “show vmi neighbors detail”
- Added ShowPlatformSoftwareFedSwitchActiveAcl
show platform software fed switch active acl counters hardware | include Ingress IPv4 Forward
- Added ShowPlatformSoftwareBpCrimsonStatistics
show platform software bp crimson statistics
- Added parser
Added ShowInterfacesCountersErrors
- Added ShowCableRpd
show cable rpd {rpd_mac_or_ip} spectrum-capture-capabilities
- Added ShowCallHomeStatistics
show call-home statistics
- Added ShowTemplateTemplate
show template {template}
- Added ShowIpv6MldSnoopingMrouter vlan
Added parser for “show ipv6 mld snooping mrouter vlan {vlan id}”
- Added ShowInstallCommitted
show install committed
- Added ShowLoggingOnboardRpActiveUptimeDetail parser
show logging onboard Rp active uptime detail
- Added ShowSdmPreferCustom
added new parser for cli ‘show sdm prefer custom’
- Added ShowMonitorCaptureBufferDetailed
added new parser for cli ‘show monitor capture {capture_name} buffer detailed’
- Added ShowCableRpdIpv6
show cable rpd ipv6
show cable rpd {rpd_mac} ipv6
show cable rpd {rpd_ip} ipv6
show cable rpd {tengig_core_interface} ipv6
show cable rpd slot {lc_slot_number} ipv6
- Added ShowCefInterface Parser
Parser for “show ipv6 mld groups summary”
- Added ShowControllersPowerInlineModule
show controllers power inline module <module_number>
- Added ShowEigrpAddressFamilyIpv6VrfNeighbors Parser
Parser for “show eigrp address-family ipv6 vrf {vrf} {num} neighbors {interface}”
- Added ShowInstallInactive
show install inactive
- Added ShowIpOspfNeighbor
Added parser support for ‘show ip ospf <proccess_id> neighbor’
Added parser support for ‘show ip ospf <proccess_id> neighbor {interface}’
- Added ShowPppAll parser
Parser for “show ppp all”
- Added ShowEtherchannelPortChannel
Parsre for “show etherchannel <number> port-channel”
- Added ShowEtherchannelProtocol
Parser for “show etherchannel protocol”
- Added ShowPortSecurityInterfacesAddressVlan
show port-security interfaces {interface} address vlan
- Added ShowMemoryDebugIncrementalLeaks Parser
Parser for “show memory debug incremental leaks”
- Added ShowPlatformSoftwareMonitorSession
Added parser for “show platform software monitor session {session}”
- Added ShowVlanPrivate-Vlan
Added parser for “Show Vlan Private-Vlan”
Added parser for “Show Vlan Private-Vlan Type”
- Added ShowIpMfibSummary
Added parser for “Show Ip Mfib Summary”
- added showiparpinspectionlog
show ip arp inspection log
- iosxr
- Added ShowCdp
added new parser for cli ‘show cdp’
- rpd
Added new os type RPD
- Added parser
Added ShowBcmRegisterWbfftConfig
- added showpowerinlinemodule
Parser for “show power inline module {module}”
- added show device classifier profile type custom
Added parser for “show device classifier profile type custom”
- iosxe
- Modified ShowIpIgmpSnoopingGroups
Fixed reg ex pattern match and added a unit test
- Modified ShowIpMroute
Modified p5 to support ipv6 address too
- Modified ShowCdpNeighbors
Added total_entries parameter.
- Modified ShowPlatformSoftwareFactoryResetSecureLog
Added Optional parameter status to schema
Modified ShowChassis where redun_port_type is made optional key.
- Modified ShowEtherchannelPortChannel
Changed one of the pattern to match port_channel properly
Made ‘gc’ key as optional
- Modified ShowEtherChannelDetail
Made ‘last_port_bundled’ and ‘last_port_unbundled’ keys as optional
- Modified ShowL2vpnEvpnEthernetSegmentDetail
Handle case where RD is shown as “Not set”
Modified ShowCryptoIkev2Stats Added Quantum resistance line to parser.
- Modified ShowBgpSuperParser
Modified regexp to consider statuscode with astrick followed by m so that it will take other routes and rds
- Modified ShowIpRoute
Updated source_protocol_dict to support nat dia routes with type “n” and “Nd”
Modified ShowCryptoIkev2SaDetail Added Quantum resistance line of code to parser.
- Modified ShowIsisRib
updated regex to accept alphanumberic as isis level
- Modified ShowL2fibBridgedomainAddressUnicast
Support Adjacency and PD_Adjacency with multiple PL (have trailing ” …”)
- Modified ShowPlatformResources
Added control Processor and rp/esp as optional
- Modified ShowPlatformSoftwareCpmSwitchB0ControlInfo
Added regular expression p1_2 to accomodate the change in the ouput.
- Modified ShowLoggingOnboardSwitchActiveStatus
modified code to match code for not having switch_num
- Modified ShowLoggingOnboardSwitchActiveUptimeDetail
modified code to match code for not having switch_num
- Modified ShowSpanningTreeInterfaceDetail
Fix the parser issue. Add additional key.
- Modified ShowPlatformResources
updated to print full interface name instead of short form
- Modified ShowPlatformSoftwareMonitorSession
Fixing optional keys and value format
- Modified ShowArchive
Added total_entries parameter.
- Modified ShowVrrpBrief
Parser for show vrrp brief
- Added
show template
show service-template
show redundancy config-sync failures mcl
- Modified ShowBgpDetailSuperParser
Fixed regex pattern p6_3 to accommodate 3 update-groups.
Added new golden output txt and expected.py with 3 update-groups.
Fixed golden output 4 with the right route info and update-groups.
Added update groups item to ShowIpBgpAllDetail and ShowIpBgpDetail expected outputs.
- Modified ShowCallHomeMailServerStatus
Included exception in Show call-home mail-server status
- Modified ShowWirelessClientMacDetail
added inital support for fabric-enabled clients
- 9600
- Modified ShowPlatformSwitchStandbyTcamUtilization
Modified switch to a dynamic variable to avoid conflicts
Modified ShowIdpromInterface.
Added the parser in the proper file show_idprom.py.
Modified ShowLicenseTechSupport as per the output change in latest polaris version.
Added the keys device_telemetry_report_summary, data_channel, reports_on_disk in schema.
Added the regular expression p14.
- Implemented a nonbackwards compatible change in order to fix the ShowIsisDatabase parser
Fixed ShowIsisDatabase parser to handle multiple interfaces under a single device
Modified the Schema to store interfaces in a list instead of a dict (‘is_dict’ –> ‘is_list’)
Updated all ShowISISDatabaseVerbose, ShowIsisDatabaseDetail, and ShowIsisDatabase tests to verify output with multiple interfaces under a single device
show romvar switch <switch_number>
deleted the duplicate parser under iosxe/show_platform.py and iosxe/c9300/show_platform.py.
- iosxe
- Modified ShowInterfacesSwitchport parser
Corrected the ethertype section