February 2022¶
February 24 - Genie v22.2¶
Module |
Version |
22.2 |
22.2 |
22.2 |
22.2 |
22.2 |
22.2 |
22.2 |
22.2 |
22.2 |
22.2 |
22.2 |
Upgrade Instructions¶
pip install --upgrade ats[full] # For internal user
pip install --upgrade pyats[full] # For DevNet user
If you have pyATS installed, you can use:
pyats version update
- harness
- Modified _get_triggers_verifications_via_callable()
added logic to ignore ‘data’ and ‘variables’ fields in trigger files
- updated connect_device() in utils
Fix a bug with ‘pool_size’ via mapping datafile
- genie.harness
Allow module load failures to propagate exception
- conf/utils
- Updated converter
pyATS Device will not be converted to Genie Device if pyATS Device class is given in testbed yaml
- common
- Modified clean infrastructure
To properly log exceptions generated in the parent process
- Modified stage schema validation
To support the ‘source’ key
- clean recovery
Removed exception when connecting to device in rommon
- generic
Modified ‘reload’ clean stage, fixed check_modules logic
- iosxe
Fixed iosxe clean abstraction issue
- iosxr
- Added
- common
- Modified filetransferutils
removed ‘protocol identification string lack carriage return’ error pattern
- Modified filetransferutils
Added ‘No such file or directory’ error pattern
- iosxe
- Updated pyATS Health Check default yaml
Added ‘threshold’ to ‘memory’ check
- iosxe
- Added ‘configure_ip_mtu’ API
configure mtu value under interface
- Added ‘unconfigure_ip_mtu’ API
unconfigure mtu value under interface
- Added ‘configure_interface_reg_segment’ API
configure rep segment under interface
- Added ‘unconfigure_interface_reg_segment’ API
unconfigure rep segment under interface
- Added ‘configure_interface_reg_segment_timer’ API
configure rep segment timer under interface
- Added ‘unconfigure_interface_reg_segment_timer’ API
unconfigure rep segment timer under interface
- Added ‘configure_switchport_nonegotiate’ API
configure switchport nonegotiate under interface
- Added ‘unconfigure_switchport_nonegotiate’ API
unconfigure switchport nonegotiate under interface
- Added configure_shap_map API
API for configuring policy with shape map for service-policy.
- Added clear_ikev2_sa API
API for clearing ikev2 sa.
- Added clear_ip_nhrp API
API for clearing NHRP.
- Added clear_dmvpn API
API for clearing dmvpn sessions.
- Added clear_dmvpn_statistics API
API for clearing dmvpn statistics.
- Added configure_ikev2_proposal API
API for configuring ike proposal.
- Added configure_ikev2_policy API
API for configure ike policy.
- Added configure_ikev2_authorization_policy API
API for configuring ikev2 authorization policy.
- Added configure_ikev2_profile_advanced API
API for ikev2 profile advanced.
- Added configure_ipsec_transform_set API
API for IPSec transform set.
- Added configure_ipsec_profile API
API for IPSec profile
- Added configure_dynamic_nat_route_map_rule API
API for configuring a dynamic NAT route-map rule.
- Added unconfigure_dynamic_nat_route_map_rule API
API for unconfiguring a dynamic NAT route-map rule.
- Added configure_dynamic_nat_pool_overload_route_map_rule API
API for configuring a dynamic NAT pool overload route-map pool rule.
- Added unconfigure_dynamic_nat_pool_overload_route_map_rule API
API for unconfiguring a dynamic NAT pool overload route-map pool rule.
- Added configure_dynamic_nat_interface_overload_route_map_rule API
API for configuring a dynamic NAT interface overload route-map rule.
- Added unconfigure_dynamic_nat_interface_overload_route_map_rule API
API for unconfiguring a dynamic NAT interface overload route-map rule.
- Added configure_standard_access_list API
API for configuring standard access-list.
- Added unconfigure_standard_access_list API
API for unconfiguring standard access-list.
- Added configure_enable_nat_scale API
API for configure enable nat scale.
- Added configure_dynamic_nat_rule API
API for configuring dynamic NAT rule.
- Added unconfigure_dynamic_nat_rule API
API for unconfiguring dynamic NAT rule.
- Added configure_static_nat_rule API
API for configuring a static NAT rule.
- Added unconfigure_static_nat_rule API
API for unconfiguring a static NAT rule.
- Added configure_static_nat_outside_rule
API for configuring static NAT outside rule.
- Added unconfigure_static_nat_outside_rule
API for unconfiguring static NAT outside rule.
- Added configure_subinterface API
API for configuring subinterface
- Added unconfigure_aaa_new_model API
API for unconfiguring aaa new-model.
added remove_ipv6_dhcp_guard_policy API
added remove_ipv6_nd_suppress_policy API
added remove_single_device_tracking_policy API
added remove_ipv6_source_guard_policy API
added clear_device_tracking_database API
added clear_device_tracking_counters API
- Added configure_ptp_8275_local_priority API
configure ptp 8275 local priority
- Added unconfigure_ptp_8275_local_priority API
unconfigure ptp 8275 local priority
- Added configure_ptp_role_primary API
configure ptp role primary
- Added unconfigure_ptp_role_primary API
unconfigure ptp role primary
- Added configure_ptp_8275_holdover_spec_duration API
configure holdover spec duration
- Added unconfigure_ptp_8275_holdover_spec_duration API
unconfigure holdover spec duration
- Added execute_clear_ipdhcp_snooping_database_statistics API
clear ip dhcp snooping database statistics
- Added configure_ip_arp_inspection_vlan API
config ip arp inspection vlan on device
- Added unconfigure_ip_arp_inspection_vlan API
unconfig ip arp inspection vlan on device
- Added configure_ip_arp_inspection_validateip API
config ip arp inspection validate ip on device
- Added unconfigure_ip_arp_inspection_validateip API
unconfig ip arp inspection validate ip on device
- Added configure_ip_dhcp_snooping_database API
configuring ip dhcp snooping database on device
- Added unconfigure_ip_dhcp_snooping_database API
unconfiguring ip dhcp snooping database on device
- Added create_dhcp_pool_withoutrouter API
create dhcp pool on device
- Added VerifyApMode
Added new clean stage called VerifyApMode
- Added VerifyApAssociation
Added new clean stage called VerifyApAssociation
- Added
- Added
- Added
- Added
- Added configure_nat_pool API
API for configuring a NAT pool.
- Added unconfigure_nat_pool API
API for unconfiguring a NAT pool.
- Added configure_static_nat_route_map_rule API
API for configuring a static NAT route-map rule.
- Added unconfigure_static_nat_route_map_rule API
API for unconfiguring a static NAT route-map rule.
- Added configure_nat_port_route_map_rule API
API for configuring a NAT port route-map rule.
- Added unconfigure_nat_port_route_map_rule API
API for unconfiguring a NAT port route-map rule.
- Added execute_clear_platform_software_fed_switch_active_cpu_interface API
API for clearing active cpu-interface.
- Added configure_default_gateway API
Configures default gateway
- Added configure_dot1x_pae API
Configures DOT1x pae both on device
- Added unconfigure_dot1x_pae API
Unconfigures DOT1x pae both on device
- Added configure_aaa_auth_proxy API
Configures AAA auth proxy on device
- Added unconfigure_aaa_auth_proxy API
Unconfigures AAA auth proxy on device
- Added configure_wired_radius_attribute API
Configures wired radius attribute on device
- Added unconfigure_wired_radius_attribute API
Unconfigures wired radius attribute on device
- Added configure_radius_server_dead_criteria API
Configures Radius Server dead criteria on device
- Added unconfigure_radius_server_dead_criteria API
Unconfigures Radius Server dead criteria on device
- Added configure_radius_server_deadtime API
Configures Radius Server deadtime on device
- Added unconfigure_radius_server_deadtime API
Unconfigures Radius Server deadtime on device
- Added configure_aaa_session_id API
Configures AAA session ID on device
- Added unconfigure_aaa_session_id API
Unconfigures AAA session ID on device
- Added verify_bgp_evi_rt2_mac_localhost
Method verifies bgp host for routetype 2 in show ip bgp
Added config_interface_subinterface API
- Added configure_ipv6_acl API
configures ipv6 acl
- Added unconfigure_ipv6_acl_ace API
unconfigures ace in ipv6 acl
- Added execute_clear_platform_software_fed_switch_mode_acl_stats API
executes execute_clear_platform_software_fed_switch_mode_acl_stats
- Added verify_cef_uid_on_active_standby API
verifies cef id on both active and standby device
- Added verify_cef_path_sets_summary API
verifies cef path sets summary on active and standby device
- Added verify_mpls_rlist_summary_vefore_and_after_sso API
verifies wether rlist summary is same before and after sso on both active and standby device
- Added verify_etherchannel_counter API
verifies packet flow on port-channel interface
- Added interface_counter_check API
verifies packet flow on interface
- Added verify_igmp_groups_under_vrf API
verifies igmp groups
- Added verify_mpls_mldp_count
verifies mpls mldp count
- Added unconfig_ip_on_vlan API
unconfigures Ipv4/Ipv6 address from vlan
- Added transceiver API
API for getting transceiver input current,output current and laserbiased current
- Added transceiver_interval API
API for getting the default interval “30” for the transceiver
- Added get_ap_state
Added new api to get state of the access point
- Added get_ap_country
Added new api to get country of the access point
- Added get_ap_mode
Added new api to get ap mode of the access point
- nxos
- Added API ‘verify_boot_mode_lxc_config’
verify LXC config on device
- Added API ‘verify_boot_mode_lxc_unconfig’
verify LXC config is not present in the device
- Added API ‘verify_incompatibility_status’
verify ISSU incompatibility status
- blitz
- advanced_actions.py
Added if, elif and else conditions support for run_condition action.
- {address_family} evi {evi} route-type 2 0 {mac} *
Added verify_bgp_evi_mac_ipprefix
method verifies for bgp ip prefix specific to mac in
- show ip bgp {address-family} evi {evi} detail
Added get_l2route_mac_route_flags
- gets mac related flags in show l2route evpn default-gateway
Added verify_l2route_mac_route_flag
method verifies for particular flag and also flag
- specific to mac if given
Added get_mac_table_from_address_family
- gets mac table from address_family in show {address_family} mac
- Added verify_mac_from_address_family
Verify mac from particular address family in show l2vpn evpn mac
- also for the particular evi if given
Added get_routing_ipv6_routes
- executes ‘show ipv6 route vrf <vrf>’ and retrieve the routes
Added verify_route_vrf_nexthop_with_source_protocol
- verify route target is present with specific l3 protocol in
show <address_family> route vrf <vrf>
- added verify_bgp_neighbor_state
Verifies bgp neighbor state in show ip bgp l2vpn evpn summary or
state for particular neighbor if given
added verify_bgp_neighbor_route_zero_prefixes
- added poe_p3 api
API for getting power_class and power_used for poe interfaces
- fixes to existing apis
- Added configure_ptp_modes API
configure ptp modes
- Added unconfigure_ptp_modes API
unconfigure ptp modes
- api utils
- Modified api_unittest_generator
Fixed bug when default test arguments are not provided
- generic
Modified copy_from_device API, avoid stripping of /
- ios
- Modified write_erase_reload_device_without_reconfig
Added sleep_after_reload argument to be used instead of reload_timeout for post reload sleep.
- iosxe
- Modified write_erase_reload_device_without_reconfig
Added sleep_after_reload argument to be used instead of reload_timeout for post reload sleep.
- Modified
- Modified
- Modified write_erase_reload_device
Added api to device and remove the extra argument from calling the
- Modified configure_pki_enroll_certificate API
Modified to return the output
- Modified configure_radius_server_dead_criteria
Changed the variable time to server_time
- Modified configure_radius_server_deadtime
Changed the variable time to server_time
- Modified unconfigure_radius_server_dead_criteria
Changed the variable time to server_time
- Modified unconfigure_radius_server_deadtime
Changed the variable time to server_time
- Modified configure_aaa_local_auth API
Added few commands to this API
- Modified unconfigure_aaa_local_auth API
Added few commands to this API
- Added configure_dot1x_cred_int API
Configures Dot1x credential on interface
- Added unconfigure_dot1x_cred_int API
Unconfigures Dot1x credential on interface
- Fixed ‘write_erase_reload_device_without_reconfig’ API
Fixed init_config_commands issue
- Fixed ‘write_erase_reload_device’ API
Fixed init_config_commands issue
- Modified API clear_access_session
added attributes Interface, as options to the configuration
- Modified API configure_interface_switchport_trunk
added attributes Operation, as options to the configuration
- Modified API configure_ip_prefix_list
added attributes SubnetId, as options to the configuration
- Modified API unconfigure_ip_prefix_list
added attributes SubnetId, as options to the configuration
- Modified API configure_coa
added attributes vrf, as options to the configuration
- Added API unconfigure_coa
added unconfiguration API for dynamic-author
- Updated configure_control_policies
added attributes priority, dot1x_type, retries, retry_time, auth_rest_timer, and template_name as options to the configuration
- Modified config_ip_on_interface
Added Support for ip adddress dhcp
Modified verify_mpls_forwarding_table_gid_counter API
Modified verify_mpls_forwarding_table_vrf_mdt API
- Modified verify_mfib_vrf_hardware_rate API
Modified it to support verification of multiple group ips hardware rate, by passing grp_ip which contains group ip with traffic sent pps and number of joins
- Modified ‘health_cpu’ API
Updated command to have ‘exclude 0.00%’ filter by default
- Modified ‘health_memory’ API
Updated command to have ‘section | ^Processor’ by default
added ‘threshold’ argument
check only total usage first, then check detail only when threshold exceeds
- nxos
- Modified write_erase_reload_device_without_reconfig
Added sleep_after_reload argument to be used instead of reload_timeout for post reload sleep.
- Fixed ‘write_erase_reload_device_without_reconfig’ API
Fixed init_config_commands issue
- Fixed ‘health_cpu’ API
Fixed to get proper cpu usage for total
- jinja2
- Modified load_jinja_template
- Added arguments to remove empty newline characters and leading whitespace
Defaults to True
- Modified get_jinja_template
- Added arguments to remove empty newline characters and leading whitespace
Defaults to True
- apis
Modified creating the remote path so the files with more than one suffixes
- iosxe
- Added ShowLispInstanceIdServiceStatistics
show lisp instance-id {instance_id} {service} statistics
show lisp {lisp_id} {instance_id} {service} statistics
show lisp locator-table {locator_table} instance-id {instance_id} {service} statisticsNo backward compatibility
- iosxe
- Added ShowFirmwareVersionAll
show firmware version all
- Added ShowIpv6RouteSummary parser
Parser for ‘show ipv6 route summary’ and ‘show ipv6 route vrf {vrf} summary’
- Modified ShowIpRouteSummary parser
Modified parser to grep v6 protocols
- Added ShowLispInstanceIdIpv4MapCache
show lisp instance-id {instance_id} ipv4 map-cache
show lisp {lisp_id} instance-id {instance_id} ipv4 map-cache
show lisp locator-table {locator_table} instance-id {instance_id} ipv4 map-cache
show lisp eid-table vrf {vrf} ipv4 map-cache
show lisp eid-table {eid_table} ipv4 map-caches
- Added ShowLispInstanceIdIpv6MapCache
show lisp instance-id {instance_id} ipv6 map-cache
show lisp {lisp_id} instance-id {instance_id} ipv6 map-cache
show lisp locator-table {locator_table} instance-id {instance_id} ipv6 map-cache
show lisp eid-table vrf {vrf} ipv6 map-cache
show lisp eid-table {eid_table} ipv6 map-caches
Deleted ShowLispEidTableVrfUserIpv4MapCache existing class because this command is covered by new parser (ShowLispInstanceIdIpv4MapCache). Modified Schema and updated code.No backward compatibility
- Added ShowLisp
‘show lisp’
‘show lisp {lisp_id}’
- Added ShowLoggingOnboardRpActiveTemperatureDetail
show logging onboard rp active temperature detail
show logging onboard rp active voltage detail
show logging onboard rp standby temperature detail
show logging onboard rp standby voltage detail
- Added ShowPlatformSoftwareFedSwitchActiveQosPolicyTarget parser
show platform software fed switch active qos policy target brief
- Added ShowPlatformSoftwareObjectManagerFpActiveStatistics parser
show platform software object-manager FP active statistics
Added ShowPolicyMapTypeQueueingSuperParser
- Added ShowPolicyMapTypeQueueingInterfaceOutput
show policy-map type queueing interface {interface} output class {class_name}
show policy-map type queueing interface {interface} output
- Added ShowRunningConfigFlowRecord
show running-config flow record
- Added ShowTelemetryIETFSubscriptionSummary
show telemetry ietf subscription summary
- Added ShowLispInstanceIdService
‘show lisp instance-id {instance_id} {service}’,
‘show lisp {lisp_id} instance-id {instance_id} {service}’,
‘show lisp locator-table {locator_table} instance-id {instance_id} {service}
- Added ShowLispSiteSummary
‘show lisp site summary’,
‘show lisp {lisp_id} site summary’,
‘show lisp site summary instance-id {instance_id}’,
‘show lisp site summary eid-table vrf {vrf}’,
‘show lisp site summary eid-table {eid_table}’
- Added ShowInstallState parser
show install <state>
- Added ShowParserStatistics parser
show parser statistics
- Added ShowVersionRunning parser
show version running
- Added ShowStackwiseLink parser
show stackwise-virtual switch <number> link
- Added ShowInstallRollback parser
show install rollback
- Added ShowInstallRollbackId parser
show install rollback id <rollback_id>
- Added ShowPlatformSoftwareInstallManagerSwitchActiveR0OperationHistorySummary parser
show platform software install-manager switch active r0 operation history summary
- Added ShowPlatformSoftwareInstallManagerRpActiveOperationHistorySummary parser
show platform software install-manager RP active operation history summary
- Added show install package SMU parser
show install package SMU
- c9400
- Added ShowBoot parser
show boot
- Added ShowIpv6DhcpPool
Parser for show ipv6 dhcp pool
- Added ShowIpv6OspfNeighbor
Parser for show ipv6 ospf neighbor
- Added ShowPlatformSoftwareFedActiveAclInfoSummary
Parser for Show Platform Software Fed Active Acl Info Summary
- Added ShowPlatformFedActiveIfmMapping
Parser for show platform software fed active ifm mappings
- Added ShowPlatformFedActiveTcamUtilization
Parser for show platform hardware fed active fwd-asic resource tcam utilization
- Added ShowLispInstanceIdIpv4Server
show lisp instance-id {instance_id} ipv4 server
show lisp {lisp_id} instance-id {instance_id} ipv4 server
show lisp locator-table {locator_table} instance-id {instance_id} ipv4 server
show lisp eid-table vrf {vrf} ipv4 server
show lisp eid-table {eid_table} ipv4 server
- Added ShowLispInstanceIdIpv6Server
show lisp instance-id {instance_id} ipv6 server
show lisp {lisp_id} instance-id {instance_id} ipv6 server
show lisp locator-table {locator_table} instance-id {instance_id} ipv6 server
show lisp eid-table vrf {vrf} ipv6 server
show lisp eid-table {eid_table} ipv6 server
- Added ShowCryptoIkev2Session
show crypto ikev2 session
- Added ShowCryptoIkev2SessionDetail
show crypto ikev2 session detail
- Added ShowCryptoIsakmpSa
show crypto isakmp sa
- Added ShowCryptoIsakmpSaDetail
show crypto isakmp sa detail
- Added ShowCryptoMibIpsecFlowmibEndpoint
Parser for show crypto mib ipsec flowmib endpoint
- Added ShowCryptoMibIpsecFlowmibTunnel
Parser for show crypto mib ipsec flowmib tunnel
- Added ShowCryptoSessionLocalDetail
Parser for show crypto session local {ip_address} detail
- Added ShowCryptoSessionLocal
Parser for show crypto session local {ip_address}
- Added ShowCryptoIpsecSaCount
Parser for show crypto ipsec sa count
- Added ShowCryptoIkev2SaDetail
Parser for show crypto ikev2 sa detail
- Added ShowCryptoIkev2SaLocalDetail
Parser for show crypto ikev2 sa local {ip_address} detail
- Added ShowCryptoIkev2SaLocal
Parser for show crypto ikev2 sa local {ip_address}
- Added ShowIpMrib
show ip mrib route
show ip mrib route {group}
show ip mrib route {group} {source}
show ip mrib vrf {vrf} route
show ip mrib vrf {vrf} route {group}
show ip mrib vrf {vrf} route {group} {source}
- Added ShowIpMrib
added the new parser for cli “show ip mrib route”
show ip mrib route
show ip mrib route {group}
show ip mrib route {group} {source}
show ip mrib vrf {vrf} route
show ip mrib vrf {vrf} route {group}
show ip mrib vrf {vrf} route {group} {source}
- Added ShowIpMroute
added the new argument verbose and supported additonal
combinations in parser for cli “show ip mroute” and “show ipv6 mroute”
show ip mroute verbose
show ip mroute {group} verbose
show ip mroute {group} {source} verbose
show ip mroute vrf {vrf}
show ip mroute vrf {vrf} {group}
show ip mroute vrf {vrf} {group} {source}
show ip mroute vrf {vrf} verbose
show ip mroute vrf {vrf} {group} verbose
show ip mroute vrf {vrf} {group} {source} verbose
show ipv6 mroute {group}
show ipv6 mroute {group} {source}
show ipv6 mroute verbose
show ipv6 mroute {group} verbose
show ipv6 mroute {group} {source} verbose
show ipv6 mroute vrf {vrf} {group}
show ipv6 mroute vrf {vrf} {group} {source}
show ipv6 mroute vrf {vrf} verbose
show ipv6 mroute vrf {vrf} {group} verbose
show ipv6 mroute vrf {vrf} {group} {source} verbose
- Modified class ShowLispSite
show lisp site
show lisp {lisp_id} site
show lisp site instance-id {instance_id}
show lisp {lisp_id} site instance-id {instance_id}
show lisp site eid-table {eid_table}
show lisp {lisp_id} site eid-table {eid_table}
show lisp site eid-table vrf {vrf}
show lisp {lisp_id} site eid-table vrf {vrf}
- Modified ShowLispInstanceIdEthernetServer
show lisp instance-id {instance_id} ethernet server
show lisp {lisp_id} instance-id {instance_id} ethernet server
show lisp locator-table {locator_table} instance-id {instance_id} ethernet server
show lisp eid-table vlan {vlan} ethernet server
- Added ShowLispIpv4ServerExtranetPolicy
show lisp instance-id {instance_id} ipv4 server extranet-policy
show lisp {lisp_id} instance-id {instance_id} ipv4 server extranet-policy
show lisp eid-table {eid_table} ipv4 server extranet-policy
show lisp eid-table vrf {vrf} ipv4 server extranet-policy
show lisp locator-table {locator_table} instance-id {instance_id} ipv4 server extranet-policy
- Added ShowLispIpv6ServerExtranetPolicy
show lisp instance-id {instance_id} ipv6 server extranet-policy
show lisp {lisp_id} instance-id {instance_id} ipv6 server extranet-policy
show lisp eid-table {eid_table} ipv6 server extranet-policy
show lisp eid-table vrf {vrf} ipv6 server extranet-policy
show lisp locator-table {locator_table} instance-id {instance_id} ipv6 server extranet-policy
- Added ShowCallAdmissionStatistics parser
show call admission statistics
- Added ShowCallAdmissionStatisticsDetailed parser
show call admission statistics detailed
- Added ShowPlatformSoftwareFedSwitchActivePuntCpuq
show platform software fed switch active punt cpuq {cpu_q_id}
- Added ShowPlatformTcamPbr
show platform hardware fed switch active fwd-asic resource tcam table pbr record 0 format 0 | begin {nat_region}
- Added ShowPlatformNatTranslationsStatistics
show platform nat translations active statistics
- Added ShowPlatformNatTranslations
show platform nat translations active
- Added ShowPlatformTcamAcl
show platform hardware fed switch active fwd-asic resource tcam table acl | begin {INPUT_NAT}
- Added ShowStackwiseVirtualLink
show stackwise-virtual link
- Added ShowPlatSwObjectManagerF0Statistics
show platform software object-manager {switch} {switch_type} F0 statistics
- Added ShowPlatSwObjectManagerF0ErrorObject
show platform software object-manager {switch} {switch_type} F0 error-object
- Added ShowAAAMethodList
Added the parser for cli ‘show aaa method-list {type}’
- Added ShowRunningConfigAAA
Added the parser for cli ‘show running-config aaa’
- Modified class ShowLispServiceDatabase
The existing schema does not properly represent the output of the show command So fixed all the schema so that it represents the output properly and updated code accordingly
- Modified class ShowLispEidTableServiceDatabase
The existing schema does not properly represent the output of the show command So fixed all the schema so that it represents the output properly and updated code accordingly
- Modified class ShowLispEthernetDatabase
The existing schema does not properly represent the output of the show command So fixed all the schema so that it represents the output properly and updated code accordingly
- Below are the new parsers added for pdm
Added show pdm steering policy
Added show pdm steering policy {steering_policy} detail
Added show pdm steering service
Added show pdm steering service {steering_service} detail
Added show pdm steering policy | count {service}
- Added ShowRepTopologySegment
‘show rep topology segment {no}’
- Added ShowPlatformSoftwareFedSwitchSecurityfedDhcpsnoopVlanVlanid
‘show platform software fed switch {switch_no} security-fed dhcp-snoop vlan vlan-id {vlan_id}’
- Added ShowInterfacesEtherchannelCounters
show interfaces {interface} counter etherchannel
- Modified ShowIpMroute
show ip mroute vrf {vrf} {grpip} {sourceip}
show ip mroute vrf {vrf} {grpip}
Added Optional schema keys <upstream_interface>, <rpf_nbr>, and <state>
- Modified ShowBgpAllDetail
show bgp {address_family} {route}
Added ShowIpMrib command with options
- Added ShowIpSlaStatistics
‘show ip sla statistics’
‘show ip sla statistics {probe_id}’
- Added ShowIpSlaStatisticsDetails
‘show ip sla statistics details’
‘show ip sla statistics {probe_id} details’
- Added ShowIpSlaStatisticsAggregated
‘show ip sla statistics aggregated’
‘show ip sla statistics aggregated {probe_id}’
- iosxr
Added platform folder
- Added ShowInterfaceSummary Parser
show interface summary
- iosxe
- Modified ShowInventoryRaw
Updated regex <p1> and <p2> and modified code to not to add keywords with empty value
- Modified ShowEnvironment
Updated regex pattern <P4> to accommodate various outputs
- Modified ShowModule parser
Updated ShowModule parser to include missing keys
- Added ShowVpdnSuperParser
show vpdn
show vpdn tunnel
- Modified ShowVpdn
Moved logic into ShowVpdnSuperParser
- Added ShowVpdnTunnel
show vpdn tunnel
- Modified ShowIsisLspLog
Added an initial tag value “default”
- Modified ShowRunInterface
Added stackwise_virtual_link and dual_active_detection as new Optional keys.
- Modified ShowVersion
Added two new keys <copyright_years> and <location> to parser schema, updated regex <p3> and <p4>
- Modified ShowModule
Updated regex <p3> and <p4> and modified code so it works with multiple modules
Changed keys <redundancy_role>, <operating_redundancy_mode>, and <configured_redundancy_mode> to optional
- Modified ShowPlatformSoftwareYangManagementProcessState
Added missing process states (Init, Failed, Invalid)
- Modified ShowVlan
Added regex <p0> for handling situations where line wrapping is causing breakages
- Modified ShowPlatform
Fix incorrect logic for <p6> slot type. C83 now included in matches for types ‘lc’ and ‘rp’. Fix is NOT BACKWARDS COMPATIBLE
- Modified ShowBgpAllNeighborsRoutesSuperParser
Added p8 to parse the “Total number of prefixes” in the for “show bgp neighbor routes”
- Modified ShowPlatformSoftwareFedactiveAclCountersHardwareSchema
Added Optional Schema keys <ingress_ipv4_ipclients_cpu>, <ingress_ipv6_ipclients_cpu>, <ingress_ipv4_ipclients_drop>, and <ingress_ipv6_ipclients_drop>
- Modified ShowIpMrouteSchema
Changed schema key <rpf_nbr> to Optional
- Modified ShowProcessCpuSorted
Added ‘include’/’exclude’ support
- Modified ShowProcessesMemory
Added ‘exclude’/’section’ support
- Modified ShowSslproxyStatusSchema
Added “Dual-Side Optimization” key support.
- Modified ShowBgpNeighborsAdvertisedRoutesSuperParser
added try/catch for unconditional command execution “show bgp all neighbors | i BGP neighbor”
- Modified ShowMkaSessions Parser
changed the ‘ckn’ variable to match decimal/hexa decimal
- Modified ShowLispService
Modified Schema and updated code.No backward compatibility
- ios
- Modified ShowCdpNeighborsDetail
Changed port_id from schema to Optional.
Rearranged software version and advertisement version patterns to accommodate various outputs.
- iosxr
- Modified ShowPolicyMapInterface
Updated regex patterns <p2> and <p4> to accommodate various outputs
Added optional schema keys <queue_conform_packets>, <queue_conform_bytes>, <queue_conform_rate>, <red_random_drops_packets>, and <red_random_drops_bytes>
- Modified ShowBgpInstanceNeighborsAdvertisedRoutes
Added new pattern and logic to handle when device output was split into multiple lines
- generic
- Modified ShowVersion
Adjusted iosxe/ios logic to ignore platforms that contain “x86_64_linux”
- nxos
- Modified ShowInterface
Updated regex pattern <p1> to accommodate various outputs.
- Modified ShowEigrpTopology
Removed cli_commands, af and vrf
- Added ShowIpEigrpTopology
show ip eigrp topology
show ip eigrp topology vrf {vrf}
- Added ShowIpv6EigrpTopology
show ipv6 eigrp topology
show ipv6 eigrp topology vrf {vrf}