August 2023¶
August 29 - Genie v23.8¶
Module |
Version |
23.8 |
23.8 |
23.8 |
23.8 |
23.8 |
23.8 |
23.8 |
23.8 |
23.8 |
23.8 |
23.8 |
Upgrade Instructions¶
pip install --upgrade ats[full] # For internal user
pip install --upgrade pyats[full] # For DevNet user
If you have pyATS installed, you can use:
pyats version update
- genie.cli.commands.job
Added suite_name and test_suite to configure_parser to fix the broken genie
- genie.harness
Added support for
as connection name in default mapping
- generic
Change logic for copy_to_device to check for local file size before trying from remote server
- iosxe
- CopyToDevice clean stage
Added check to verify the current running image and skip the stage.
- iosxe
- Modified configure_ipv6_acl
added time range parameter
API to only set authentication if username and password provided- Modified configure_dhcp_pool_ipv6_domain_name
API to configure dhcp-pool ipv6 domain-name
- Modify configure_bgp_address_advertisement
Updated API to support vrf
- Modified configure_snmp_server_enable_traps_power_ethernet_group
added correct mode of execution
variable name modified as mentioned in def arguments
- Modified API’s to unconfigure skip-client cli.
API to unconfigure_sks_client
- Modified configure_interface_service_policy
added return statement to return the output
- Modified configure_archive_logging
added optional variables hidekeys, notify_syslog. Default set to True
- Modified request_platform_software_package_clean
added optional variables timeout default to 60
- Modified generate_crypto_key
added mapping timeout which is missing
- Modified delete_local_file
added dialog
- Modified clear_logging
added timeout optional variable default to 60
- Modified delete_local_file
added the dialog statement
- Modified configure_interface_ip_verify_unicast_reversepath
added no_switchport optional input variable
- Modified configure_interface_ip_verify_unicast_notification
added no_switchport optional input variable
- Modified configure_interface_ip_verify_unicast_source
added no_switchport optional input variable
- Modified configure_interface_ipv6_verify_unicast_reversepath
added no_switchport optional input variable
- Modified hw_module_switch_usbflash_security_password
added return statement
- Modified request_system_shell
added command optional variable
- Modify configure_switchport_vlan_mapping
API for configure switchport vlan mapping
- Modify unconfigure_switchport_vlan_mapping
API for unconfigure switchport vlan mapping
- Modified config_ip_on_vlan
API for config_ip_on_vlan
- Modified unconfig_ip_on_vlan
API for unconfig_ip_on_vlan
- Modified configure_dhcp_pool
added parameter vrf and dns_server
- Modified unconfigure_dhcp_pool
added parameter vrf and dns_server
- blitz
Converted sanity test to end-to-end tests.
- Added
Added support of datastore to the Blitz action, ‘yang_snapshot_restore’. Also it will send edit-config after multiple locking tries.
- genie.libs.sdk
Modified blitz RPC verification code to support XPATH with and without key prefix
Modified blitz RPC verification code to support XPATH with leading and trailing WHITESPACE in Key content
Modified trim_response method to return the list of all responses from the index of parent_key
- iosxe
- Added api delete_directory
API to delete directory from the filesystem
- Added API’s to configure cli commands to collect smd logs and store it in a flash feature.
API to show_logging_smd_output_to_file
- Added unconfigure_ipv6_redirects
API to unconfigure ipv6 redirects
- Added configure_ipv6_nd_suppress_ra
API to configure ipv6 nd suppress-ra
- Added unconfigure_ipv6_nd_suppress_ra
API to unconfigure ipv6 nd suppress-ra
- Added unconfigure_ipv6_address_test
API to unconfigure ipv6 address test
- Added configure_ipv6_address_config
API to configure ipv6 address config
- Added unconfigure_ipv6_address_config
API to unconfigure ipv6 address config
- Added unconfigure_ipv6_address_autoconfig
API to unconfigure ipv6 address autoconfig
- Added API’s to configure cli commands for aaa filter-spec protocol config feature.
API to configure_access_session_attr_filter_list
API to unconfigure_access_session_attr_filter_list
API to unconfigure_access_session_attr_filter_list_protocol
- Added configure_bba_group_session_auto_cleanup
added api to configure_bba_group_session_auto_cleanup
- Added configure_avb
API to configure avb
- Added unconfigure_avb
API to unconfigure avb
- Added enable_keepalive_on_interface
API to configure enable_keepalive_on_interface
- Added configure_ptp_enable_on_interface
New API to configure ptp enable on interface
- Added configure_no_ptp_enable_on_interface
New API to unconfigure no ptp enable on interface
- Modified cts manual cli
API to configure policy with or without trust and also to disable propagation
- Add new API verify_bgp_neighbor_state_vrf
Verify state/pfxrcd entry in show bgp {vpnv4/vpnv4} {unicast} vrf {vrfid} summary
Add logging pre-check in health check
- Added configure_monitor_capture_export_location
New API to Configure Monitor capture export location file
- Added configure_monitor_capture_export_status
New API to Configure Monitor capture export status
- Added enable_debug_pdm
API to execute debug pdm {parameter} {enable}
- Added disable_debug_pdm
API to configure no debug pdm {parameter} {enable}
- Added unconfigure_switchport_trunk_allowed_vlan
API to unconfigure switchport trunk allowed vlan
- Added unconfigure_switchport_trunk_native_vlan
API to unconfigure switchport trunk native vlan
- Added disable_switchport_trunk_on_interface
API to disable switchport trunk
- Added configure_switchport_pvlan_trunk_allowed_vlan
API for configure pvlan trunk allowed vlan
- Added unconfigure_switchport_pvlan_trunk_allowed_vlan
API for unconfigure pvlan trunk allowed vlan
- Added configure_switchport_pvlan_trunk_native_vlan
API for configure pvlan trunk native vlan
- Added unconfigure_switchport_pvlan_trunk_native_vlan
API for unconfigure pvlan trunk native vlan
- Added configure_interface_pvlan_mapping
API for configure interface pvlan mapping
- Added unconfigure_interface_pvlan_mapping
API for unconfigure interface pvlan mapping
- Added unconfigure_interface_switchport_pvlan_mapping
API for unconfigure interface switchport pvlan mapping
- Added unconfigure_interface_switchport_pvlan_association
API for unconfigure interface switchport pvlan association
- Added unconfigure_interface_pvlan_host_assoc
API for unconfigure interface pvlan host association
- Added clear_interface_range
API for clear the interface range
- Added API’s to configure cli commands for QoS feature.
API to configure_table_map_on_device
API to configure_policy_map_class_precedence
API to unconfigure_interface_service_policy
- Added API’s to configure cli commands for aaa filter-spec accounting feature.
API to config_access_session_accnt_attr_filter_spec_include_list
API to unconfig_access_session_accnt_attr_filter_spec_include_list
- New unconfigure_management_netconf
Added api unconfigure_management_netconf
- Added configure_ipv4_object_group_network
API for configure ipv4 object group network
- Added unconfigure_ipv4_object_group
API for unconfigure ipv4 object group
- Added configure_ipv4_object_group_service
API for configure ipv4 object group service
- Added unconfigure_ipv4_object_group_service
API for unconfigure object group service
- Added configure_ipv4_ogacl_src_dst_nw
API for configure ipv4 ogacl src dst nw
- Added configure_ipv4_ogacl_service
API for configure ipv4 ogacl service
- Added configure_ipv4_ogacl_ip
API for configure ipv4 ogacl ip
- Added unconfigure_ipv4_ogacl
API for unconfigure ipv4 ogacl
- Added configure_ipv4_ogacl_on_interface
API for configure ipv4 ogacl on interface
- Added unconfigure_ipv4_ogacl_on_interface
API for unconfigure ipv4 ogacl on interface
- Added configure_glbp_details_on_interface
API for configure glbp details on interface
- Added API’s to configure cli commands for aaa authentication filter-spec feature.
API to config_access_session_auth_attr_filter_spec_include_list
API to unconfig_access_session_auth_attr_filter_spec_include_list
- Added execute_switch_card_OIR_power_force
New API to executr switch card oir power force
- Added configure_evpn_instance_evi
New API to configure evpn instance evi
- Added unconfigure_evpn_instance_evi
New API to unconfigure evpn instance evi
- Added configure_vfi_context_evpn
New API to configure vfi context evpn
- Added unconfigure_vfi_context_evpn
New API to unconfigure vfi context evpn
- Added upgrade_hw_programmable
API to execute upgrade hw-programmable all
- Added configure_udld_recovery
API to configure udld recovery
- Added configure_l2vpn_evpn_ethernet_segment
API for configure_l2vpn_evpn_ethernet_segment
- Added unconfigure_snmp_server_enable_traps_power_ethernet_group
API to unconfigure snmp server enable traps power ethernet group
- Added configure_rommon_tftp
API to configure tftp rommon variables
- Added clear_cts_counters_ipv4
API for clear cts role-based counters ipv4
- Added unshut_port_channel
API for unshut_port_channel
- Added get_lisp_instance_id_running_config
API for get_lisp_instance_id_running_config
- Added clear_controllers_ethernet_controller
API to clear_controllers_ethernet_controller
- com
- Added device_boot_recovery
API to boot the device from rommon using golden image or tftp boot.
- blitz
Added support for veryfing deletion of nodes while using GNMI
Added possibility to create custom verifiers and decoders when using Netconf.
Changed custom verifiers architecture from monolitic to modular (separate class per protocol).
- sdk
Version pinned pysnmp and pyasn1 to fix the type error in execute_power_cycle_device api
- iosxe
- Added ShowPerformanceMeasurementPaths
show performance-measurement paths
- Added ShowPerformanceMeasurementSummary
show performance-measurement summary
show performance-measurement summary {detail}
show performance-measurement summary {detail} {private}
- Added ShowIpv6DhcpInterface Parser
Parser for ‘show ipv6 dhcp interface’
Parser for ‘show ipv6 dhcp interface {interface}’
- Added ShowPlatformSoftwareFedSwitchActiveMatmMacTableVlanMac
show platform software fed {state} matm macTable vlan {vlan} mac {mac}
show platform software fed {switch} {state} matm macTable vlan {vlan} mac {mac}
- Added ShowSdwanPolicyServicePath Parser
Parser for ‘show sdwan policy service-path vpn {vpn} interface {interface} source-ip {source_ip} dest-ip {destination_ip} protocol {protocol}’
Parser for ‘show sdwan policy service-path vpn {vpn} interface {interface} source-ip {source_ip} dest-ip {destination_ip} protocol {protocol} {all}’
Added show platform software fed switch {switch} fnf flow-record asic {asic} start-index {index} num-flows {flow} parser
- Added ShowIpNatTranslationsTotal parser
Parser for “show ip nat translations total”
Parser for “show ip nat translations vrf <vrf name> total”
- Added ShowMdnsSdCache
parser for ‘show mdns-sd cache’
Added ShowTimeRange
- Added ShowOspfv3vrfNeighborInterfaceSchema
parser for ‘show ospfv3 vrf {vrf_id} neighbor interface’
- Added ShowFlowMonitorCacheFilterInterfaceIPv4 Parser
Parser for ‘show flow monitor {name} cache filter interface {direction} {interface_name} ipv4 {address_direction} address {address}’
- Added ShowDropsHistoryQfp
show drops history qfp
- Added ShowDropsHistoryQfpClear
show drops history qfp clear
- Added ShowPlatformHardwareQfpStatisticsDropHistory
show platform hardware qfp {status} statistics drop history
- Added ShowPlatformHardwareQfpStatisticsDropHistoryClear
show platform hardware qfp {status} statistics drop history clear
- Added ShowFileInformation
Added schema and parser for ShowFileInformation
- iosxr
- Added ShowIsisIpv4Topology
Parser for cli ‘show isis ipv4 topology’
- Added ShowRibIpv6Iid
parser for ‘show rib ipv6 iid all’
- Added ShowPlatformSoftwareFedSwitchActiveAclInfoDbSummary
parser for ‘Show Platform Software Fed Switch Active Acl Info Db Summary’
- iosxe showsdwanappqoeadstatistics
- Added
parser for ‘show sdwan appqoe ad-statistics’
- iosxe showsdwanappqoedreoptstatistics
- Added
parser for ‘show sdwan appqoe dreopt statistics’
- iosxe showsdwanappqoermstatistics
- Added
parser for ‘show sdwan appqoe rm-statistics’
- iosxe
- Modified ShowPowerInlineModule
Modified in the p2 regular expression to match the poe names
- Modified ShowIpBgpNeighbors
Added New variables in Restricted address families to validate “l2vpn evpn” Neighbor
- Modified ShowPlatformTcamUtilization Parser
Added mode variable
- Modified ShowPlatformSoftwareFedQosInterfaceIngressNpiDetailed Parser
Fix p1 regular expression to match port-channel
- Modified ShowPolicyMapTypeSuperParser Parser
Fix p1 regular expression to match port-channel
- Modified ShowPlatformIfmMapping c9500 Parser
Fix p1 regular expression to match IFG_ID, First Serdes, Last Serdes
- Modified ShowPlatformSoftwareFedQosInterfaceSuperParser Parser
added timeout value to execute command and fix p5 with if condition on the counter
- Modified ShowDerivedConfigInterface Parser
Made violation key as Optional
- Modified ShowCallHomeProfileAll Parser
Fix p7 regex
- Modified ShowPlatformSoftwareFedQosInterfaceIngressNpiDetailed Parser
Added regex p4_12, p4_13, p4_14, p4_15, p4_16, p4_17, p4_18
- Modified ShowLldpNeighborsInterfaceDetail Parser
Made ‘management_addresses’ as optional
- Modified ShowInterfacesTransceiverSchema Parser
Added ‘max_power’ as optional key
- Modified ShowSwitchStackMode Parser
Fix p1 regular expression pattern
- Added ShowUSB
Added schema and parser for ShowUSB
- Modified ShowPolicyMapInterface
- Modified qos sets
Added cos cos table t1
Added traffic-class cos table t1
- Modified ShowDeviceTrackingCountersVlan
Added new dict in the schema for the ‘reason’ variable with multiple
Modified the existing golden_ouputs to match the schema
- Modified ShowDeviceTrackingDatabase
Added ‘show device-tracking database vlan {vlan_id}’ cli
Added New regex for vlan_db_capture
Added New variables in Schema and made existing Optional
- Modified ShowLispEthernetMapCache
Added new regex p3_1 for new pattern output,and changed schema as Optional
Modified p3 regex to match the output
- Modified ShowIpMfib
Modified p8 regex to match the output
- Modified
- Modificiation for show derived-config interface nve1
Added regex to handle configuration under nve1
- Modified
- Modificiation for show vrf detail
Added regex to handle vnid, vni and core-vlan
- Modified ShowPlatformHardwareAuthenticationStatus
Modified parser for “show platform hardware authentication status”
- Modified ShowPlatformSoftwareFedIfm
Fixed TunnelID range and support for both modular and stack platforms
- Modified ShowFlowMonitorCache
Added additional field fw_fw_event to schema
Added regex pattern <p33> to accomodate fw_fw_event outputs
- Added ShowCableDiagnosticsTdrInt
Parser for show cable diagnostics tdr int {interface}
modified regex. p1,p2 and p3
- Modified show l2route evpn multicast smet
Fixed issue of wrong index used for cli_command list in cli method of class ShowL2routeEvpnMulticastSmet
- Added ShowHwProgrammableAll
Added schema and parser for ShowHwProgrammableAll
- Added ShowAuthenticationSessionsDetailsSuper
Added <webauth> in p6 regex as Optional
Modified ShowLicenseTechSupport as per the output change in latest polaris version.
Added the key smartagentcompliancestatus in schema.
- Modified ShowLogging
Local variable ‘trap_dict’ referenced before assignment
- Modified ShowAccessSessionMacDetails
Modified keys <session_timeout>, <vlan_group>, <acs_acl>, <timeout_action> , <session_timeout> as Optional in the schema.
- asa
- Fix for ShowVersion parser
Updated regex p7
- nxos
- Fix for ShowModule parser
Updated regex for much more tightly controlled matching
- Modified ShowVpc
Updated show vpc parser to include Virtual-peerlink mode status
- Fix for ShowBgpVrfAllNeighbors parser
modify regex to handle new pattern.
- Fix for ShowInterfaceBrief parser
add regex to handle tunnel interfaces
- iosxr
- Modified ShowRouteIpv6
Added pattern <p15> to match ‘ffff50.1.1.1, from ffff50.1.1.8’
- Modified ShowL2vpnBridgeDomainBrief
Added p2 and p3 pattern
- Modified ShowBfdSessionDestination
Added Interfaces as key under dest value and moved complete schema which was under dest to interfaces key.
Modified async_detection_time_ms as optional parameter under timer_vals in schema.
Modified echo_detection_time_ms as optional parameter under timer_vals in schema.
Added <p3> to parse the format “No n/a n/a n/a UP”.
Added <p4> to parse the format “BE10 n/a n/a DOWN”.
- iosxe
- Added ShowPlatformTcamUtilization Parser
added ‘show platform hardware fed {switch} {mode} fwd-asic resource tcam utilization’ for c9500
- Added ShowInterfaceCountersEtherchannel Parser
added ‘show interface {interface} counters etherchannel’
- Added ShowHardwareLed parser
Added parser for ‘show hardware led’ for c9400 switch.