June 2024

  • Genie v24.6

























Upgrade Instructions

pip install --upgrade ats[full] # For internal user
pip install --upgrade pyats[full] # For DevNet user

If you have pyATS installed, you can use:

pyats version update




  • abstract
    • Modified AbstractTree
      • Fixed an issue where a forked process would be created when the AbstractTree class was loaded.

  • genie.conf
    • Modified parse method
      • Assigning cli as a value to context if it is None

      • Removing connection_alias from kwargs



  • iosxe
    • Modified InstallRemoveInactive
      • Modified logic to search image using regular expression in remove_inactive_pkgs

    • Added c9800_cl stages back


  • clean
    • Added ConfigureInterfaces stage



  • conf
    • Added breakout interface support to IOSXE

    • Added ParsedInterface class


  • iosxe
    • configure_interface
      • Add portsec
        • portsec_enable True

        • portsec_count ‘1025’

        • portsec_violation_mode ‘restrict | protect | shutdown’

        • portsec_aging_type ‘inactivity | absolute’

        • portsec_type ‘static|sticky’

        • portsec_static_mac ‘001506000001’

        • portsec_static_vlan ‘1002’

        • portsec_aging_time ‘5’

      • Add vpc_id
        • port-channel12
          • vpc_id “12”

      • Add vpc_peerlink
        • port-channel10
          • vpc_peer_link True



  • generic
    • Modified deletefile to accept and override command

  • iosxe
    • Modified deletefile to add the force option




  • iosxe
    • debug
      • configure.py
        • debug_platform_software_fed_switch_active_punt_packet_capture api Added
          • Args
            • device (obj) Device to execute on

            • allow_buffer_limit(bool) if user want to set buffer limit , Default False

            • buffer_limit(int , optional) Number of packets to capture <256-16384> , Default 16384 (max)

            • allow_circular_buffer_limit(bool) if user want to set circular buffer limit , Default False

            • circular_buffer_limit(int , optional) Number of packets to capture <256-16384> , Default 16384 (max)

            • allow_set_filter(bool) if user want to set filter , Default False

            • set_filter_value(str) user input of filter

            • allow_clear_filter(bool) if user want to clear all filters , Default False

            • start(bool) starting the capture

            • stop(bool) stop the capture


  • iosxe
    • Modified incomplete_mapper
      • Added support to handle args and kwargs

  • ios
    • Modified incomplete_mapper
      • Added support to handle args and kwargs




  • iosxe
    • Fix usage of golden image in recovery
      • Consolidating lookup of golden_image from recovery_info so that it is properly used when defined.

    • Modified configure_rommon_tftp
      • Updated code to handle all possible variation of image handling

    • Modified device_rommon_boot
      • Changed sequence of condition when image is not passed in clean yaml

    • Modified delete_local_file
      • Added timeout to delete_local_file

    • Modified delete_unprotected_files to force delete

    • Modify get_boot_time
      • Added a check to split and parse the uptime_str more robustly by handling the ‘hours’ and ‘minutes’ parts individually.

      • Added initialization for hours and minutes to ensure they default to 0 if not found in uptime_str.

    • Modified request_system_shell
      • Added functionality to pass list of commands to execute

    • Fix copy_file API
      • Added timeout optional variable to the copy_file API to allow the user to


  • iosxe
    • Added API config_replace_to_flash_memory_force
      • Added API to configure replace to flash memory force

    • Added get_power_supply_info to retrieve power_supply information of respective components under cat9k/c9300

    • udld
      • Added unconfigure_udld_recovery

    • Added configure_interface_dot1q_ethertype

    • Added configure_subinterface_second_dot1q

    • policy_map
      • Added configure_policy_map_set_cos_cos_table
        • command policy-map {policy-map name}

        • command class {class name}

        • command set cos cos table {table name}

    • table_map
      • Added configure_table_map_set_default
        • command table-map {table_map_name}

        • command default {copy or ignore or any value}

    • Added API verify_interface_status_duplex
      • This API is used to verify the interface status duplex

    • Added new API verify_cdp_neighbors_interface
      • Verifies if the CDP neighbors of a device are connected to the specified interface.

    • Added new API get_cdp_neighbor_port_id
      • Added new API to get the port id of the CDP neighbor.

    • Added configure_flow_monitor
      • New API to configure flow monitor

    • Added get_power_supply_info to retrieve power_supply information of respective components under cat9k/c9400.

    • Added get_platform_fan_speed to retrieve fan_speed of respective fan components under cat9k/c9300

    • Added configure_tunnel_mode_gre_multipoint
      • API for configure tunnel mode gre multipoint

    • Added unconfigure_tunnel_mode_gre_multipoint
      • API for unconfigure tunnel mode gre multipoint

    • Added configure_tunnel_source
      • API for configure tunnel source

    • Added unconfigure_tunnel_source
      • API for unconfigure tunnel source

    • Added configure_ip_nhrp_network_id
      • API for configure ip nhrp network id

    • Added unconfigure_ip_nhrp_network_id
      • API for unconfigure ip nhrp network id

    • Added configure_ip_nhrp_redirect
      • API for configure ip nhrp redirect

    • Added unconfigure_ip_nhrp_redirect
      • API for unconfigure ip nhrp redirect

    • Added configure_ip_nhrp_redirect
      • API for configure ip nhrp redirect

    • Added unconfigure_ip_nhrp_redirect
      • API for unconfigure ip nhrp redirect

    • Added configure_ip_nhrp_map
      • API for configure ip nhrp map

    • Added unconfigure_ip_nhrp_map
      • API for unconfigure ip nhrp map

    • Added configure_ip_nhrp_map_multicast
      • API for configure ip nhrp map multicast

    • Added unconfigure_ip_nhrp_map_multicast
      • API for unconfigure ip nhrp map multicast

    • Added configure_ip_nhrp_nhs
      • API for configure ip nhrp nhs

    • Added unconfigure_ip_nhrp_nhs
      • API for unconfigure ip nhrp nhs

    • Added configure_ip_nhrp_authentication
      • API for configure ip nhrp authentication

    • Added unconfigure_ip_nhrp_authentication
      • API for unconfigure ip nhrp authentication

    • Added configure_nhrp_group
      • API for configure ip nhrp group

    • Added unconfigure_ip_nhrp_group
      • API for unconfigure ip nhrp group

    • Added configure_ip_nhrp_map_multicast_dynamic
      • API for configure ip nhrp map multicast dynamic

    • Added unconfigure_ip_nhrp_map_multicast_dynamic
      • API for unconfigure ip nhrp map multicast dynamic

    • Added new API verify_interface_config_no_speed
      • Added new API to verify interface configuration without speed.




  • iosxe
    • Modified ShowLispPlatform
      • Updated the schema to account for new section in show cli output.

    • Modified ShowLispServerSubscriptionPrefix
      • Updated the schema to allow to have optional keys.

    • Modified ShowLispSubscriber
      • Updated the schema and parser to allow to have optional keys.
        • Revision structure incorporated.


  • utils
    • Modified unittests.py
      • Enhanced the unittests script to search local folders for a tests folder instead of using the root tests folder with symlinks

  • general
    • Cleaned up existing unittests and brought to light a few that were never being picked up

  • iosxe
    • Modified ShowMkaStatistics
      • Changed mkpdu-failures key from schema to Optional.

    • Modified ShowFlowMonitorCache
      • Added <datalink_mac_dst_output> key to schema as Optional.

      • Added regex pattern <p39> to accommodate various outputs.

    • Modified ShowIsisRib
      • Changed algo key from schema to Optional.

      • Updated code to accomodate various outputs.

    • Modified fix for ShowLogging
      • Modified patterns p11 regex to match user’s data.

    • Modified ShowNtpAssociations
      • Updated regex pattern <p1> to accommodate various outputs.

    • Modified fix for ShowDlepClients
      • Modified parser to accomodate various outputs

    • Modified ShowIsisNodeLevel
      • Updated regex pattern p4 to accommodate various outputs.

    • Modified ShowPlatformSoftwareFedSwitchActiveNatFlows
      • Added elif condition to parser ‘show platform software fed {switch} {mode} nat flows {flow_based_on}’ and ‘show platform software fed {switch} {mode} nat flows {flow_based_on} {flow_based_on_value}’

    • Modified ShowPlatformSoftwareFedSwitchMatmStats parser
      • Added cli show platform software fed {act_mode} matm stats

    • Modified ShowLispInstanceIdService
      • Fixed incorrect regex for ETR Map-Server and ITR Map-Resolver

    • Modified ShowModule
      • Added optional variables under module

      • Modified p3 and p4 regex

    • Fixed ShowDiagnosticResultModuleTestDetail parser
      • Fixed one regex pattern to match for all the conditions for ‘Show diagnostic result module {mod_num} test {include} detail’

    • Modified fix for ShowMkaPolicy
      • Reverted the name expansion changes introduced in the last PR #3292.

    • Modified fix for ShowInterfaces
      • Modified the Regex pattern p<12> to correctly retrieve the send and receive status and accommodate varios outputs.

    • Modified fix for ShowIsisTopology
      • Modified patterns p5 and p6 to accommodate various outputs

    • Modified ShowSystemIntegrityAllMeasurementNonce parser
      • Updated regex to match LOCATION FRU=fru-rp SLOT=0 BAY=0 CHASSIS=-1 NODE=0

    • Modified ShowSystemIntegrityAllComplianceNonce parser
      • Updated regex to match LOCATION FRU=fru-rp SLOT=0 BAY=0 CHASSIS=-1 NODE=0

    • Modified ShowSystemIntegrityAllTrustChainNonce parser
      • Updated regex to match LOCATION FRU=fru-rp SLOT=0 BAY=0 CHASSIS=-1 NODE=0

    • Modified ShowL2vpnBridgeDomain
      • Added revised version 1 for ShowL2vpnBridgeDomain parser

      • Added <p10> and <p11> regex pattern to decide where to store neighbour values

      • Update <p7> parser to accommodate various outputs

  • nxos
    • Modified ShowFex
      • Updated regex pattern <p1> to accommodate various outputs.

    • Modified ShowLldpNeighbors
      • Changed <interfaces> key from schema to Optional.

  • iosxr
    • Modified ShowBgpAddressFamily
      • New Show Command - show bgp {address_family} community {community}

      • New Show Command - show bgp {address_family} community {community} {exact_match}

      • Updated regex for handling IPv6 adresses/prefixes

      • Updated regex pattern for handling new lines in IPv6 address family output

    • Modified ShowBgpVrfAfPrefix
      • adding new schema key srv6_pn_sid

      • adding new line p1_1 regex

      • adding p1_1 parser

    • Fixed ShowOspfInterface
      • Modified the p5 regex to handle optional field cost.

    • Modified fix for ShowVlanId
      • Modified parser to accomodate various outputs

    • Modified Traceroute
      • Added support for new traceroute command

  • sonic
    • Modified ShowVersion
      • Refactored the code to current standard

  • modified showplatformsoftwarefedswitchactivelearningstats parser
    • Added cli show platform software fed {rp} learning stats

  • added regex for parsing itr map-resolver reachability, prefix-list and etr map-server doman-id and last map-register info.

  • common
    • Modified format_output
      • Updated sorted function to sort the data in string and integer order

    • Modified _load_parser_json
      • Updated code to use correct variables


  • iosxr
    • Added class ShowPtpForeignMastersInterface
      • Parser for show ptp foreign-masters {interface}

    • Added ShowOspfProcessIdVrfName
      • parser for ‘show ospf {process_name} vrf {vrf_name} interface {interface}’

    • Added class ShowPoolAddressFamilyPool
      • show pool {address_family} name {pool_name}

    • Added show frequency synchronization interfaces brief
      • parser for ‘show frequency synchronization interfaces brief’

  • iosxe
    • Updated ShowRomvar
      • Added support to parse switch_ignore_startup_config.

    • Added ShowPlatformHardwareFedSwitchActiveNpuSlotPortLinkstatus
      • Added schema and parser for ‘show platform hardware fed switch {mode} npu slot 1 port {port_num} port link_status’

    • Added ShowPlatformTcamUtilization
      • Added schema and parser for 9350 ‘show platform hardware fed active fwd-asic resource tcam utilization’

    • Added ShowMonitorCaptureStatistics
      • Added schema and parser for ‘show monitor capture {capture_name} capture-statistics’

    • Added TestPlatformHardwareFepSwitchDumpStatistics
      • Added ‘test platform hardware fep switch {switch_num} {fep_slot} dump-statistics’ cat9k/c9300.

    • Added ShowPlatformSoftwareCpmSwitchActiveB0CountersInterfaceIsisSchema
      • Added parser for “show platform software cpm switch active B0 counters interface isis” and schema

    • Modified ShowPlatformSoftwareCpmSwitchB0CountersPuntInject
      • Updated to support timestamps in the output

    • Added ShowDeviceTrackingDatabase
      • Added timeout 300 to parse bigger output

    • Added ShowLispInstanceIdIpv4MapCache
      • Added timeout 300 to parse bigger output

    • Added ShowLispInstanceIdIpv6MapCache
      • Added timeout 300 to parse bigger output

    • Added ShowLispServiceDatabase
      • Added timeout 300 to parse bigger output

    • Added ShowLispEthernetMapCache
      • Added timeout 300 to parse bigger output

    • Added ShowLispEidTableServiceDatabase
      • Added timeout 300 to parse bigger output

    • Added ShowPlatformSoftwareFedSwitchActiveNatPools
      • Parser for cli ‘show platform software fed switch active nat pools’

    • Added ShowPlatformSoftwareFedActiveAclInfoDbDetail
      • Added schema and parser for 9350 ‘show platform show platform software fed switch active acl info db detail’

  • nxos
    • Added show_ngoam.py
      • added new parser for cli ‘show ngoam loop-detection status’

      • added new parser for cli ‘show ngoam loop-detection summary’

    • Modidy show_vxlan.py
      • Fixed parser for ShowRunningConfigNvOverlay to include peer-ip command

    • Added ShowVlanCounters
      • added new parser for cli ‘show vlan counters’

      • added new parser for cli ‘show vlan id <id> counters’

  • sonic
    • Added ShowPlatformInventory parser
      • show platform inventory

    • Added ShowInteraces
      • show interfaces transceiver eeprom
