October 2023¶
October 31 - Genie v23.10¶
Module |
Version |
23.10 |
23.10 |
23.10 |
23.10 |
23.10 |
23.10 |
23.10 |
23.10 |
23.10 |
23.10 |
23.10 |
Upgrade Instructions¶
pip install --upgrade ats[full] # For internal user
pip install --upgrade pyats[full] # For DevNet user
If you have pyATS installed, you can use:
pyats version update
Backwards compatibility in genie.libs.parser
was removed as a duplicate of the
. The super parser output schema is similar
but not fully backward compatible with the removed parser and may result in
errors in tests that depend on specific values of the removed parser output.
- harness
- Modified Standalone
Fixed searching parent or task object for loaded triggers and verifications
- recovery
Update device recovery logic for checking the state machine. Instead of clearing the line
- generic
Update defaults for clean stages
- iosxe
- Added API configure_paramter_map
API for configuring the parameter map with all the sub-commands included
- Added API unconfigure_paramter_map
API for unconfiguring the parameter map
- Added __init__.py for vdsl folder
Added __init__.py for vdsl folder
- Added added_api_rep_admin_vlan_configure API
API to configure rep admin vlan
- Added configure_ospfv3_network_type
New API to configure ospfv3 network type
- Added configure_ospfv3_interface
New API to configure ospfv3 interface
- Added clear_ip_dhcp_snooping_binding_on_interface
API for clear ip dhcp snooping binding on interface
- Added configure_device_policy_tracking
API for configure device policy tracking
- Added configure_source_tracking_on_interface
API for configure source tracking on interface
- Added configure_interface_range_dhcp_channel_group_mode
New API to configure interface range channel-group 1 mode desirable
- Added unconfigure_interface_range_dhcp_channel_group_mode
New API to unconfigure interface range channel-group 1 mode desirable
- Added configure_ip_sftp_password
API to configure ip sftp password
- Added unconfigure_ip_sftp_password
API to unconfigure ip sftp password
- Added configure_ip_scp_password
API to configure ip scp password
- Added unconfigure_ip_scp_password
API to unconfigure ip scp password
- Added config_interface_prpchannel
added api to config_interface_prpchannel
- Added unconfig_interface_prpchannel
added api to unconfig_interface_prpchannel
API- Added format_directory
API to format {directory}
- Added configure_vtp_pruning
API to vtp pruning
- Added unconfigure_vtp_pruning
API to no vtp pruning
- Added configure_switchport_trunk_pruning_vlan
API to configure switchport trunk pruning vlan
- Added unconfigure_switchport_trunk_pruning_vlan
API to configure no switchport trunk pruning vlan
- Added configure_periodic_time_range
API to configure periodic time range
- Added unconfigure_periodic_time_range
API to unconfigure periodic time range
- Added configure_absolute_time_range
API to configure absolute time range
- Added unconfigure_absolute_time_range
API to unconfigure absolute time range
- Added configure_hw_module_slot_logging_onboard_voltage API
Added API for hw-module slot {slot} logging onboard voltage
- Added unconfigure_hw_module_slot_logging_onboard_voltage API
Added API for no hw-module slot {slot} logging onboard voltage
- Added configure_hw_module_slot_logging_onboard_temperature API
Added API for hw-module slot {slot} logging onboard temperature
- Added unconfigure_hw_module_slot_logging_onboard_temperature API
Added API for no hw-module slot {slot} logging onboard temperature
- Added configure_hw_module_slot_logging_onboard_environment API
Added API for hw-module slot {slot} logging onboard environment
- Added unconfigure_hw_module_slot_logging_onboard_environment API
Added API for no hw-module slot {slot} logging onboard environment
- Added configure_clear_logging_onboard_slot_temperature API
Added API for clear logging onboard slot {slot} temperature
- Added configure_clear_logging_onboard_slot_voltage API
Added API for clear logging onboard slot {slot} voltage
- Added configure_clear_logging_onboard_slot_environment API
Added API for clear logging onboard slot {slot} Environment
- Added configure_ip_sftp_username
API to configure ip sftp username
- Added unconfigure_ip_sftp_username
API to unconfigure ip sftp username
- Added configure_ip_scp_username
API to configure ip scp username
- Added unconfigure_ip_scp_username
API to unconfigure ip scp username
- Added configure_snmp_mib_bulkstat_transfer
API to configure snmp mib bulkstat transfer
- Added copy_file_with_sftp
API to copy file from device to sftp host
- Added copy_file_with_scp
API to copy file from device to scp host
- Added api to execute more file
API to execute more file on device and get the output
- Added execute_install_package_reloadfast
API to execute install package reloadfast
- Added api to execute set platform hardware rom-monitor virtualization
API to execute set platform hardware rom-monitor virtualization on device and get the output
- Added configure_interface_vlan_range_priority
API to set vlan interface priority
- Added configure_interface_vlan_priority
API to set vlan interface rnage priority
- Added unconfigure_ipv6_router_ospf
New API for no ipv6 router ospf {ospf_process_id}
- Added api to configure service compress-config
API to configure service compress-config on device
- Added api unconfigure service compress-config
API to unconfigure service compress-config on device
- Added api configure_ip_igmp_querier_query_interval
API to configure ip igmp querier query interval
- Added api configure_ip_igmp_querier_tcn_query_count
API to configure ip igmp querier tcn query count
- Added configure_spanning_tree_etherchannel_misconfig
added api to configure_spanning_tree_etherchannel_misconfig
- Added unconfigure_spanning_tree_etherchannel_misconfig
added api to unconfigure_spanning_tree_etherchannel_misconfig
- added configure_hw_module_logging_onboard api
Added API for hw-module slot {slot} logging onboard
- added unconfigure_hw_module_logging_onboard api
Added API for no hw-module slot {slot} logging onboard
- iosxe
- Modified configure_bandwidth_remaining_policy_map
Fixed the mandatory argument to optional “class_names=None,bandwidth_list=None”
- Modified enable_usb_ssd_verify_exists
Fixed the time argument to timeout
Fixed logic for get_mgmt_ip_and_mgmt_src_ip_addresses when passing IP address
- Modify configure_enable_nat_scale
added boolean variables nat_aot and nat_scale
- Modify configure_disable_nat_scale
added boolean variables nat_aot and nat_scale
- Modified change_configure_crypto_pki_server_eaptls
Passing kwargs and condition to configure_crypto_pki_server
- Modified change_configure_crypto_pki_server_pki
Passing kwargs and condition to configure_crypto_pki_server
- Removed
Removed duplicate keyword configure_stack_power_stack and unconfigure_stack_power_stack
Removed corresponding UT as well for those keywords.
- nxos
- Modified
Updated nxapi_method_nxapi_rest API to handle output of type RESPONSE
Fixed logic for get_mgmt_ip_and_mgmt_src_ip_addresses when passing IP address
- blitz
Fix gnmi_util to enclose leaf-list entries within [].
Fixed negative test handling for gnmi get
Fixed decoding of proto encoding in Gnmi
Added better logging for Gnmi
- iosxr
Fixed logic for get_mgmt_ip_and_mgmt_src_ip_addresses when passing IP address
- genie.libs.sdk
Fixed RPC Verifier regex substitution usage
Added check for allowed fields for OptFields class, log warning for unknown fields
- iosxe
- Modify configure_scale_vrf_via_tftp
add both ipv4 and ipv6 address family
- nxos
- ShowL2vpnBridgeDomainDetail
Added missing UT for ShowL2vpnBridgeDomainDetail
- iosxe
- Added show mrp ring parser
Parser to get values for show mrp ring
- Added ShowPortSecurityAddress
parser for “show port-security address”
- Added ShowPlatformSoftwareFedSwitchAclIfId
parser for ‘show platform software fed switch {switch} {mode} if-id {if_id}’
- Added affinity_id support
Added affinity_id support in show publication prefix schema, parser.
Added affinity_id support in show map-cache prefix schema, parser.
Added affinity_id support in show database schema, parser.
- New Parser for TestVdslOption
Parser for ‘test vdsl option option1 option2’
- Added ShowPlatformHardwareFedSwitchQosQueueConfig
show platform hardware fed {switch_var} qos queue config interface {interface}
show platform hardware fed {switch} {switch_var} qos queue config interface {interface}
- Added ShowNat66Statistics
show nat66 statistics
- Added ShowNat66Prefix
show nat66 prefix
- Added ShowNat66Nd
show nat66 nd
- Added ShowPlatformHardwareQfpActiveFeatureNat66DatapathPrefix
show platform hardware qfp active feature nat66 datapath prefix
- Added show mrp ports parser
Parser to get values for show mrp ports
- Added ShowTechSupportIncludeShow
Added schema and parser for show tech-support | i show
- Added ShowIpMfibCount
parser for show ip mfib | count {interface}
- Added ShowInterfaceHumanReadableIncludeDrops
show interface {interface} human-readable | i drops
- Added ShowIpIgmpSnoopingMrouterVlan Parser
Parser for show ip igmp snooping mrouter vlan {vlan}
- Added ShowAvbDomain
parser for ‘show avb domain’
- Added ShowPlatformSoftwareAccessListSwitchActiveF0Summary
Added schema and parser for show platform software access-list switch active F0 summary
- Added ShowIpIgmpSnoopingQuerierVlanDetail
added parser for “show ip igmp snooping querier vlan {vlan} detail”
- Added ShowPlatformSoftwareFedSwitchActiveAclStatisticsEvents
parser for Show Platform Software Fed Switch Active Acl Statistics Events
- Added ShowPlatformPmEtherchannelGroupMask
Parser for show platform pm etherchannel {ec_channel_group_id} group-mask
- Added ShowPlatformSoftwareFedSwitchActiveStpVlan
Parser for show platform software fed switch active stp-vlan {vlan_id}
- iosxr
- Added ShowL2vpnForwardingXconnectDetailLocation
parser for ‘show l2vpn forwarding xconnect {xconnect_name} detail location {location_name}’
- Added ShowOspfSummary
Added parser for cli ‘show ospf {process_name} summary’
Added parser for cli ‘show ospf {process_name} vrf {vrf_name} summary’
- Added ShowBgpVrf
added new parser for cli ‘show bgp vrf {vrf}’
added new parser for cli ‘show bgp vrf {vrf} {summary}’
added new parser for cli ‘show bgp vrf {vrf} {address_family} summary’
added new parser for cli ‘show bgp vrf {vrf} {address_family} {value}’
- iosxe
- Modified ShowAccessSessionMacDetails parser.
Added Local policies New keys in Schema.
Added Server policies New key in Schema.
Modified user_name key as optional in Schema.
Added regex pattern for newly added keys
- Modified ShowPlatformSoftwareMemoryCallsite
Updated regex pattern <p2> to accommodate hex callsites.
- Modified ShowPlatformHardwareFedActiveTcamUtilization
added switch_type argument to execute show cli on standby
- Modified ShowPlatformTcamPbrNat
added switch_type argument to execute show cli on standby
- Modified ShowPlatformSoftwareFedSwitchActivePuntCpuq
added switch_type argument to execute show cli on standby
- Modified ShowFirmwareVersionAll Parser
Added “switch” option to the firmware CLI
- Fixed ShowControllerVDSLSchema parser
Parser for “show controller vdsl <slot no>”
- Modified affinity_id support
Removed affinity_id support in show database prefix schema, parser under
Added affinity_id support in show database prefix schema, parser under
- Fixed ShowIdpromInterface Parser
Added the key ‘vendor_part_number’ to schema.
- Modified ShowIpMroute
Allow parsing IPv6 next hop for LISP outgoing interface.
Allow parsing Inherited outgoint interface list.
- Modified ShowIpv6Mfib
Allow parsing blank Mfib flags.
Allow parsing IPv6 next hop for LISP outgoing interface.
- Modified ShowRunInterface
Added 111 regex for pim outputs
- Modified ShowModule Parser
Fixed parser for multiple switches
- Enhanced BGP router ID extraction
Modified the regular expression pattern (p1) to support both interface name and IP address for BGP router ID.
- Modified BGP router ID extraction from IP Address
Added new support for BGP router ID extraction from the provided IP address.
- Modified ShowRomMonSwitchR0
parser for ‘show rom-mon switch {switch_num} {process}’
- Added ShowIpNatStatistics Parser
Added if condition for name_1 and name_2 key to match with all available output.
- Modified ShowClnsNeighborsDetail
Updated the regex to support
- Removed duplicate class ShowLispEthernetDatabase
removed the duplicate class and add a optional key to ShowLispDatabaseSuperParser schema
- Modified ShowIpIgmpSnoopingQuerier Parser
Fixed parser for all type of ports
- Modified ShowBootvar
Updated regex pattern <p1> to parse the output which contains WHITESPACE in BOOT variable string.
- Modified ShowStackPowerLoadShedding Parser
Fixed p2 and p3 regular expressions
- Modified ShowPlatformSoftwareWiredClientFpActive Parser
Added line.strip()
- Modified ShowPtpClock Parser
Made message_general_ip_dscp and message_event_ip_dscp as optional keys
- Modified ShowPlatformSoftwareFedSwitchActivePtpDomain Parser
Made message_general_ip_dscp and message_event_ip_dscp as optional keys
- Modified ShowIpv6MldGroups Parser
parser for ‘show ipv6 mld groups’
- Updated ShowBgpAllNeighbors parser
to exclude list
- Modified ShowCdpNeighborsDetail
Changed software_version from schema to Optional.
- Modified ShowEnvironmentSuperParser Parser
- Fixed p1 and p1_1 regex
Added New regex p13,p14 and p15 for new log
- nxos
- Fix for show bgp vrf all all summary parser
Added int and float pattern to match all possible values
- Fix for show bgp vrf <vrf> all neighbors <neighbor> advertised-routes parser
Added p9_1 pattern to match all possible state values
- iosxr
- Modified ShowL2vpnBridgeDomainDetail
Adding Optional evi in schema due to parser failed with schema key error
- Modified ShowRouteIpv4
Modified ‘outgoing_interface’ keyname as optional parameter in schema
Added keys ‘label’, ‘tunnel_id’, ‘binding_label’, ‘extended_communites_count’, ‘nhid’, ‘path_grouping_id’, ‘srv6_headend’ and ‘sid_list’ as optional parameters in scehma
Fixed pattern <p11> as it should not match line ‘NHID0x0(Ref0)’
Added pattern <p16> to support line ‘Label None’
Added pattern <p17> to support line ‘Tunnel ID None’
Added pattern <p18> to support line ‘Binding Label None’
Added pattern <p19> to support line ‘Extended communities count 0’
Added pattern <p20> to support line ‘NHID0x0(Ref0)’
Added pattern <p21> to support line ‘Path Grouping ID 100’
Added pattern <p22> to support line ‘SRv6 Headend H.Encaps.Red [f3216], SID-list {fc00c0001002e002}’
- Modified ShowRouteIpv6
Fixed pattern <p12> as it should not match line ‘NHID0x0(Ref0)’
Added pattern <p15> to support line ‘Label None’
Added pattern <p16> to support line ‘Tunnel ID None’
Added pattern <p17> to support line ‘Binding Label None’
Added pattern <p18> to support line ‘Extended communities count 0’
Added pattern <p19> to support line ‘NHID0x0(Ref0)’
Added pattern <p20> to support line ‘Path Grouping ID 100’
Added pattern <p21> to support line ‘SRv6 Headend H.Encaps.Red [f3216], SID-list {fc00c0001002e003}’
- <iosxe>
- Added <ShowControlConnections>
Change the <p1> regex under if block for <peer_organization>
- iosxe/c9600
- Modified ShowPlatformHardwareFedActiveTcamUtilization
Made mode dynamic in CLI command
- iosxe/c9600/c9606r
- Modified ShowPlatformHardwareFedActiveTcamUtilization
Made mode dynamic in CLI command
- iosxe
- Modified ShowLispInstanceidService
Added ethernet_fast_detection to schema and parser.
- Modified ShowRomvar
Made boot key as optional.
- iosxe
- Modified ShowPppoeSession parser
Parser for “show pppoe session”