June 2022¶
June 27 - Genie v22.6¶
Module |
Version |
22.6 |
22.6 |
22.6 |
22.6 |
22.6 |
22.6 |
22.6 |
22.6 |
22.6 |
22.6 |
22.6 |
Upgrade Instructions¶
pip install --upgrade ats[full] # For internal user
pip install --upgrade pyats[full] # For DevNet user
If you have pyATS installed, you can use:
pyats version update
- harness
- Modified connect
Initialize management_interface on Device to prevent later AttributeErrors while learning
- Modified GenieScriptDiscover
for loopable sections, clear the parameters after each iteration rather than carrying them forward.
- genie.harness
Fix configure with jinja2 templates when devices have different number of config sections
- device.parse()
- Fixed breakage with json.dump()
changed to format_output() function
- conf
Added support for clean template
- metaparser
Updated the schema engine class to take description and default
- clean
- clean.py
Added support for clean template
- stages.py
Updated clean stages schema
- template/iosxe
Added default template for iosxe
- template/sdwan
Added default template for sdwan
- genie.libs.clean
Updated reload stage
- iosxe
- Ops
Added Device Ops
- Ops
Added Device Ops schema validation
- iosxr
- Ops
Added Device Ops
- nxos
- Ops
Added Device Ops
- iosxe
- Added configure_call_admission API
configure call admission
- Added unconfigure_call_admission API
unconfigure call admission
- Added configure_broadband_aaa API
configure broadband aaa
- Added unconfigure_broadband_aaa API
unconfigure broadband aaa
- Added configure_bgp_router_id_peergroup_neighbor
API for configure bgp router id with peergroup neighbor name details
- Added configure_bgp_router_id_neighbor_ip_peergroup_neighbor
API for configure bgp router id neighbor ip assigned to peer group neighborname
- Added clear_ip_reflexive_list API
API to clear_ip_reflexive_list
- Added clear_dmvpn_statistics API
API for clearing dmvpn crypto commands.
- Added API to configure device credentials
- Added API to configure enable password
- Added API to unconfigure enable password
- Added API to verify device login
- Enhanced existing API verify_enable_password to support privilege level
- Added API to configure aaa password restriction
- Added API to unconfigure aaa password restriction
- Added API to configure login password-reuse-interval <interval>
- Added API to unconfigure login password-reuse-interval
- Added API to configure aaa authentication login default local tacacs+
- Added API to unconfigure aaa authentication login default local tacacs+
- Added API to configure automate-tester username <name> probe-on vrf <vrf>
Added API ‘rdware_qfp_active_ipsec_data_drop_clear’
- Added configure_nat64_interface API
API for configuring nat64 enable on interface
- Added unconfigure_nat64_interface API
API for unconfiguring nat64 enable on interface
- Added configure_nat64_prefix_stateful API
API for configuring nat64 prefix stateful
- Added unconfigure_nat64_prefix_stateful API
API for unconfiguring nat64 prefix stateful
- Added configure_nat64_translation_timeout API
API for configuring nat64 translation timeout
- Added unconfigure_nat64_translation_timeout API
API for unconfiguring nat64 translation timeout
- Added configure_nat64_v4_list_pool API
API for configuring nat64 v4 list pool
- Added unconfigure_nat64_v4_list_pool API
API for unconfiguring nat64 v4 list pool
- Added configure_nat64_v4_list_pool_overload API
API for configuring nat64 list pool overload
- Added unconfigure_nat64_v4_list_pool_overload API
API for unconfiguring nat64 list pool overload
- Added configure_nat64_v4_pool API
API for configuring nat64 v4 pool
- Added unconfigure_nat64_v4_pool API
API for unconfiguring nat64 v4 pool
- Added configure_nat64_v6v4_static API
API for configuring nat64 v6v4 static
- Added unconfigure_nat64_v6v4_static API
API for un configuring nat64 nat64 v6v4 static
- Added configure_nat64_v6v4_static_protocol_port API
API for configuring nat64 v6v4 static protocol port
- Added unconfigure_nat64_v6v4_static_protocol_port API
API for un configuring nat64 nat64 v6v4 static protocol port
- Added configure_nat_ipv6_acl API
API for configuring nat ipv6 acl
- Added clear_dmvpn_statistics API
API for clearing dmvpn crypto commands.
Added API ‘hardware_qfp_active_statistics_drop_clear’
Added API ‘verify_interface_status’
Added API ‘configure_SVI_Unnumbered’
Added API ‘configure_SVI_Autostate’
Added API ‘configure_VRF_RD_Value’
- Added configure_hsrp_interface API
API for configuring hsrp on interface
- Added configure_ipv6_mtu API
API for configuring ipv6 mtu on interface
- Added unconfigure_ipv6_mtu API
API for unconfiguring ipv6 mtu on interface
- modified configure_ip_on_tunnel_interface API
change tunnel mode {mode} ipv4 to tunnel mode {mode} ip
- Added configure_ip_dhcp_snooping_information_option_allow_untrusted API
API for ip dhcp snooping information option allow-untrusted
- Added unconfigure_ip_dhcp_snooping_information_option_allow_untrusted API
API for no ip dhcp snooping information option allow-untrusted
- Added configure_mdns_on_interface_vlan API
API to configure_mdns_on_interface_vlan
- Added unconfigure_mdns_on_interface_vlan API
API to unconfigure_mdns_on_interface_vlan
- Added configure_port_channel_standalone_disable API
API to configure_port_channel_standalone_disable
- Added unconfigure_port_channel_standalone_disable API
API to unconfigure_port_channel_standalone_disable
- Added API for configure extended acl with reflect
- Added API for unconfigure extended acl with reflect
- Added API for configure extended acl with evaluate
- Added API for unconfigure extended acl with evaluate
- Added configure_vfi API
API for configuring vfi into vlan interface.
- Added unconfigure_vfi API
API for unconfiguring vfi into vlan interface.
- Modified configure_l2vpn_vfi_context_vpls API
API has been modified to configure autodiscovery bgp signalling ldp under vfi
- Added execute_clear_nat64_statistics API
API to clear nat64 statistics.
- Added execute_clear_nat64_statistics_failure API
API to clear nat64 statistics failure.
- Added execute_clear_nat64_statistics_global API
API to clear nat64 statistics global.
- Added execute_clear_nat64_statistics_interface API
API to clear nat64 statistics interface {interface_name}.
- Added execute_clear_nat64_statistics_pool API
API to clear nat64 statistics pool {pool_name}.
- Added execute_clear_nat64_statistics_prefix_stateful API
API to clear nat64 statistics prefix stateful {ipv6_address}/{prefix_length}.
- Added execute_clear_nat64_translations_all API
API to clear nat64 translations all.
- Added execute_clear_nat64_translations_protocol API
API to clear nat64 translations protocol {protocol_name}.
- Added configure_platform_qos_port_channel_aggregate API
API for configuring platform qos port-channel-aggregate.
- Added unconfigure_platform_qos_port_channel_aggregate API
API for unconfiguring platform qos port-channel-aggregate.
- Added configure_pppoe_enable_interface API
Configure pppoe on the router interface
- Added unconfigure_pppoe_enable_interface API
Unconfigure pppoe on the router interface.
Fixed iosxe vrf folder and file name
- Added get_installation_mode
Added new api to get installation mode for the controller
- Added get_ap_model
Added new api to get ap model of the access point
- Added get_tx_power
Added new api to get tx power of the access point
- Added get_unused_channel
Added new api to get un used channels of the controller
- Added get_assignment_mode
Added new api to get assignment mode of the controller
- Added verify_tx_power
Added new api to verify tx power of the access point
- Added verify_unused_channel
Added new api to verify un used channels of the controller
- Added verify_assignment_mode
Added new api to verify assignment mode of the controller
- Added ConfigureApTxPower
Added new class to configure access point Tx power
- Added VerifyInstallationMode
Added new class to verify installation mode
- Added ConfigureRrmDcaChannel
Added new class to configure rrm dca channel
- iosxr
- Added configure_bandwidth_remaining_policy_map API
API for configure bandwidth remaining policy map on device
- Added unconfigure_bandwidth_remaining_policy_map API
API for unconfigure bandwidth remainging policy map on device
- iosxe
- Updated configure_bgp_neighbor API
Fixed address-family being mandatory issue
- Fixed get_software_version API
Changed the output of the API, added enclosing square bracket
- Modified api ‘verify_file_exists’
Api checks exact directory and returns False if folder does not exist
- nxos
- Modified
- iosxe
- Added configure_tacacs_server API
Added the configure.py(configure_tacacs_server api) to cat9k folder
- iosxe
- Added ShowCryptoGdoiKsCoopVersion
show crypto gdoi ks coop version
- Adding new schema and parser in Show_platform.py
Added schema and parser for ShowPlatformSoftwareBPCrimsonContentConfig
- Added ShowCryptoGdoiRekeySa
show crypto gdoi rekey sa
- Added ShowCryptoGdoiRekeySaDetail
show crypto gdoi rekey sa detail
- Added ShowCryptoGdoiKsDetail
show crypto gdoi ks detail
- Added ‘show platform hardware qfp active infrastructure bqs status | include QOS|QFP’ schema and parser
show platform hardware qfp active infrastructure bqs status | include QOS|QFP
- Added ‘show platform hardware qfp active feature qos interface < interface> hierarchy detail | include sub’ schema and parser
show platform hardware qfp active feature qos interface < interface> hierarchy detail | include sub
- Added ShowSdwanPolicyAppRoutePolicyFilter
added new parser for cli “show sdwan policy app-route-policy-filter”
- Added ShowSubscriberSession parser
show subscriber session
- Added ShowSubscriberLiteSession parser
show subscriber lite-session
- Added ShowSubscriberStatistics parser
show subscriber statistics
- Added ShowTunnelProtectionStatistics
show tunnel protection statistics
- Added ShowCryptoGdoiKs
show crypto gdoi ks
- Added ShowDiagnosticResultSwitchModuleTestDetail
show diagnostic result switch {switch_num} module {mod_num} test {include} detail
- Added ShowIpDhcpBindingActiveCount Parser
show ip dhcp binding | count Active
- Added ShowCableTdrInterface
Added parsing support (schema and parsers) for show cable tdr {interface}
- Added ShowPppAtmSession
show pppatm session
- Added ShowLslibProducerAllLscacheLinksDetail
show lslib producer all lscache links detail
- iosxr
- Added Parser
For ‘show tacacs’
- linux
- Added DockerStatsNoStream
added new parser for cli “docker stats –no-stream”
- nxos
- Updated ShowInterface
Updated <p1>, <p12>, <p13> and <p19> regex
- nxos
- Modified ShowInterface
Adjusted <p10> to capture port speed unit
- Modified ShowInterface
Added key fec_mode into the schema
Updated regex pattern p12, p12_1 to accommodate additional output for fec_mode
- Modified ShowSpanningTreeMstSchema
Converted ‘bridge_assurance_inconsistent’ to optional in Line 46
Converted ‘vpc_peer_link_inconsistent’ to optional in Line 47
Converted ‘designated_regional_root_cost’ to optional in Line 54
Converted ‘designated_regional_root_priority’ to optional in Line 55
Converted ‘designated_regional_root_address’ to optional in Line 56
- Modified ShowSpanningTreeMst
Updated Regex p1_1 to match multiple VLAN pairs in line 99
Updated Regex p5_1 to match Non-VPC port-channel, physical interfaces (inaddition to VPC port-channel) in line 114
Updated p5_1.match code to reflect aforementioned changes in regex p5_1 in line 197, 201 to 205
- iosxe
- Modified ShowFlowMonitorCache
Fixed local variable ‘entry_dict’ referenced before assignment
Fixed p10 match condition, changed ‘entries’ schema keys as optional
Fixed ShowIpv6Routers
Fixed ShowLispSessionRLOC
Fixed ShowLispSubscriberSuperParser
Fixed ShowLispDatabaseEid
Fixed ShowLispPublicationPrefixSuperParser
Fixed ShowLispMapCacheSuperParser
Fixed ShowLispSession
Added ShowLispSessionAll
Added ShowLispSessionEstablished
No backward compatibility
- Modified ShowRunInterface
Fixed local variable ‘inbound_dict’ referenced before assignment
Fixed parser returning empty dict
- Modified the ShowLogging
Fix for local variable referenced before assignment
- Fixed ShowPolicyMapInterface
Fixed the parser to support multilevel indentation.
Updated regex for dscp.
Added regex to support service group as optional key.
Added new regex to support cir, bc, be in police.
Added <p47>, <p48>, <p49>, <p50> missing regex.
no backward compatibility.
- Made number_of_prefixes as Optional,generic for “show ipv6 route summary”
show ipv6 route summary
show ipv6 route vrf <vrf> summary
- Modified ShowTrack
Updated the parser schema with type, latest operation return code and latest rtt
Added <p1_1>, <p3_1>, <p8> and <p9> regex
- Modified ShowRunInterface
Added ip dhcp snooping information option allow-untrusted
Added regex pattern <p83> <P84> to accommodate outputs
- Modified ShowRunAllSectionInterface
Added ip dhcp snooping information option allow-untrusted
Added regex pattern <p39> <P40> to accommodate outputs
- Modified ShowVrrp
Modified the code to work for BACKUP as it was working only for MASTER
Added optional key <master_down_expiration_secs> to schema
Updated regex pattern <p2> to accommodate state BACKUP
Updated regex pattern <p11> to accommodate priority configured
Updated regex pattern <p16> to accommodate when server not present with priority
Updated regexp pattern <p17> to accommodate adv interval (learned)
Updated regexp pattern <p18> to accommodate down interval expiration details
- iosxr
- Modified the ShowOspfInterface
Fix for local variable ‘ospf_dict’ referenced before assignment
Added the missing authentication key in the schema.
- Modified ShowL2VpnXconnect
Updated parser to support version 7.2.2
- Modified ShowHsrpDetail
changed <timers> and <redirects_disable> to optional to accommodate MGO outputs
Added optional string <configured> to pattern <p13> to accommodate config mac address
- iosxe
- Modified ShowIpDhcpBinding Parser
show ip dhcp binding