February 2023¶
February 28 - Genie v23.2¶
Module |
Version |
23.2 |
23.2 |
23.2 |
23.2 |
23.2 |
23.2 |
23.2 |
23.2 |
23.2 |
23.2 |
23.2 |
Upgrade Instructions¶
pip install --upgrade ats[full] # For internal user
pip install --upgrade pyats[full] # For DevNet user
If you have pyATS installed, you can use:
pyats version update
- genie.harness
Fixed discovery of triggers, ignore global_processors as trigger
- genie.json
Removed the ignore directory from MAkeApi
- harness
- Fixed schema of mapping datafile
in mapping datafile for HA device
- harness
- Added parallel
Added Verifications test container to support running verifications over different devices in parallel
- linux
- Added
New clean stages were added for wsim under linux.
- Added configure_controller_details
API Configures the controller details on wsim
- Added configure_ap_details
API Configures the ap details on wsim
- Added configure_client_details
API Configures the client details on wsim
- Added run_wsim_config
API that runs the configs on wsim
- Added configure_ap_client_count
API Configures the ap client count details on wsim
- Added simulate_ap_container
API simulates the containers on wsim
- Added verify_ap_associate
API verify ap join status on wsim
- iosxe
- Added configure_switch_provision_model
API unset switch provision
- Added configure_snmp_server_manager
API set snmp server manager
- Added unconfigure_event_manager_applet
API to unset event manager applet
- Added configure_event_manager_applet
API to set event manager applet
- Added configure_power_inline_auto_max
API to power inline auto max
- common
- Updated ‘apply_configuration’ clean stage
added dialog to handle prompt by
license accept end user agreement
- genie.libs.robot
Updated use genie testbed keyword, ensure mapping values are set
- iosxe
- Added unconfigure_router_bgp_network_mask
New API to unconfigure router bgp network mask
- Added configure_call_home_street_address
API to configure call-home street-address
- Added configure_call_home_syslog_throttling
API to configure call-home syslog-throttling
- Added configure_call_home_vrf
API to configure call-home vrf
- Added configure_call_home_aaa_authorization
API to configure call-home aaa-authorization
- Added configure_call_home_alert_group
API to configure call-home alert-group
- Added configure_call_home_alert_group_config_snapshot
API to configure call-home alert-group-config snapshot
- Added configure_call_home_contact_email_addr
API to configure call-home contact_email_addr
- Added configure_call_home_contract_id
API to configure call-home contract-id
- Added configure_call_home_copy_profile
API to configure call-home copy profile
- Added configure_call_home_customer_id
API to configure call-home customer-id
- Added configure_call_home_data_privacy
API to configure call-home data-privacy
- Added configure_call_home_http_resolve_hostname_ipv4_first
API to configure call-home http resolve-hostname ipv4-first
- Added configure_call_home_http_secure_server_identity_check
API to configure call-home secure server-identity-check
- Added configure_call_home_http_proxy
API to configure call-home http-proxy
- Added configure_call_home_mail_server
API to configure call-home mail-server
- Added configure_call_home_phone_number
API to configure call-home phone-number
- Added configure_call_home_rate_limit
API to configure call-home rate-limit
- Added unconfigure_call_home_sub_cli
API to unconfigure call-home sub-cli
- Added unconfigure_call_home
API to unconfigure call-home
- Added clear_cdp_table API
API to clear cdp table
- Added configure_hsrp_interface API
API to configure hsrp on interface
- Added unconfigure_hsrp_interface API
API to unconfigure hsrp on interface
- Added configure_vrrp_interface and configure_vrrp_interface API
API to configure, unconfigure vrrp on interface
- Added configure_vtp_password API
API to configure vtp password
- Added unconfigure_vtp_password API
API to unconfigure vtp password
- Added configure_vtp_primary API
API to set vtp primary
- Added unconfigure_udld API
API to unconfigure udld with options
- Added clear_bgp_all_as
New API to clear bgp all
- Added configure_default_vxlan
New API to configure default vxlan under vrf definition
- Added configure_mdt_overlay_use_bgp_spt_only
New API to configure mdt overlay under bgp
- Added configure_router_ospf_redistribute_internal_external
New API to configure ospf under redistribute internal/external
- Added clear_platform_qos_statistics_internal_cpu_policer
API to clear qos statistics internal cpu policer
- Added clear_platform_qos_dscp_cos_counters_interface
API to clear qos dscp-cos counters on interface
- Added get_dscp_cos_qos_queue_stats
API to get qos dscp-cos counters on interface
- Added configure_bgp_neighbor_filter_description
API configure_bgp_neighbor_filter_descriptionto configure bgp neighbor filter
- Added configure_service_template_with_command_line
New API to configure service template with commands
- Added configure_unconfigure_interface_port_channel
API for configure unconfigure interface port channel on device
- Added configure_unconfigure_default_switchport_trunk_vlan
API for configure unconfigure default switchport trunk vlan
- Added configure_unconfigure_vlan_state_suspend
API for configure unconfigure vlan state suspend
- Added configure_unconfigure_vlan_state_active
API for configure unconfigure vlan state active
- Added configure_unconfigure_mac_address_table_notification_change
API for configure unconfigure mac address table notification change
- Added configure_unconfigure_datalink_flow_monitor
API for configure unconfigure datalink flow monitor
- Added configure_ip_dhcp_pool_host API
API to configure DHCP host pool
- Added unconfigure_ip_dhcp_pool_host API
API to unconfigure host for DHCP pool
- Added configure_stack_power_switch_power_priority
API to configure stack_power_switch/stack power-priority high/low/switch priority value
- Added unconfigure_stack_power_switch_power_priority
API to unconfigure stack_power_switch/stack power-priority high/low/switch priority value
- Added configure_default_stack_power_switch_power_priority
API to configure stack_power_switch/stack default power-priority high/low/switch priority value
- Added configure_stackpower_stack_switch_standalone
API to configure stackpower stack switch standalone
- Added unconfigure_stackpower_stack_switch_no_standalone
API to unconfigure stackpower stack switch no standalone
- Added configure_stack_power_switch_standalone
API to enable configure stack power_switch standalone
- Added configure_stack_power_switch_no_standalone
API to enable configure stack_power switch no standalone
- Added to configure_stack_power_mode_power_shared
API to enable configure stack power mode power shared
- Added unconfigure_boot_system_switch_switchnumber
API to unconfigure boot system switch
- Added configure_boot_system_switch_switchnumber
API to configure boot system switch
- Added restore_running_config_file
API to restore_running_config_file
- Modified configure_software_auto_upgrade
Added auto_upgrade_option == ‘disable’ option
- Added snmp_server_engine_id_local API
- Added cry key generate rsa encryption mod label API
cry key generate rsa encryption
- Added configure_service_private_config_encryption
configure service private config encryption
- Added unconfigure_service_private_config_encryption
no configure service private config encryption
- Added configure_device_sensor_filter_list_lldp
configure device sensor filter list lldp
- Added configure_hw_module_switch_num_usbflash
configure hw module switch num usbflash
- Added unconfigure_hw_module_switch_num_usbflash
unconfigure hw module switch num usbflash
- Added configure_hw_module_switch_num_usbflash_security_password
configure hw module switch num usbflash security password enable/disable
- Added execute_set_memory_debug_incremental_starting_time
execute set memory debug incremental starting-time command
- Added unconfigure_ip_igmp_join_group
New API to unconfigure ip igmp join group
- Added configure_aaa_authorization_network
New API to configure aaa authorization network group
- Added configure_mac_address_table_static and unconfigure_mac_address_table_static
API to configure mac address table , unconfigure
- Added unconfigure_network_policy_profile_number
API to unconfigure network policy
- Added configure_ip_pim_ssm and unconfigure_ip_pim_ssm
API to configure ip pim ssm , unconfigure
- Added configure_ipv6_mld_snooping and unconfigure_ipv6_mld_snooping
API to configure mld snooping, unconfig
- Added configure_ip_pim_rp_address and unconfigure_ip_pim_rp_address
API to configure and unconfigre ip pim rp address.
- Added configure_ip_pim_enable_bidir_enable and unconfigure_ip_pim_enable_bidir_enable
API to configure and unconfigure ip bim enable bidir.
- added configure_ipv6_mld_snooping_vlan_mrouter_interface
APIs to configure snooping vlan morouter with interface
- Added unconfigure_global_network_policy
API for unconfigure network policy profile globally
- Modified configure_network_policy_profile_voice_vlan
Added “voice-signaling vlan {vlan} cos {cos}” and “voice-signaling vlan {vlan} cos {dscp}” optional configs
- Modified unconfigure_network_policy_profile_voice_vlan
Added optional keyword arguments cos=None, dscp=None
- Added configure_interface_ipv6_acl API
API to configure ipv6 acl
- Added configure_standard_acl and unconfigure_standard_aclAPI
API to configure , unconfigure standard acl
- Added configure_as_path_acl API
API to configure as path acl on interface
- Added unconfigure_as_path_acl API
API to unconfigure as path acl on interface
- Added configure_administrative_weight API
API to configure the interface admin weight
- Added configure_interface_path_selection_metric API
API to configure interface path selection metric
- Added unconfigure_ip_rsvp_bandwidth API
API to unconfigure the ip rsvp bandwith in interface
- Added unconfigure_dynamic_path_in_tunnel API
API to unconfigure various dynamic paths
- Added l2vpn_xconnect_context_interface API
API to configure the xconnect context in the interface
- Added unconfigure_ospf_cost
Added new API unconfigure ospf cost in interface
- Modified configure_explicit_path
Modified the existing API configure_explicit_path
- Delete API configure_hsrp_interface from /iosxe/hsrp/configure.py file as it is duplicate.
Delete API configure_hsrp_interface
- Added execute_install_label
New API to execute install label
- Added configure_process_cpu_threshold_type_rising_interval
New API to configure cpu thershold type rising interval
- Added unconfigure_process_cpu_threshold_type_rising_interval
New API to unconfigure cpu thershold type rising interval
- Added configure_process_cpu_statistics_limit_entry_percentage_size
New API to configure cpu statistics limit entry percentage size
- Added unconfigure_process_cpu_statistics_limit_entry_percentage_size
New API to unconfigure cpu statistics limit entry percentage size
- Added configure_macro_auto_global_processing_on_interface
New API to configure macro auto global processing on interface level
- Added unconfigure_macro_auto_global_processing_on_interface
New API to unconfigure macro auto global processing on interface level
- Added configure_macro_auto_global_processing
New API to configure macro auto global processing on global mode
- Added unconfigure_macro_auto_global_processing
New API to unconfigure macro auto global processing on global mode
- Added unconfigure_autoconf
New API to unconfigure autoconf enable
- Added unconfigure_ip_igmp_ssmmap_static
New API to unconfigure ip igmp ssmmap static
- Added configure_ip_igmp_access_group
New API to configure ip igmp access-group on interface
Added configure_call_home_profile_destination_address
Added configure_call_home_profile_destination_message_size_limit
Added configure_call_home_profile_destination_preferred_msg_format
Added configure_call_home_profile_destination_transport_method
Added unconfigure_call_home_profile
Added configure_service_call_home
Added unconfigure_service_call_home
Added configure_call_home_profile_subscribe_to_alert_group
Added configure_call_home_profile_anonymous_reporting_only
Added configure_call_home_profile_active
Added unconfigure_call_home_profile_active
Added configure_call_home_profile_reporting
- Added configure_management_ip api
API to configure the management ip
- Added configure_management_gateway api
API to configure the management gateway
- Added configure_management_routes
API to configure the management routes
- Added configure_management_protocols
API to configure the management protocols
- Added configure_management
API to configure the management information from testbed
- Added configure_management_tftp
API to configure the management tftp
- Added configure_management_http
API to configure the management http
- Added configure_management_ssh
API to configure the management ssh
- Added configure_management_telnet
API to configure the management telnet
- Added configure_management_vty_lines
API to configure the management vty_lines
- Added configure_management_netconf
API to configure the management netconf
- triggers
- Blitz
Removed the if condition because it is not connecting when the connection is lost inbetween.
- iosxe
- Modified configure_bgp_neighbor_filter_description
Modified api in configure bgp neighbor filter description
- Modified configure_ip_igmp_join_group
Modified configure ip igmp join group
- Fixed configure_clear_logging_onboard_switch_temperature.
API y/n prompt handling is fixed.
- Fixed configure_clear_logging_onboard_switch_voltage.
API y/n prompt handling is fixed.
- Fixed configure_clear_logging_onboard_switch_environment.
API y/n prompt handling is fixed.
- Fixed clear_macro_auto_confgis.
Returing api output
- Modified
Fix Restore API check_checkpoint_status which gave KeyError due to change in ShowArchive parser
- Modified configure_switchport_trunk_allowed_vlan
Added two commands of “switchport”, “switchport mode trunk” to accept allowed vlans configuration command
- Modified execute_install_one_shot
Added xfsu optional flag.
- Updated
API Added
- Updated
- sdk/powercycler
Modified raritan-px2_v3 to raritan-px2 and changed the connection_type to snmpv3.
updated make json
- common
- Updated
API Added
- Updated
- ios
- Updated
API Added
- Updated
- nxos
- Updated
API Added
- Updated
- apic
- Updated
API Added
- Updated
- powercycler
- Updated
methods Fixed
argument handling
- Updated
- iosxe
Fixed iosxe verify module state method
- iosxe
Added few parameters to configure_parameter_map_subscriber API
Added a space and corrected spelling in remove_port_channel_interface API
- iosxe
- Modified ShowIpMroute
To support vxlan v6 enacap and ipv6 address
Sample output (Vlan500, VXLAN v6 Encap (50000, FF131), Forward/Sparse, 001731/stopped, flags)
- Modified ShowIpMfib
To support vxlan v6 enacap and ipv6 address
Sample output (Vlan500, VXLAN v6 Encap (50000, FF131) Flags F)
- Modified ShowIpv6MfibSchema
To support optional multicast group and source addresses, Where “show ipv6 mfib” output can be empty.
Sample output ((66666,FF131) entry not found)
- Modified ShowFlowMonitoreCache
Added more parameters to the entry dict.
Made the existing variables optional in the schema.
- Modified ShowIpDhcpBinding
Added “show ip dhcp binding vrf {vrf_name}” cli.
- Modified ShowIdpromInterface
- Fixed parser for ParserNotFound error.
Changed ‘mode’ to ‘interface’
- Fixed ShowIpIgmpSnoopingDetail
Changed ‘cgmp_inter_mode’ key as optional in schema and added unit test.
- Fixed ShowIpIgmpSnoopingGroups
Fixed regular expression to fetch multiple ports as a string for ‘port’ key.
- Fixed ShowIpMroute
Fixed ‘flags’ regular expression pattern and supporting unit tests files are added
- Modified showIpv6MldSnooping
Added optional key ‘explicit_host_tracking’ and unit tests
- Modified ShowIsisNeighbors
updated regex to account for the new cli output when there is a long hostname
- Modified ShowLldpEntry
Fixed the parser by making ‘chassis_id’ as optional and unit test case is added.
- Enhanced ShowMonitorCaptureBufferDetailed
Enhanced the parser by adding the optional argument ‘display-filter’ to the existing cli show command, and included ‘dscp_value’ in the parser output.
- Deleted ShowPlatformHardwareFedSwitchActiveQosDscpCosCountersInterface
Duplicate parser for show platform hardware fed switch {switch_type} qos dscp-cos counters interface {interface} deleted.
- Modified ShowProcessesPlatformCProcess
Moved up the class from iosxe/cat9k to iosxe
Moved also UTs from iosxe/cat9k/tests to iosxe/tests
- Modified ShowProcessesPlatformIProcess
Moved up the class from iosxe/cat9k to iosxe
Moved also UTs from iosxe/cat9k/tests to iosxe/tests
- Modified ShowSdmPrefer
Made some parameters as Optional and fixed regular expressions.
- Modified ShowSpanningTreeInterfaceDetail
Made couple of schema variables optional and added unit test case.
- Fixed ShowSpanningTreeInterface
Fix the command from “show spanning tree interface {interface}” to “show spanning-tree interface {interface}”
- Modified ShowTemplate
Fixed groupdict None type error and added bound and nested template keys support.
- Fixed ShowVlanSummary
Made “existing_extend_vlans” as optional and added “existing_extend_vtp_vlans” optional key
- Modified ShowVrrp
Fixed parser error for Ipv6 vrrp show command.
- Modified ShowWirelessFabricClientSummary
Removed duplicated class entry
Added <l2_vnid> and <rloc_ip> keys as Optional.
Added regex pattern <p_client_info_n> to accommodate new version of show command.
Added UT covering new version of show commands and new keys
- Modified ShowVtpStatus
fixed genie.metaparser.util.exceptions.SchemaMissingKeyError Missing keys [[‘vtp’, ‘pruning_mode’]]
- Modified ShowNat64Translations
Added new show cli ‘show nat64 translations vrf {vrf_name}’
- Modified ShowNat64Statistics
Added regexp to match vrf and vrf name
- Modified ShowNat64PrefixStatefulGlobal
Added regexp to match vrf and vrf name
- Modified ShowNat64PrefixStatefulStaticRoutes
Added new show cli ‘show nat64 prefix stateful static-routes prefix {prefix} vrf {vrf_name}’ and regexp to match vrf and vrf name
- Modified ShowRunInterface
Added p87 and p88 for speed and speed nonegotiate under interface running configurations.
- Modified ShowLispIpv4ServerDetail
Added RDP info as per the output change in latest polaris version.
Added Merged Locator info as per the output change in latest polaris version.
- Modified ShowLispIpv6ServerDetail
Added RDP info as per the output change in latest polaris version.
Added Merged Locator info as per the output change in latest polaris version.
- Modified ShowLispV4PublicationPrefix
Added RDP info as per the output change in latest polaris version.
Added Merged Locator info as per the output change in latest polaris version.
- Modified ShowLispV6PublicationPrefix
Added RDP info as per the output change in latest polaris version.
Added Merged Locator info as per the output change in latest polaris version.
- Added ShowLispIpv4ServerSHD
Added new parser for ipv4 registrations for silent-host
- Added ShowLispIpv6ServerSHD
Added new parser for ipv6 registrations for silent-host
- Modified ShowLispServiceServerDetailInternal
Added support for split-line output format for longer ETR addresses
- Modified ShowLispPublisherSuperParser
Added support for new state string No ETR MS
- Modified ShowLispPublicationPrefixSuperParser
Added support for split-line output format for longer publisher addresses
- Modified ShowLispSiteDetailSuperParser
Added support for split-line output format for longer ETR addresses
- Modified ShowPlatform
added show platform software fed {switch} active vt counter
show platform software fed switch active vt all
- Added ShowPlatformSoftwareFedSwitchActiveMatmAdjacencies
added show platform software fed switch active matm adjacencies
- iosxr
- Modified ShowOspfNeighbor
Modified up_time as Optional parameter in schema.
- common
Refactor parser loading, deprecate entrypoint callable function
Add support for multiple parser packages via environment variable
using comma separated syntax.
- nxos
- Modified ShowBgpL2vpnevpnSummary
Updated regex to support ipv6 neighbors
- Modified ShowNveInterfaceDetail
Added regex pattern to support ipv6
- iosxe
- Added
show idprom tan switch {switch_num}
show idprom tan switch all
- iosxe
- Added ShowIpVerifySource Parser
Parser for “show ip verify source interface”
Parser for “show ip verify source”
- Added ShowPlatformHardwareFedSwitchActiveQosDscpCosCountersInterface
show platform hardware fed switch active qos dscp-cos counters interface {interface}
- Added ShowPlatformSoftwareFedActiveMonitor Parser
Parser for “show platform software fed active monitor {session}”
- Added ShowPlatformSoftwareFedSwitchActiveMonitor Parser
Parser for “show platform software fed switch active monitor {session}”
- Added ShowRedundancyLinecardAll
show redundancy linecard all
- Added ShowTemplateInterfaceBindingTarget
show template interface binding target {interface}
- Added ShowPlatformSoftwareFedActiveVtIfId
show platform software fed active vt if-id {if_id}
- Added ShowWirelessMulticast
show wireless multicast
- Added showIpv6MldSnooping
show ipv6 mld snooping
- Added ShowIpcefExactRoute
show ip cef exact-route {source} {destination}
- Added ShowPmPortInterface parser
adding ShowPmPortInterface parser
- Modified ShowLoggingOnboardSwitchClilog
show logging onboard switch {switch} clilog
- Modified ShowAuthenticationSessionsDetailsSuperParser
Added ‘interface_template’, ‘device_type’ and ‘device_name’ keys support to super parser
- Modified ShowHwModuleUsbflash1Security
show hw-module usbflash1 switch {switch_num} security status
- iosxr
- Added ShowCdpInterface
Added parser for show cdp interface
Added parser for show cdp interface {interface}
- showplatformifmmapping
- iosxe
Changed switch key from dynamic to static
- c9500
Changed switch key from dynamic to static