September 2023¶
September 26 - Genie v23.9¶
Module |
Version |
23.9 |
23.9 |
23.9 |
23.9 |
23.9 |
23.9 |
23.9 |
23.9 |
23.9 |
23.9 |
23.9 |
Upgrade Instructions¶
pip install --upgrade ats[full] # For internal user
pip install --upgrade pyats[full] # For DevNet user
If you have pyATS installed, you can use:
pyats version update
- harness
- Modified Trigger/GenieStandalones/TestcaseVerificationOps
Fix Task discovery to be absolute, and include all objects in reporting rollup
- iosxe
- Added
Class ConfigureReplace in clean stages
- iosxe
check toinstall_image
clean stage
- iosxe
- Added get_interface_capabilities_multiple_media_types
API for “get_interface_capabilities_multiple_media_types to know type of connection i.e fiber, copper and dual-port”
- Added request platform_software_package_expand
API to expand package from filesystem
API to expand package from sub directory filesystem
- Added configure_snmp_server_host_trap
API to configure snmp server host trap
- Added configure_ipv6_dhcp_relay_trust
API to configure ipv6 dhcp relay trust
- Added unconfigure_ipv6_dhcp_relay_trust
API to unconfigure ipv6 dhcp relay trust
- Added configure_ipv6_dhcp_relay_option_vpn
API to configure ipv6 dhcp relay option vpn
- Added unconfigure_ipv6_dhcp_relay_option_vpn
API to unconfigure ipv6 dhcp relay option vpn
- Added configure_ipv6_dhcp_relay_source_interface_intf_id
API to configure ipv6 dhcp relay source-interface interfaceid
- Added unconfigure_ipv6_dhcp_relay_source_interface_intf_id
API to unconfigure ipv6 dhcp relay source-interface interfaceid
- Added configure_ipv6_dhcp_relay_destination_ipv6address
API to configure ipv6 dhcp relay destination ipv6address
- Added unconfigure_ipv6_dhcp_relay_destination_ipv6address
API to unconfigure ipv6 dhcp relay destination ipv6address
- Added configure_aaa_accounting_update_periodic_interval
API to configure aaa accounting update periodic {interval}
- Added configure_ip_dhcp_snooping_information_option_allow_untrusted_global
API to configure ip dhcp snooping information option allow-untrusted global
- Added unconfigure_ip_dhcp_snooping_information_option_allow_untrusted_global
API to unconfigure ip dhcp snooping information option allow-untrusted global
- Added configure_management_gnmi api
New API to configure gnmi
- Updated configure_management_protocol api
updated the logic to support the new schema
- Added disable_cts_enforcement_vlan_list
API to disable CTS enforcement on vlan-list
- Added execute_clear_ipv6_mld_group
New API to execute clear ipv6 mld group
- Added execute_clear_ip_igmp_group
New API to execute clear ip igmp group
- Added configure_object_list_schema_transfer_for_bulkstat
API to configure object list schema transfer for bulkstat
- Added configure_bridge_domain
added api to configure bridge-domain
- Added unconfigure_bridge_domain
added api to unconfigure bridge-domain
- Added configure_interface_vlan
New API to configure interface vlan 10
- Added configure_interface_range_no_switchport
New API to configure interface range no switchport
Added execute_clear_aaa_counters_server
- Added configure_aaa_accounting_update
API to configure aaa accounting update
- Added unconfigure_aaa_accounting_update
API to unconfigure aaa accounting update
- Added unconfigure_aaa_accounting_identity_default_start_stop
API to unconfigure aaa accounting identity default start stop
- Added configure_service_instance
added api to configure service instance
- Added unconfigure_service_instance
added api to unconfigure service instance
- Added configure_interface_ip_nbar
added api to configure interface ip nbar
- Added unconfigure_interface_ip_nbar
added api to unconfigure interface ip nbar
- Added execute_archive_tar
API to execute archive tar
- Added api configure_breakout_cli
API to configure breakout
- Added api unconfigure_breakout_cli
API to unconfigure breakout
- Added configure_ip_multicast_routing_distributed
New API to configure ipv6 multicast routing
- Added unconfigure_ip_multicast_routing_distributed
New API to unconfigure ipv6 multicast routing
- Added clear_crypto_call_admission_stats
New API to clear ikev1 statistics
- Added disable_crypto_engine_compliance
New API to disable crypto engine compliance shield
- Added get_interface_media_types
API for “get interface media_types”
- Added config_ip_pim_vrf_mode
added api to configure ip pim vrf mode
- Added unconfig_ip_pim_vrf_mode
added api to unconfigure ip pim vrf mode
- Added config_ip_multicast_routing_vrf_distributed
added api to configure ip multicast-routing vrf distributed
- Added unconfig_ip_multicast_routing_vrf_distributed
added api to unconfigure ip multicast-routing vrf distributed
- Added api erase startup-config
API to erase startup-config
- Added install_wcs_enable_guestshell
New API to install wcs enable guestshell
- Added execute_apphosting_cli
New API to execute apphosting cli
- Added enable_usb_ssd_verify_exists
New API to enable usb ssd verify exists
- Added configure_app_management_networking
New API to configure app management networking
- Added clear_ip_mfib_counters
New API to execute clear ip mfib counters
- Added configure_controller_shutdown API
API to configure controller shutdown/no shutdown
- Added api configure_mode_change
API to configure mode change
- sdk-pkg
Modified pysnmp to pysnmp-lextudio
- linux
- Added generate_rsa_ssl_key
New API to generate an RSA key on a linux server via OpenSSL
- Added generate_ecc_ssl_key
New API to generate an Elliptic Curve key with a user selected algorithm via OpenSSL
- Added generate_ca_certificate
New API to generate a CA Certificate via OpenSSL
- Added generate_ssl_certificate
New API to generate an SSL Certificate via OpenSSL
- Added get_supported_elliptic_curves
New API to fetch supported curves on a Linux server via OpenSSL and return a list
- Added get_file_contents
New API that cats out the contents of a file to a return
- utils
- Modified
Fix trigger discovery from relative Task object
- iosxe
- Modified configure_evpn_l2_instance_vlan_association
added protected optional input variable
- Modified configure_ospf_redistributed_connected
added vrf optional input variable
- Modified configure_ospfv3
added redistribute {route_method} command
- Modified configure_static_nat_route_map_rule
Added no_alias to configure static nat route-map rule with no-alias
- Modified unconfigure_static_nat_route_map_rule
Added no_alias to unconfigure static nat route-map rule with no-alias
- Modified config_extended_acl
added parameter port type
- Modified
Modified copy_to_device to update the image path if verify_running_image is True
- Modify configure_cdp and unconfigure_cdp
Added timeout for show interfaces
- Modified configure_snmp_server_user
Added elif to configure snmp server user
- Updated get_interface_interfaces_under_vrf
No change to API. Adjusted UT for related parser change
- Modified configure_gdoi_group
added additional attributes gikev2_profile, rekey_address_acl, gikev2_client and pfs
- jinja2
- Modified change_configuration_using_jinja_templates
Passing kwargs to device.configure
- general
Fix loading APIs under threaded environment
- genie.libs.sdk
Updated yang.connector and rest.connector dependencies to use correct versions.
- sdk-pkg
Modified health logging
- iosxe
- Added ShowPlatformSoftwareFedActiveAclInfoDbDetail
Added schema and parser for show platform software fed switch active acl info db detail
- Added ShowPlatformSoftwareIlppowerPortSchema
Added parser for show platform software ilpower port {interface}
- Added ShowPtpTimeProperty
parser for ‘show ptp time-property’
- Added ShowPlatformHardwareFpgaSwitch
Parser for show platform hardware fpga switch {switch_num}
- Added ShowPlatformSoftwareWiredClientFpActive
show platform software wired-client {process} active
- Added ShowEtherchannelSwportAuto
show etherchannel swport auto
show etherchannel swport <port_channel> auto
- New Parser for TestVdslRawcli
Parser for ‘test vdsl rawcli “basic show summary {number}”’
- Added ShowNveVniDetail
added parser for “show nve vni <vni_id> detail”
- Added ShowMacAddresstableDynamicVlanCount
Added schema and parser for ShowMacAddresstableDynamicVlanCount
- Added show ap image
Added new parser for show ap image under iosxe
- Added ShowPlatformSoftwareFedSwitchActiveAclOgPcl Parser
parser for show platform software fed switch active acl og-pcl
- staros
- Added ShowVersion
show version
- added showetherchannelswloadbalance
show etherchannel swport load-balancing
- iosxr
- Added ShowMplsLdpInterfaceBrief
show mpls ldp interface brief
- nxos
- Modified show_interface
Modify ‘mode’ as optional in p11 regex.
- Fix for ShowBgpVrfAllNeighborsReceivedRoutes parser
Updated regex p3_2 for new output format.
- Fix for ShowBgpVrfAllNeighborsRoutes parser
Updated regex p3_2 for new output format.
- Modified ShowHardwareInternalTctrlUsdDpllState
parser for ‘show hardware internal tctrl_usd dpll state’
- iosxe
Fixed error with TestVdslRawCli unittests
- Modified ShowLispSiteSuperParser
Added additional field port to schema
Added split function to get port and ip on matching lines<p2> <p3_1> <p3_2>
Modified test files for the parsers which uses ShowLispSiteSuperParser
- Modified ShowLoggingOnboardRpActiveTemperatureContinuous
Added show logging onboard rp {rp_standby} {include} continuous to support standby
- Modified ShowLoggingOnboardRpActiveUptime
Added show logging onboard rp {rp_standby} uptime to support standby
Modified ShowLoggingOnboardRpActiveStatus
- Modified ShowCableTdrInterface
Modified parser for “show cable tdr interface {inetrface}”
- Modified ShowIsisDatabaseVerbose
Added support for parsing segment routing features in any order
- Modified ShowPlatformHardwareRegisterReadAsic
Fixed the issue in command by changing ‘register-name’ to ‘register’
- Updated ShowVrf
Ordered elements for comparison failure
- Updated ShowBgpAllSummary
to exclude as dynamic value
- Modified ShowBeaconall parser as per the output change.
Added power_supply_beacon_status and fantray_beacon_status in schema and in parser.
- Modified ShowMacAddressTable Parser
typecast ‘preferred_lifetime’ and ‘valid_lifetime’ key int or str.
Made ‘expires’ key as optional.
Modified p8 regex.
- Fix for ShowLispIpv4Publicatioin parser
Updated regex for new output format without locators
- Fix for ShowLispIpv6Publicatioin parser
Updated regex for new output format without locators
- Fix for ShowLispEthernetPublicatioin parser
Updated regex for new output format without locators
- Modified ShowMacAddressTable Parser
parser for ‘show mac address-table interface {interface} vlan {vlan}’
- Added ShowEnvironmentAll
Made power_supply, state and system_temperature_state key optional in schema.
- Modified ShowDerivedConfigInterfaceSchema
Added fields vrf, ipv4_unnumbered_intf, ipv6_unnumbered_intf, autostate into the schema.
- Modified ShowDerivedConfigInterface
Added regexps for vrf, ipv4_unnumbered_intf, ipv6_unnumbered_intf, autostate.
- Fix for ShowNveInterfaceDetail parser
Split tunnel interfaces line in two fields if needed
- Fix for ShowNvePeers parser
Peer state regex does not include all possible state values
- Modified ShowDeviceTrackingDatabaseInterface Parser
Fixed made “network_layer_address” optional in schema
- Added ShowFileDescriptorsDetail
Added schema and parser for ShowFileDescriptorsDetail
- Added ShowPlatformSoftwareFedActiveAclBindDbDetail
Added schema and parser for show platform software fed active acl bind db detail
- Added ShowPlatformSoftwareFedActiveAclBindDbSummary
Added schema and parser for show platform software fed switch active acl bind db feature {feature_name} summary
- Modified ShowLicenseTechSupport
Modified the schema for the proxy port from str to Or(int, str)
- Modified ShowIpAccessLists parser.
Modified regx. p_ip pattern.
- added show logging onboard rp {rp_standby} status to support standby
- Modified ShowLoggingOnboardRpActiveEnvironmentContinuous
Added show logging onboard rp {rp_standby} environment continuous to support standby
modified showloggingonboardswitchmessagedetail
added show logging onboard rp {rp} message detail to support modular
- added showloggingonboardrpclilog
Added show logging onboard rp {rp} clilog to support modular
- iosxr
- Fix for ShowL2vpnBridgeDomainDetail parser
Added flow_label_flags key in schema
- Modified ShowL2VpnXconnectDetail
Modified folder name from ShowL2VpnXconnectDetail to ShowL2vpnXconnectDetail to match with class name in iosxr/
Added support for srv6 in cli ‘show l2vpn xconnect detail’ in ShowL2VpnXconnectDetail
Modified pattern <p14> to support ‘SRv6 Local Remote’
Modified pattern <p43> to support ‘Encap type Ethernet’
Added new pattern <p45> to support ‘Ignore MTU mismatch Enabled’
Added new pattern <p46> to support ‘Transmit MTU zero Enabled’
Added new pattern <p47> to support ‘Reachability Up’
Modified folder name from ShowL2VpnXconnectMp2mpDetail to ShowL2vpnXconnectMp2mpDetail to match with class name in iosxr/
Modified folder name from ShowL2VpnXconnect to ShowL2vpnXconnect to match with class name in iosxr/
- Modified ShowCefDetail
Modified regex <p1> to support pattern ‘ffff10.0.0.1/128, version 189, SRv6 Headend, IID (EVPN-MH), internal 0x1000001 0x0 (ptr 0x8afff4a8) [3], 0x0 (0x0), 0x0 (0x8c2c70a8)’
Readded regex <p8> as it is not supporting pattern ‘LDI Update time Oct 13 181819.691’ properly in <p9> regex
Modified regex <p10> to support pattern ‘via fc00c0001002/128, 8 dependencies, recursive, backup [flags 0x100]’
Modified regex <p11> to support pattern ‘path-idx 0 NHID 0x0 [0x8b001f38 0x0], Internal 0x89d70af0’
Modified regex <p18> to support pattern ‘0 Y Bundle-Ether313 fe8096aef0fffe726cda’
Added new regex <p21> to support pattern ‘next hop VRF - ‘default’, table - 0xe0800000’
Added new regex <p22> to support pattern ‘SRv6 H.Encaps.L2.Red SID-list {fc00c0001001e006}’
Modified schema according to the latest code and updated all unittest cases
- iosxe
- Modified Parser for ShowPppAll
Parser for show ppp all cli
- iosxe
- Modified ShowLispV4PublicatioinPrefix
Added support for parsing sgt value
- Modified ShowLispV6PublicatioinPrefix
Added support for parsing sgt value
- Modified ShowLispEidTableServiceDatabase
Added support for parsing ‘do not register’, both for total count and per-prefix info
- Modified ShowLispServiceDatabase
Added support for parsing ‘do not register’, both for total count and per-prefix info