May 2024¶
May 28 - Genie v24.5¶
Module |
Version |
24.5 |
24.5 |
24.5 |
24.5 |
24.5 |
24.5 |
24.5 |
24.5 |
24.5 |
24.5 |
24.5 |
Upgrade Instructions¶
pip install --upgrade ats[full] # For internal user
pip install --upgrade pyats[full] # For DevNet user
If you have pyATS installed, you can use:
pyats version update
- genie.abstract
- Fixed usage of get_caller_stack_pkgs
Call stack wasn’t looking at the correct frame all the time
Added unittests for
- iosxe
The clean stages ‘verify_running_image’ and ‘copy_to_device’ were using the ‘xe_version’ field
Also fixed the wrong default type when calling get on a dict in ‘verify_running_image’.
- clean/stages
- iosxe
update install remove inactive stage to check for the image before remvoving image and packages.
- clean
- Modified recovery_processor
Added condition to check if device has is_ha attribute
- clean/iosxe
- Connect
Added logic to iosxe connect stage to support HA recovery.
- iosxe/cat9k
Added new clean stage
- clean
- Modified
Added resources to NOT_A_STAGE variable.
- iosxe
- Added new API verify_dual_port_interface_media_type
Added new API to verify the media type of dual port interface.
- Added verify_yang_management_process API
command show platform software yang-management process
- Added verify_yang_management_process_state API
command show platform software yang-management process state
- Added clear_configuration_lock API
command clear configuration lock
- Added verify_is_syncing_done API
This is to validate the netconf way of sync status of a device!
to retrieve fan_speed of respective fan components under iosxe/cat9k/c9400- Added configure_cdp_run API
Added API for cdp run
- Added unconfigure_cdp_run API
Added API for no cdp run
- Added configure_diagnostic_monitor_module API
Added API for diagnostic monitor threshold module {mod_num} test {test_name} failure count {failure_count}
- Added unconfigure_diagnostic_monitor_module API
Added API for no diagnostic monitor threshold module {mod_num} test {test_name} failure count {failure_count}
- Added configure_diagnostic_schedule_module API
Added API for diagnostic schedule module {mod_num} test all
- Added unconfigure_diagnostic_schedule_module API
Added API for no diagnostic schedule module {mod_num} test all
- Added configure_diagnostic_monitor_interval_module API
Added API for diagnostic monitor interval module {mod_num} test {test_name} {time} {millisec} {days}
- Added unconfigure_diagnostic_monitor_interval_module API
Added API for no diagnostic monitor interval module {mod_num} test {test_name} {time} {millisec} {days}
- Added configure_hw_module_slot_upoe_plus API
Added API for hw-module slot {slot_num} upoe-plus
that retrieves name, type and id for platform components.Added
to retrieve cname, temp_instant, temp_avg, temp_min, temp_max, temp_interval, alarm_status, alarm_threshold and alarm_severity.- Added API configure_dual_port_interface_media_type
Added API to configure dual port media type on interface
to retrieve name and firmware_version for their respective platform components.Added configure_ecomode_optics
Added unconfigure_ecomode_optics
- Added new API configure_interface_range_shutdown
Added new API to configure interface range shutdown.
- Added new API configure_interface_range_no_shutdown
Added new API to configure interface range no shutdown.
- added unconfigure_hw_module_slot_upoe_plus api
Added API for no hw-module slot {slot_num} upoe-plus
- iosxe/rommon
to configure rommon variables on HA device.Renamed ipv6_address argument to use_ipv6 on
- iosxe
- Modify enable_ipv6_dhcp_server
Updated API to add dhcp server without pool name
- Modify configure_radius_interface
Updated API to Support IPv4 and IPv6
- Modify unconfigure_radius_interface
Updated API to Support IPv4 and IPv6
Fixed configure_smartpower_level
Fixed unconfigure_smartpower_level
Update show commands to use numeric
- nxos
Add use_kstack=True as default for NXOS copy APIs
- cheetah
- Added retries field
Added retries field to execute_archive_download to retry image downloads if fails first time
- nxos
- Modified ShowIpArpstatisticsVrfAll
Added <rewritepkt>, <droppedrewritepkt> and <del_dynamic_on_static_add> optional keys to schema.
Updated regex pattern <p2, <p3> and <p50> to accommodate various outputs.
Update p5 and p6 regex to capture only system version
- iosxe
- Modified ShowPolicyMapTypeSuperParser Parser
Fix p1 regex to match interface
- Modified ShowPlatformHardwareFedQosSchedulerSdkInterface parser
Fix p3_1 regex and made cstse_scheduler oid optinal
- Modified ShowTimeRange parser
used_in as optional schema variable
- Modified ShowPlatformSoftwareFedQosInterfaceIngressNpdDetailed super parser
Fix p5 regex and added 2 optional variables
- Modified ShowIpRouteDistributor parser
Added timeout variable to parse bigger output
- Modified ShowFlowMonitor parser
Updated name=”” in function
- Added support for rommonboot variable
Modified <p6> regex to support rommonboot variable
- Modified ShowIsisDatabaseVerboseParser
Parser not taking into consideration if LSPID line is split. Also added recent changes from external parser in polaris.
- Modified fix for ShowMkaPolicy
Made send_secure_announcements key as optional and expanded names of Te,Fo and Gi to accomodate various outputs
- Modified ShowIsisHostname parser
Modified <p2> regex to match
- Modified ShowMacsecSummary
Changed <transmit_sc>, <receive_sc> from schema to Optional.
Updated schema to accommodate various outputs.
Added regex pattern <p2> and <p3> to accommodate various outputs.
- Modified ShowIpOspf
Added additional unit tests
- Modified ShowIpOspfDatabase
Added additional unit tests
- Modified ShowIpOspfDatabaseRouter
Added additional unit tests
- Modified ShowIpOspfInterfaceBrief
Added additional unit tests
- Modified ShowSdwanServiceChainStatsDetail
Added <track_obj>, <tx_tracker>, <rx_tracker>, <sent>, <dropped> and <rtt> optional keys in schema.
Added regex pattern <p5>, <p6>, <p7>, <p8>, <p9>, <p10>, <p11>, <p12> and <p13> to accommodate various outputs.
- Modified ShowSdmPrefer Parser
Added optional parameters to schema and converted some of the keys to optional
Added new keys to schema
Fixed regex p14-p23 to parse (**) values
Added new regex p42-p49
- Modified fix for ShowCdpNeighbors
Modified regex to accomodate various outputs
- Modified ShowIsisDatabaseVerbose Parser
Converted flex algorithm parsing from a set of integers to a list of integers to enable JSON serialization capabilities
- iosxr
- Modified fix for ShowL2vpnXconnectDetail
Modified parser to accomodate various outputs
- Modified ShowIsisStatistics
Changed average_process_time_nsec key from schema to Optional.
Updated regex pattern r10, r11, r12, r13, r14, r15 to accommodate various outputs.
- iosxe
- Added ShowPlatformHardwareChassisPowerSupplyDetailSwitchAll
show platform hardware chassis power-supply detail switch {mode} all
show platform hardware chassis power-supply detail all
- Added ShowControllersEthernetControllersPhyDetail
Added schema and parser for ‘show controllers ethernet-controller {interface} phy detail’
- Added TracerouteIpAddress
Added parser for ‘traceroute {ip_address}’
- Added ShowPlatformHardwareFedSwitchQosQueueStatsInterface
parser for ‘show platform hardware fed active qos queue stats interface {interface}’
- Added ShowPlatformHardwareFedSwitchQosQueueStatsInterfaceClear
parser for ‘show platform hardware fed active qos queue stats interface {interface} clear’
- Added ShowIpMfibStatus
Added ‘show ip mfib status’ command and schema for the command.
- Added ShowIpv6MfibStatus
Added ‘show ipv6 mfib status’ command and schema for the command.
- nxos
- Added ShowMacSecMkaStatsIntf
parser for ‘show macsec mka statistics interface {interface}’
- Added ShowMacSecPolicy
parser for ‘show macsec policy’
- Added ShowMacSecSecyStatistics
parser for ‘show macsec secy statistics ‘